Global Computed Tomography Market, Forecast to 2021

HealthcareGlobal Computed Tomography Market, Forecast to 2021

With Minimal Technological Differentiation, Stake Holders Focus on Value Based Products and Operational Expenditure Models

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Market Research
Research Code: MD3D-01-00-00-00
SKU: HC02917-NA-MR_21061
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Global Computed Tomography Market, Forecast to 2021
Published on: 06-Nov-2017 | SKU: HC02917-NA-MR_21061

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The study aims to analyze and forecast the Computed Tomography market in North America (the United States and Canada), Europe and Asia-Pacific countries for 2016.

Research Scope:
Market trends (Utilization of conventional and emerging clinical applications, growth indicators, factors influencing ROI, critical unmet needs and potential game changing strategy, growth opportunities for computed tomography, emerging clinical application trends, technology trends driving CT growth, future prospects, product Profile, Competitive Structure; Market Metrics; Market Share; Revenues; Strategy)

Regional Trends:
North America (United States and Canada)
Europe: Western Europe (Germany, United Kingdom, Italy, France, Spain, Benelux, Scandinavia); Eastern Europe (Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania); Asia-Pacific (Australia, China, India, Japan, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia)

Analysis by low end CT scanner (less than 16 slice), mid-low CT scanner (16-40 slice), mid-high CT scanner-64 slice and high end CT scanner(128, 256, and above, dual source and spectral imaging) and by the three regions.

Market Measurements are analyzed for the year 2014-2016 and forecast up to 2021 – Revenue and Year-on-Year growth rate by regions and segments. Pricing range and growth trend by sub-segment for the base year is discussed. An extensive list of manufacturers in CT space to watch out for in 2016 is provided.

Computed Tomography (CT) has become ubiquitous in most secondary and tertiary care hospitals and diagnostic imaging centers as a standard diagnostic and screening tool for various body applications. Despite a matured segment, technological innovation in the recent years has resulted in system upgrading that has introduced various clinical applications focusing on pediatric, advanced cardiac applications, colon and lung cancer screening . With the advent of private hospitals and favorable reimbursements health insurance, there is more demand for patient safety and quality of technologies, reduced hospitalization and reduction in overall healthcare costs. Despite maturity, CT presents scope for replacement, especially in globally as most countries have 20% of the equipment aged over 10 years.

Globally, countries are giving emphasis to safety and outcomes caused by X-ray systems, reduced radiation, seamless workflow, and automation. Business models focusing on managed services, pay per use and sharing services are changing the landscape of the CT procurement due to higher equipment cost. These factors determine the growth of the CT market.

Strategies, growth analysis, competitive landscape, and future focus are discussed for vendor’s (GE Healthcare, Philips Healthcare, Siemens Healthcare, Hitachi Medical, Samsung Neurologica and Neusoft Medical Systems). The base year for the study is 2016, with historic years 2014 and 2015 and 2017 to 2021 as forecast period.


Market Segmentation

Research Study Scope

Key Findings—Executive Summary

Key Findings—Computed Tomography Market Highlights

Key Factors Influencing ROI of Computed Tomography

Key Findings—North America

Key Findings—Europe

Key Findings—Asia-Pacific

Market Engineering Measurements—Total Computed Tomography Market

Market Engineering Measurements—Low-end CT Scanner Segment

Market Engineering Measurements—Mid-low CT Scanner Segment

Market Engineering Measurements—Mid-high CT Scanner Segment

Market Engineering Measurements—High-end CT Scanner Segment

Market Engineering Measurements—North America

Market Engineering Measurements—Europe

Market Engineering Measurements—Asia-Pacific

CEO’s Perspective

Key Companies to Watch

Game-changing Strategies

3 Big Predictions

Market Segmentation

Market Overview—Definitions

Global Computed Tomography Market Overview

Segment Breakdown—Revenue Forecast

Total Computed Tomography Market—Distribution Structure

Market Drivers

Market Restraints

CT Clinical Application Trends

CT Technology Advancements

Fractional Flow Reserve FFR-CT

Other Advancements in Cardiac CT Angiography

Advances in Dual Energy or Spectral CT Imaging

Upcoming CT Technology—Photon Counting

Market Engineering Measurements

Revenue Forecast by Segment

Unit Shipment Forecast by Segment

Unit Price Forecast by Segment

Recent Product Introduction and Key Participants

Key Industry Participants and Main Product Lines

Growth Opportunity—Computed Tomography Systems

Growth Opportunity—Computed Tomography Vision and Strategy

Strategic Imperatives for Computed Tomography

Low-end CT Scanner Segment Characteristics

Market Engineering Measurements

Revenue Forecast

Percent Revenue Forecast by Region

Revenue Forecast by Region

North American Computed Tomography Market—Overview

Current Clinical Application Scenario

Market Engineering Measurements

Revenue Forecast by Segment

Unit Shipment Forecast by Segment

Penetration of CT

Market Share

Competitive Environment

European Computed Tomography Market—Overview

Current Clinical Application Scenario

United Kingdom Market Analysis

Germany Market Analysis

France Market Analysis

Italy Market Analysis

Spain Market Analysis

Scandinavia Market Analysis

Benelux Market Analysis

Eastern Europe Market Analysis

Market Engineering Measurements

Revenue Forecast by Segment

Unit Shipment Forecast by Segment

Revenue Forecast by Low-end CT Scanner

Revenue Forecast by Mid-low CT Scanner

Revenue Forecast by Mid-high CT Scanner

Revenue Forecast by High-end CT Scanner

Penetration of Emerging Clinical Applications

Market Share

Competitive Environment

Asia-Pacific Computed Tomography Market—Market Overview

Current Clinical Application Scenario

Australia Market Analysis

China Market Analysis

Japan Market Analysis

India Market Analysis

TIM Market Analysis

Market Engineering Measurements

Revenue Forecast by Segment

Unit Shipment Forecast by Segment

Revenue Forecast by Low-end CT Scanner

Revenue Forecast by Mid-low CT Scanner

Revenue Forecast by Mid-high CT Scanner

Revenue Forecast by High-end CT Scanner

Penetration of Emerging Clinical Applications

Market Share

Competitive Environment

The Last Word—3 Big Predictions

Legal Disclaimer

List of Acronyms Used

Market Engineering Methodology

Learn More—Next Steps

List of Figures
  • 1. Total Computed Tomography Market: Top 3 Emerging Clinical Application Attraction in CT Modality, Global, 2016 and 2021
  • 2. Total Computed Tomography Market: Game-changing Strategies, Global, 2016–2021
  • 3. Total Computed Tomography Market: Key Market Drivers, Global, 2017–2021
  • 4. Total Computed Tomography Market: Key Market Restraints, Global, 2017–2021
  • 5. Total CT Market: Impact of the Clinical Application Trends—Cardiac CT-based FFR, Global, 2017–2021
  • 6. Total CT Market: Impact of the Clinical Application Trends—Paediatric Imaging, Global, 2017–2021
  • 7. Total CT Market: Impact of the Clinical Application Trends—Colon Cancer Screening, Global, 2017–2021
  • 8. Computed Tomography Market: FFR-CT Market participants, Global, 2016
  • 9. Total Computed Tomography Market: Spectral Imaging Market Participants, Global, 2016
  • 10. Total Computed Tomography Market: Market Engineering Measurements, Global, 2016
  • 11. Computed Tomography Market: Recent Products by Key Participants, Global, 2016
  • 12. Low-end CT Scanner Segment: Market Engineering Measurements, Global, 2016
  • 13. Mid-low CT Scanner Segment: Market Engineering Measurements, Global, 2016
  • 14. Mid-high CT Scanner Segment: Market Engineering Measurements, Global, 2016
  • 15. High-end CT Scanner Segment: Market Engineering Measurements, Global, 2016
  • 16. Computed Tomography Market: Estimated CT Procedures and Revenue by Clinical Applications, NA, 2016
  • 17. Computed Tomography Market: Market Engineering Measurements, North America, 2016
  • 18. Computed Tomography Market: Competitive Structure, NA, 2016
  • 19. Computed Tomography Market: Estimated CT Procedures and Revenue by Clinical Applications, Europe, 2016
  • 20. Computed Tomography Market: Market Engineering Measurements, Europe, 2016
  • 21. Total Computed Tomography Market: Competitive Structure, Europe, 2016
  • 22. Computed Tomography Market: Estimated Procedural Examinations, Asia-Pacific, 2016
  • 23. Computed Tomography Market: Market Engineering Measurements, Asia-Pacific, 2016
  • 24. Total Computed Tomography Market: Competitive Structure, Asia-Pacific, 2016
List of Charts
  • 1. Total Computed Tomography Market: Market Segmentation, Global, 2016
  • 2. Total Computed Tomography Market: Market Snapshot, Global, 2016–2021
  • 3. Total Computed Tomography Market: Market Snapshot, Global, 2016
  • 4. Total Computed Tomography Market: Utilization of Conventional CT Applications Versus Emerging CT Applications, Global, 2016
  • 5. Total Computed Tomography Market: Market Snapshot, North America, 2016–2021
  • 6. Total Computed Tomography Market: Market Snapshot, Europe, 2016–2021
  • 7. Total Computed Tomography Market: Market Snapshot, Asia-Pacific, 2016–2021
  • 8. Total Computed Tomography Market: Market Engineering Measurements, Global, 2016
  • 9. Low-end CT Scanner Segment: Market Engineering Measurements, Global, 2016
  • 10. Mid-low CT Scanner Segment: Market Engineering Measurements, Global, 2016
  • 11. Mid-high CT Scanner Segment: Market Engineering Measurements, Global, 2016
  • 12. High-end CT Scanner Segment: Market Engineering Measurements, Global, 2016
  • 13. Computed Tomography Market: Market Engineering Measurements, North America, 2016
  • 14. Computed Tomography Market: Market Engineering Measurements, Europe, 2016
  • 15. Computed Tomography Market: Market Engineering Measurements, Asia-Pacific, 2016
  • 16. Total Computed Tomography Market: Market Segmentation, Global, 2016
  • 17. Total Computed Tomography Market: Current and Future Market Size, Global, 2016–2021
  • 18. Total CT Market: Market Size by Unit Shipment and Revenue, Global, 2016
  • 19. Total Computed Tomography Market: Percent Revenue by Segment, Global, 2016
  • 20. Total Computed Tomography Market: Percent Revenue Forecast by Segment, Global, 2021
  • 21. Total Computed Tomography Market: Distribution Structure, Global, 2016
  • 22. Computed Tomography Market: Revenue Forecast by Segment, Global, 2014–2021
  • 23. Computed Tomography Market: Unit Shipment Forecast by Segment, Global, 2014–2021
  • 24. Computed Tomography Market: Unit Price Forecast by Segment, Global, 2014–2021
  • 25. Low-end CT Scanner Segment: Percent Revenue Breakdown, Global, 2016
  • 26. Low-end CT Scanner Segment: Revenue Forecast, Global, 2014–2021
  • 27. Low-end CT Scanner Segment: Percent Revenue Forecast by Region, Global, 2014?2021
  • 28. Low-end CT Scanner Segment: Percent Revenue Breakdown by Region, Global, 2016
  • 29. Low-end CT Scanner Segment: Revenue Forecast by Region, Global, 2014–2021
  • 30. Mid-low CT Scanner Segment: Percent Revenue Breakdown, Global, 2016
  • 31. Mid-low CT Scanner Segment: Revenue Forecast, Global, 2014–2021
  • 32. Mid-low CT Scanner Segment: Percent Revenue Forecast by Region, Global, 2014?2021
  • 33. Mid-low CT Scanner Segment: Percent Revenue Breakdown by Region, Global, 2016
  • 34. Mid-low CT Scanner Segment: Revenue Forecast by Region, Global, 2014–2021
  • 35. Mid-high CT Scanner Segment: Percent Revenue Breakdown, Global, 2016
  • 36. Mid-high CT Scanner Segment: Revenue Forecast, Global, 2014–2021
  • 37. Mid-high CT Scanner Segment: Percent Revenue Forecast by Region, Global, 2014?2021
  • 38. Mid-high CT Scanner Segment: Percent Revenue Breakdown by Region, Global, 2016
  • 39. Mid-high CT Scanner Segment: Revenue Forecast by Region, Global, 2014–2021
  • 40. High-end CT Scanner Segment: Percent Revenue Breakdown, Global, 2016
  • 41. High-end CT Scanner Segment: Revenue Forecast, Global, 2014–2021
  • 42. High-end CT Scanner Segment: Percent Revenue Forecast by Region, Global, 2014?2021
  • 43. High-end CT Scanner Segment: Percent Revenue Breakdown by Region, Global, 2016
  • 44. High-end CT Scanner Segment: Revenue Forecast by Region, Global, 2014–2021
  • 45. Computed Tomography Market: Percent Revenue and Unit Shipments by Segment, NA, 2016
  • 46. Computed Tomography Market: Percent of Procedure Mix, NA, 2016
  • 47. Computed Tomography Market: Revenue Forecast by Segment, North America, 2014–2021
  • 48. Computed Tomography Market: Unit Shipment Forecast by Segment, North America, 2014–2021
  • 49. Computed Tomography Market: Penetration Impact in Emerging Clinical Applications, North America, 2017–2021
  • 50. Computed Tomography Market: Percent of Revenue, NA, 2016
  • 51. Computed Tomography Market: Percent Revenue and Unit Shipments by Segment, Europe, 2016
  • 52. Computed Tomography Market: Percent of Procedure Mix, Europe, 2016
  • 53. Computed Tomography Market: Revenue Forecast by Segment, Europe, 2014–2021
  • 54. Computed Tomography Market: Unit Shipment Forecast by Segment, Europe, 2014–2021
  • 55. Low-end CT Scanner Segment: Revenue Forecast by Country, Europe, 2014–2021
  • 56. Mid-low CT Scanner Segment: Revenue Forecast by Country, Europe, 2014–2021
  • 57. Mid-high CT Scanner Segment: Revenue Forecast by Country, Europe, 2014–2021
  • 58. High-end CT Scanner Segment: Revenue Forecast by Country, Europe, 2014–2021
  • 59. Computed Tomography Market: Penetration Impact in Emerging Clinical Applications, Europe, 2017–2021
  • 60. Computed Tomography Market: Percent of Revenue, Europe, 2016
  • 61. Computed Tomography Market: Percent Revenue and Unit Shipments by Segment, Asia-Pacific, 2016
  • 62. Computed Tomography Market: Percent of Procedural Examinations, Asia-Pacific, 2016
  • 63. Computed Tomography Market: Revenue Forecast by Segment, Asia-Pacific, 2014–2021
  • 64. Computed Tomography Market: Unit Shipment Forecast by Segment, Asia-Pacific, 2014–2021
  • 65. Low-end CT Scanner Segment: Revenue Forecast by Country, Asia-Pacific, 2014–2021
  • 66. Mid-low CT Scanner Segment: Revenue Forecast by Country, Asia-Pacific, 2014–2021
  • 67. Mid-high CT Scanner Segment: Revenue Forecast by Country, Asia-Pacific, 2014–2021
  • 68. High-end CT Scanner Segment: Revenue Forecast by Country, Asia-Pacific, 2014–2021
  • 69. Computed Tomography Market: Penetration Impact in Emerging Clinical Applications, Asia-Pacific, 2017–2021
  • 70. Computed Tomography Market: Percent of Revenue, Asia-Pacific, 2016
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The study aims to analyze and forecast the Computed Tomography market in North America (the United States and Canada), Europe and Asia-Pacific countries for 2016. Research Scope: Market trends (Utilization of conventional and emerging clinical applications, growth indicators, factors influencing ROI, critical unmet needs and potential game changing strategy, growth opportunities for computed tomography, emerging clinical application trends, technology trends driving CT growth, future prospects, product Profile, Competitive Structure; Market Metrics; Market Share; Revenues; Strategy) Regional Trends: North America (United States and Canada) Europe: Western Europe (Germany, United Kingdom, Italy, France, Spain, Benelux, Scandinavia); Eastern Europe (Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania); Asia-Pacific (Australia, China, India, Japan, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia) Analysis by low end CT scanner (less than 16 slice), mid-low CT scanner (16-40 slice), mid-high CT scanner-64 slice and high end CT scanner(128, 256, and above, dual source and spectral imaging) and by the three regions. Market Measurements are analyzed for the year 2014-2016 and forecast up to 2021 – Revenue and Year-on-Year growth rate by regions and segments. Pricing range and growth trend by sub-segment for the base year is discussed. An extensive list of manufacturers in CT space to watch out for in 2016 is provided. Computed Tomography (CT) has become ubiquitous in most secondary and tertiary care hospitals and diagnostic imaging centers as a standard diagnostic and screening tool for various body applications. Despite a matured segment, technological innovation in the recent years has resulted in system upgrading that has introduced various clinical applications focusing on pediatric, advanced cardiac applications, colon and lung cancer screening . With the advent of private hospitals and favorable reimbursements health insurance, there is more demand for patient safety and quali
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Table of Contents || Methodology~ | Executive Summary~ || Market Segmentation~ || Research Study Scope~ || Key Findings—Executive Summary~ || Key Findings—Computed Tomography Market Highlights~ || Key Factors Influencing ROI of Computed Tomography~ || Key Findings—North America~ || Key Findings—Europe~ || Key Findings—Asia-Pacific~ || Market Engineering Measurements—Total Computed Tomography Market~ || Market Engineering Measurements—Low-end CT Scanner Segment~ || Market Engineering Measurements—Mid-low CT Scanner Segment~ || Market Engineering Measurements—Mid-high CT Scanner Segment~ || Market Engineering Measurements—High-end CT Scanner Segment~ || Market Engineering Measurements—North America~ || Market Engineering Measurements—Europe~ || Market Engineering Measurements—Asia-Pacific~ || CEO’s Perspective~ || Key Companies to Watch~ || Game-changing Strategies~ || 3 Big Predictions ~ | Market Overview~ || Market Segmentation~ || Market Overview—Definitions~ || Global Computed Tomography Market Overview~ || Segment Breakdown—Revenue Forecast~ || Total Computed Tomography Market—Distribution Structure~ | Drivers and Restraints—Total Computed Tomography Market~ || Market Drivers~ || Market Restraints~ | Clinical Application Trends—Total Computed Tomography Market~ || CT Clinical Application Trends~ | Technology Trends—Total Computed Tomography Market~ || CT Technology Advancements~ || Fractional Flow Reserve FFR-CT~ || Other Advancements in Cardiac CT Angiography~ || Advances in Dual Energy or Spectral CT Imaging~ || Upcoming CT Technology—Photon Counting~ | Forecasts and Trends—Total Computed Tomography Market~ || Market Engineering Measurements~ || Revenue Forecast by Segment~ || Unit Shipment Forecast by Segment~ || Unit Price Forecast by Segment~ || Recent Product Introduction and Key Participants~ || Key Industry Participants and Main Product Lines~ | Growth Opportunities and Companies to Action~ || Growth Opportunity—Computed Tomography Systems~ || Growth Opportunity—Computed Tomography Vision and Strategy~ || Strategic Imperatives for Computed Tomography ~ | Low-end CT Scanner (Less than 16 Slice) Segment Analysis~ || Low-end CT Scanner Segment Characteristics~ || Market Engineering Measurements~ || Revenue Forecast~ || Percent Revenue Forecast by Region~ || Revenue Forecast by Region~ | Mid-low CT Scanner (16-40 Slice) Segment Analysis~ | Mid-high CT Scanner (64 Slice) Segment Analysis~ | High-end CT Scanner Segment Analysis~ | North America Analysis~ || North American Computed Tomography Market—Overview~ || Current Clinical Application Scenario~ || Market Engineering Measurements~ || Revenue Forecast by Segment~ || Unit Shipment Forecast by Segment~ || Penetration of CT~ || Market Share~ || Competitive Environment~ | Europe Analysis~ || European Computed Tomography Market—Overview~ || Current Clinical Application Scenario~ || United Kingdom Market Analysis~ || Germany Market Analysis~ || France Market Analysis~ || Italy Market Analysis~ || Spain Market Analysis~ || Scandinavia Market Analysis~ || Benelux Market Analysis~ || Eastern Europe Market Analysis~ || Market Engineering Measurements~ || Revenue Forecast by Segment~ || Unit Shipment Forecast by Segment~ || Revenue Forecast by Low-end CT Scanner~ || Revenue Forecast by Mid-low CT Scanner~ || Revenue Forecast by Mid-high CT Scanner~ || Revenue Forecast by High-end CT Scanner~ || Penetration of Emerging Clinical Applications~ || Market Share~ || Competitive Environment~ | Asia-Pacific Analysis~ || Asia-Pacific Computed Tomography Market—Market Overview~ || Current Clinical Application Scenario~ || Australia Market Analysis~ || China Market Analysis~ || Japan Market Analysis~ || India Market Analysis~ || TIM Market Analysis~ || Market Engineering Measurements~ || Revenue Forecast by Segment~ || Unit Shipment Forecast by Segment~ || Revenue Forecast by Low-end CT Scanner~ || Revenue Forecast by Mid-low CT Scanner~ || Revenue Forecast by Mid-high CT Scanner~ || Revenue Forecast by High-end CT Scanner~ || Penetration of Emerging Clinical Applications~ || Market Share~ || Competitive Environment~ | The Last Word~ || The Last Word—3 Big Predictions~ || Legal Disclaimer~ | Appendix~ || List of Acronyms Used~ || Market Engineering Methodology~ || Learn More—Next Steps~
List of Charts and Figures 1. Total Computed Tomography Market: Top 3 Emerging Clinical Application Attraction in CT Modality, Global, 2016 and 2021~ 2. Total Computed Tomography Market: Game-changing Strategies, Global, 2016–2021~ 3. Total Computed Tomography Market: Key Market Drivers, Global, 2017–2021~ 4. Total Computed Tomography Market: Key Market Restraints, Global, 2017–2021~ 5. Total CT Market: Impact of the Clinical Application Trends—Cardiac CT-based FFR, Global, 2017–2021~ 6. Total CT Market: Impact of the Clinical Application Trends—Paediatric Imaging, Global, 2017–2021~ 7. Total CT Market: Impact of the Clinical Application Trends—Colon Cancer Screening, Global, 2017–2021~ 8. Computed Tomography Market: FFR-CT Market participants, Global, 2016~ 9. Total Computed Tomography Market: Spectral Imaging Market Participants, Global, 2016~ 10. Total Computed Tomography Market: Market Engineering Measurements, Global, 2016~ 11. Computed Tomography Market: Recent Products by Key Participants, Global, 2016~ 12. Low-end CT Scanner Segment: Market Engineering Measurements, Global, 2016~ 13. Mid-low CT Scanner Segment: Market Engineering Measurements, Global, 2016~ 14. Mid-high CT Scanner Segment: Market Engineering Measurements, Global, 2016~ 15. High-end CT Scanner Segment: Market Engineering Measurements, Global, 2016~ 16. Computed Tomography Market: Estimated CT Procedures and Revenue by Clinical Applications, NA, 2016~ 17. Computed Tomography Market: Market Engineering Measurements, North America, 2016~ 18. Computed Tomography Market: Competitive Structure, NA, 2016~ 19. Computed Tomography Market: Estimated CT Procedures and Revenue by Clinical Applications, Europe, 2016~ 20. Computed Tomography Market: Market Engineering Measurements, Europe, 2016~ 21. Total Computed Tomography Market: Competitive Structure, Europe, 2016~ 22. Computed Tomography Market: Estimated Procedural Examinations, Asia-Pacific, 2016~ 23. Computed Tomography Market: Market Engineering Measurements, Asia-Pacific, 2016~ 24. Total Computed Tomography Market: Competitive Structure, Asia-Pacific, 2016~| 1. Total Computed Tomography Market: Market Segmentation, Global, 2016~ 2. Total Computed Tomography Market: Market Snapshot, Global, 2016–2021~ 3. Total Computed Tomography Market: Market Snapshot, Global, 2016~ 4. Total Computed Tomography Market: Utilization of Conventional CT Applications Versus Emerging CT Applications, Global, 2016~ 5. Total Computed Tomography Market: Market Snapshot, North America, 2016–2021~ 6. Total Computed Tomography Market: Market Snapshot, Europe, 2016–2021~ 7. Total Computed Tomography Market: Market Snapshot, Asia-Pacific, 2016–2021~ 8. Total Computed Tomography Market: Market Engineering Measurements, Global, 2016~ 9. Low-end CT Scanner Segment: Market Engineering Measurements, Global, 2016~ 10. Mid-low CT Scanner Segment: Market Engineering Measurements, Global, 2016~ 11. Mid-high CT Scanner Segment: Market Engineering Measurements, Global, 2016~ 12. High-end CT Scanner Segment: Market Engineering Measurements, Global, 2016~ 13. Computed Tomography Market: Market Engineering Measurements, North America, 2016~ 14. Computed Tomography Market: Market Engineering Measurements, Europe, 2016~ 15. Computed Tomography Market: Market Engineering Measurements, Asia-Pacific, 2016~ 16. Total Computed Tomography Market: Market Segmentation, Global, 2016~ 17. Total Computed Tomography Market: Current and Future Market Size, Global, 2016–2021~ 18. Total CT Market: Market Size by Unit Shipment and Revenue, Global, 2016~ 19. Total Computed Tomography Market: Percent Revenue by Segment, Global, 2016~ 20. Total Computed Tomography Market: Percent Revenue Forecast by Segment, Global, 2021~ 21. Total Computed Tomography Market: Distribution Structure, Global, 2016~ 22. Computed Tomography Market: Revenue Forecast by Segment, Global, 2014–2021~ 23. Computed Tomography Market: Unit Shipment Forecast by Segment, Global, 2014–2021~ 24. Computed Tomography Market: Unit Price Forecast by Segment, Global, 2014–2021~ 25. Low-end CT Scanner Segment: Percent Revenue Breakdown, Global, 2016~ 26. Low-end CT Scanner Segment: Revenue Forecast, Global, 2014–2021~ 27. Low-end CT Scanner Segment: Percent Revenue Forecast by Region, Global, 2014?2021~ 28. Low-end CT Scanner Segment: Percent Revenue Breakdown by Region, Global, 2016~ 29. Low-end CT Scanner Segment: Revenue Forecast by Region, Global, 2014–2021~ 30. Mid-low CT Scanner Segment: Percent Revenue Breakdown, Global, 2016~ 31. Mid-low CT Scanner Segment: Revenue Forecast, Global, 2014–2021~ 32. Mid-low CT Scanner Segment: Percent Revenue Forecast by Region, Global, 2014?2021~ 33. Mid-low CT Scanner Segment: Percent Revenue Breakdown by Region, Global, 2016~ 34. Mid-low CT Scanner Segment: Revenue Forecast by Region, Global, 2014–2021 ~ 35. Mid-high CT Scanner Segment: Percent Revenue Breakdown, Global, 2016~ 36. Mid-high CT Scanner Segment: Revenue Forecast, Global, 2014–2021~ 37. Mid-high CT Scanner Segment: Percent Revenue Forecast by Region, Global, 2014?2021~ 38. Mid-high CT Scanner Segment: Percent Revenue Breakdown by Region, Global, 2016~ 39. Mid-high CT Scanner Segment: Revenue Forecast by Region, Global, 2014–2021 ~ 40. High-end CT Scanner Segment: Percent Revenue Breakdown, Global, 2016~ 41. High-end CT Scanner Segment: Revenue Forecast, Global, 2014–2021~ 42. High-end CT Scanner Segment: Percent Revenue Forecast by Region, Global, 2014?2021~ 43. High-end CT Scanner Segment: Percent Revenue Breakdown by Region, Global, 2016~ 44. High-end CT Scanner Segment: Revenue Forecast by Region, Global, 2014–2021 ~ 45. Computed Tomography Market: Percent Revenue and Unit Shipments by Segment, NA, 2016~ 46. Computed Tomography Market: Percent of Procedure Mix, NA, 2016~ 47. Computed Tomography Market: Revenue Forecast by Segment, North America, 2014–2021~ 48. Computed Tomography Market: Unit Shipment Forecast by Segment, North America, 2014–2021~ 49. Computed Tomography Market: Penetration Impact in Emerging Clinical Applications, North America, 2017–2021~ 50. Computed Tomography Market: Percent of Revenue, NA, 2016 ~ 51. Computed Tomography Market: Percent Revenue and Unit Shipments by Segment, Europe, 2016~ 52. Computed Tomography Market: Percent of Procedure Mix, Europe, 2016~ 53. Computed Tomography Market: Revenue Forecast by Segment, Europe, 2014–2021~ 54. Computed Tomography Market: Unit Shipment Forecast by Segment, Europe, 2014–2021~ 55. Low-end CT Scanner Segment: Revenue Forecast by Country, Europe, 2014–2021~ 56. Mid-low CT Scanner Segment: Revenue Forecast by Country, Europe, 2014–2021~ 57. Mid-high CT Scanner Segment: Revenue Forecast by Country, Europe, 2014–2021~ 58. High-end CT Scanner Segment: Revenue Forecast by Country, Europe, 2014–2021~ 59. Computed Tomography Market: Penetration Impact in Emerging Clinical Applications, Europe, 2017–2021~ 60. Computed Tomography Market: Percent of Revenue, Europe, 2016 ~ 61. Computed Tomography Market: Percent Revenue and Unit Shipments by Segment, Asia-Pacific, 2016~ 62. Computed Tomography Market: Percent of Procedural Examinations, Asia-Pacific, 2016~ 63. Computed Tomography Market: Revenue Forecast by Segment, Asia-Pacific, 2014–2021~ 64. Computed Tomography Market: Unit Shipment Forecast by Segment, Asia-Pacific, 2014–2021~ 65. Low-end CT Scanner Segment: Revenue Forecast by Country, Asia-Pacific, 2014–2021~ 66. Mid-low CT Scanner Segment: Revenue Forecast by Country, Asia-Pacific, 2014–2021~ 67. Mid-high CT Scanner Segment: Revenue Forecast by Country, Asia-Pacific, 2014–2021~ 68. High-end CT Scanner Segment: Revenue Forecast by Country, Asia-Pacific, 2014–2021~ 69. Computed Tomography Market: Penetration Impact in Emerging Clinical Applications, Asia-Pacific, 2017–2021~ 70. Computed Tomography Market: Percent of Revenue, Asia-Pacific, 2016 ~
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Author Poornima Srinivasan
Industries Healthcare
WIP Number MD3D-01-00-00-00
Keyword 1 Computed Tomography
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