Video Conferencing Endpoints and Infrastructure Market in India CY 2011

Video Conferencing Endpoints and Infrastructure Market in India CY 2011

Infusion of Mobile and Cloud Collaboration Technologies Offers Opportunities for Market Penetration

South Asia, Middle East & North Africa
Deliverable Type
Market Research
Research Code: P691-01-00-00-00
SKU: TE00439-SA-MR_02098
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Video Conferencing Endpoints and Infrastructure Market in India CY 2011
Published on: 08-Jan-2013 | SKU: TE00439-SA-MR_02098

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The video conferencing market in India is showing signs of high growth due to the adoption of technologically advanced systems by large enterprises. This study covers the state of the video conferencing market in India, examining the ecosystem, growth drivers and restraints, and identifying the market, verticals, and subsegment trends. The study also covers market revenue potential, and the competitor and channel landscapes along with the profiles of key channels in this market. The base year for the research is 2011 and the forecasts run through to 2018.

Executive Summary

Executive Summary—Market Engineering Measurements

Executive Summary—Market Engineering Measurements (continued)

Executive Summary—CEO’s Perspective

Market Overview—Definitions

Market Overview—Definitions (continued)

Market Overview—Definitions (continued)

Market Overview—Value Chain

Market Overview—Key Questions This Study Will Answer

Market Overview—Segmentation

Market Overview—Highlights

Market Overview—Segmentation (continued)

Market Overview—Key Market Trends

Market Overview—Key Market Trends (continued)

Drivers and Restraints

Drivers Explained

Drivers Explained (continued)

Drivers Explained (continued)

Drivers Explained (continued)

Restraints Explained

Restraints Explained (continued)

Restraints Explained (continued)

Market Engineering Measurements

Total Video Conferencing Endpoints and Infrastructure Market—Revenue Forecast

Revenue Forecast Discussion

Channel Partner Ecosystem

Channel Partner Profiling

Channel Partner Profiling (continued)

Channel Partner Profiling (continued)

Channel Partner Profiling (continued)

Channel Partner Profiling (continued)

Channel Partner Profiling (continued)

Demand Analysis by Vertical

Demand Analysis by Vertical (continued)

Demand Analysis by Vertical (continued)

Demand Analysis by Horizontal

Demand Analysis by Horizontal (Continued)

Total Video Conferencing Endpoints and Infrastructure Market—Market Share and Revenue Growth Analysis

Total Video Conferencing Endpoints and Infrastructure Market—Competitive Highlights

Total Video Conferencing Endpoints and Infrastructure Market—Competitive Highlights (continued)

Total Video Conferencing Endpoints and Infrastructure Market—Competitive Highlights (continued)

Total Video Conferencing Endpoints and Infrastructure Market—Competitive Highlights (continued)

Total Video Conferencing Endpoints and Infrastructure Market—Competitive Highlights (continued)

Total Video Conferencing Endpoints and Infrastructure Market—Competitive Highlights (continued)

Competitive Environment

Megatrend Impact on Unified Communications Industry

Video Conferencing Endpoints Segment Overview

Video Conferencing Endpoints Segment—Market Engineering Measurements

Video Conferencing Endpoints Segment—Revenue Forecast

Video Conferencing Endpoints Segment—Revenue Forecast Discussion

Video Conferencing Endpoints Segment—Market Share

Video Conferencing Endpoints Segment—Competitive Highlights

Video Conferencing Endpoints Segment—Competitive Environment

Video Conferencing Infrastructure Segment Overview

Video Conferencing Infrastructure Segment—Market Engineering Measurements

Video Conferencing Infrastructure Segment—Revenue Forecast

Video Conferencing Infrastructure Segment—Revenue Forecast Discussion

Video Conferencing Infrastructure Segment—Market Share

Video Conferencing Infrastructure Segment—Competitive Highlights

Video Conferencing Infrastructure Segment—Competitive Environment

The Last Word—Three Big Predictions

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Metcalfe’s Law

Market Engineering Methodology

Table of Acronyms Used

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The video conferencing market in India is showing signs of high growth due to the adoption of technologically advanced systems by large enterprises. This study covers the state of the video conferencing market in India, examining the ecosystem, growth drivers and restraints, and identifying the market, verticals, and subsegment trends. The study also covers market revenue potential, and the competitor and channel landscapes along with the profiles of key channels in this market. The base year for the research is 2011 and the forecasts run through to 2018.
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Deliverable Type Market Research
No Index Yes
Podcast No
Industries Telecom
WIP Number P691-01-00-00-00
Is Prebook No