Waste to Value Market Research Reports
21 Sep 2021  |  North America  |  Market Research
Global Digital Transformation in the Waste Recycling and Circular Economy Growth Opportunities
Rising Adoption of Integrated Digital Solutions for Effective Waste Management Supports Smart City Initiatives and Circular Economy
The global waste management industry is transitioning toward greater digital technology adoption with the growing availability and deployment of smart solutions such as smart bins and fleet management, cloud computing, customer interfaces, waste tracking systems, and AI robotic sorting. These solutions will significantly improve waste collection, t...
$4,950.00 -
17 Sep 2021  |  North America  |  Market Research
US Circular Economy for Lubricants Growth Opportunities
Demand for Sustainable and High-quality Base Oils Drives Future Growth Potential
The United States accounts for more than 20% of all lubricants consumed globally. It has one of the highest per capita consumption rates of 7.6 gallons per year. Key factors such as high automobile use or ownership and a huge variety of industries contribute to the demand for lubricants. In 2020, total demand for lubricants in the United States rea...