Global Gas Sensors, Detectors, and Analyzers Markets

Electronics and SensorsGlobal Gas Sensors, Detectors, and Analyzers Markets

Increasing Awareness on Safety to Lead to a Greater Demand for Gas Sensors and Detectors

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Market Research
Research Code: NBBA-01-00-00-00
SKU: ES00062-GL-MR_02492
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Global Gas Sensors, Detectors, and Analyzers Markets
Published on: 10-Jan-2013 | SKU: ES00062-GL-MR_02492

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Market for gas sensors, detectors, and analyzers exceeded $2.0 billion in total and is expected to grow further in the future. The global market for gas detection is projected to reach $3.3 billion by the 2018 at a CAGR of 4.3 percent. Legislation and public concerns regarding monitoring of gas leaks and emissions stimulated market growth. In addition, the increasing awareness on safety among end users led to a greater demand for gas sensors and detectors. Increasing enforcement of the occupational health and safety regulations and government bodies is an important driver for the sales of gas sensors, detectors, and analyzers.


  • Definition and Market Segment Analysis
  • Summary of Findings


  • Overview
  • Market Engineering Measurements

Market Dynamics

  • Market Drivers
  • Market Restraints

Total Revenue Forecast

  • Forecast by Product Type
  • Geographic Analysis

Competitive Landscape

  • Competitive Structure

Gas Sensors Market

Fixed Gas Detectors Markets

Toxic Gas Detectors Market

Combustible Gas Detectors Market

Portable Gas Detectors Markets

Single-gas Detectors Market

Multi-gas Detectors Market

Temporary Area Monitors Market

Total Gas Analyzers Markets

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Market for gas sensors, detectors, and analyzers exceeded $2.0 billion in total and is expected to grow further in the future. The global market for gas detection is projected to reach $3.3 billion by the 2018 at a CAGR of 4.3 percent. Legislation and public concerns regarding monitoring of gas leaks and emissions stimulated market growth. In addition, the increasing awareness on safety among end users led to a greater demand for gas sensors and detectors. Increasing enforcement of the occupational health and safety regulations and government bodies is an important driver for the sales of gas sensors, detectors, and analyzers.
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Deliverable Type Market Research
No Index No
Podcast No
Industries Electronics and Sensors
WIP Number NBBA-01-00-00-00
Is Prebook No