Analysis of the Strong Authentication and One-Time Password (OTP) Market

Information TechnologyAnalysis of the Strong Authentication and One-Time Password (OTP) Market

Market Blossoms from Cyber-Driven Demand

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Market Research
Research Code: ND12-01-00-00-00
SKU: IT00707-NA-MR_01945
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Analysis of the Strong Authentication and One-Time Password (OTP) Market
Published on: 16-Jan-2014 | SKU: IT00707-NA-MR_01945

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Authentication establishes a bond of trust between an organization and the user who is requesting system access. Strong authentication refers to methods of authenticating users with a level of validation that is beyond that of simple username and password. The methods of strong authentication addressed in this report include Hardware One-Time Passwords (OTP), Software OTP, USB Key, and Biometrics. This report provides an analysis of the market for strong authentication including:
Four years of historical market sizing and five years of market forecast
Market shares for the market participants
Market description and market trends
Drivers and restraints
Individual company profiles of the market participants

Executive Summary

Executive Summary—Market Engineering Measurements

Executive Summary—CEO’s Perspective

Introduction to the Research

Market Overview—Key Questions This Study Will Answer

Market Overview—Authentication

Types of Strong Authentication Approaches

Market Overview—Authentication

Market Overview—Authentication (continued)

Market Overview—Why is there a Need for Stronger Authentication?

Market Overview—Why is there a Need for Stronger Authentication? (continued)

Market Overview—Why is there a Need for Stronger Authentication? (continued)

Market Overview—Examples of the Ineffectiveness of Passwords Alone

Market Overview—Authentication Factors

Market Overview—Authentication Factors (continued)

Market Overview—Authentication Factors (continued)

Market Overview—Authentication Factors (continued)

Types of Strong Authentication Approaches

Types of Strong Authentication Approaches (continued)

Types of Strong Authentication Approaches (continued)

Types of Strong Authentication Approaches (continued)

Types of Strong Authentication Approaches—Key Biometric Technologies

Types of Strong Authentication Approaches—Key Biometric Technologies (continued)

Market Overview—Distribution Channels

Market Overview—Distribution Channel Discussion

Drivers and Restraints

Drivers Explained

Drivers Explained (continued)

Drivers Explained (continued)

Drivers Explained (continued)

Drivers Explained (continued)

Drivers Explained (continued)

Drivers Explained (continued)

Restraints Explained

Restraints Explained (continued)

Restraints Explained (continued)

Restraints Explained (continued)

Forecast Assumptions

Forecast Assumptions (continued)

Total Strong Authentication Market—Revenue Forecast

Total Strong Authentication Market—Revenue Forecast by Product

Revenue Forecast Discussion

Revenue Forecast Discussion (continued)

Revenue Forecast Discussion (continued)

Strong Authentication Market—Pricing

Total Strong Authentication Market—Revenue Forecast by Vertical Market

Vertical Market Discussion

Vertical Market Discussion (continued)

Competitive Analysis—Market Share

Competitive Analysis—Market Share (continued)

Competitive Analysis—Market Share (continued)

Competitive Environment

Competitive Factors

Competitive Factors (continued)

Competitive Factors (continued)

Competitive Factors (continued)

Competitive Factors (continued)


Free Speech Biometrics

Innovative Password Approaches—Tokenless OTP

Innovative Password Approaches—Tokenless OTP(continued)

Face Biometrics

Device Fingerprinting

Embedding Security in Mobile Processors

Embedding Security in Mobile Processors (continued)

Authentication as a Suite of Factors

Cloud-Based Authentication

Cloud-Based Authentication (continued)

Cloud-Based Authentication (continued)

Comparison of for Stronger Authentication Innovations

The Last Word—Predictions

The Last Word—Recommendations to Businesses

The Last Word—Recommendations to Businesses (continued)

The Last Word—Recommendations to Businesses (continued)

The Last Word—Recommendations to Businesses (continued)

The Last Word—Recommendations to Businesses (continued)

The Last Word—Recommendations to Authentication Vendors

Legal Disclaimer

Company Profile Overview

Company Profile—Agnitio

Company Profile—Entrust

Company Profile—Gemalto

Company Profile—Giesecke & Devrient

Company Profile—HID Global Identity Assurance (formerly ActivIdentity)

Company Profile—Hitachi

Company Profile—IBM ZTIC

Company Profile—ID Control

Company Profile—KOBIL Systems

Company Profile—NEC

Company Profile—Nuance Communications

Company Profile—PhoneFactor

Company Profile—RSA, The Security Division of EMC

Company Profile—SafeNet

Company Profile—SecureAuth

Company Profile—SyferLock

Company Profile—Symantec

Company Profile—VASCO

Company Profile—Yubico

Market Engineering Methodology

Market Engineering Measurements

Additional Sources of Information on Network Security

Partial List of Companies Interviewed

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Authentication establishes a bond of trust between an organization and the user who is requesting system access. Strong authentication refers to methods of authenticating users with a level of validation that is beyond that of simple username and password. The methods of strong authentication addressed in this report include Hardware One-Time Passwords (OTP), Software OTP, USB Key, and Biometrics. This report provides an analysis of the market for strong authentication including: Four years of historical market sizing and five years of market forecast Market shares for the market participants Market description and market trends Drivers and restraints Individual company profiles of the market participants
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Deliverable Type Market Research
No Index No
Podcast No
Author Frank Dickson
Industries Information Technology
WIP Number ND12-01-00-00-00
Is Prebook No