Growth Opportunities in Semiconductor Automated Test Equipment

Electronics and SensorsGrowth Opportunities in Semiconductor Automated Test Equipment

Increasing Application Content Driven by Digitization, Electrification, AI, and Sustainability to Catalyze Demand for ATE in Both Leading edge and Mature Process Nodes

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Research Code: K919-01-00-00-00
SKU: ES_2023_314
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Growth Opportunities in Semiconductor Automated Test Equipment
Published on: 16-Nov-2023 | SKU: ES_2023_314

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Most production organizations once viewed test systems as non-productive assets. If not for the need for quality, verification, and validation, test system manufacturers may not have been as successful as they are. The semiconductor ATE market emerged because of the increasing need for safe and reliable products that comply with regulations and standards. Test equipment is emerging as a critical data source to pinpoint failures and enable swift corrective/predictive actions from design to manufacturing.

In today’s world, semiconductor test systems are no longer just for quality assurance. With the right investments, test solutions can become a strategic asset that helps reduce costs and time-to-market at various stages of the semiconductor value chain. This is primarily due to the impact of mega trends such as electrification, digitization, sustainability, and the emergence of AI, which increases dependence on semiconductors and the performance expectation of ICs. Yet semiconductor design engineers are challenged to pack more performance with low power in a small area. Therefore, the shrinkage of transistor size continues to progress beyond the sub-5nm nodes, with companies including Intel, Samsung, TSMC, and imec announcing their technology roadmap for the next 10 years. As the fundamental demand for semiconductor ATE becomes stronger, ATE OEMs must remain on top of technology advancements and unit volume demand to position new products and deliver the equipment on time.

This report will identify the performance of the semiconductor ATE market during the base year (2022), compare it to historical performance, understand the dynamics, and evaluate its future potential during the next 5 years. The analysis covers the semiconductor ATE market using the following segments: product type, end-user vertical, region, and application.

Key Issues Addressed:

  • How will the ATE market perform during the next 5 years?
  • How will the competitive landscape change?
  • How will AI impact the semiconductor ATE market?
  • How will the dynamics of the end-user industries change? How should ATE companies prepare?
  • How will the changing geopolitical landscape impact regional demand?
  • What are the top growth opportunities in this space?

Author: Prabhu Karunakaran

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Scope of Analysis

Market Segments

Segment Definitions—Product

Segment Definitions—Region

Segment Definitions—End-use Vertical

Segment Definitions—Application

Key Competitors (Based on Headquarters)

Silicon-to-chip Process Flow and Test Scope

Semiconductor Industry Value Chain

Semiconductor Test Systems—An Evolution from Strategic Necessity to Value-added Systems, Not Cost Centers

Semiconductor ATE Value Chain

Semiconductor ATE Value Chain (continued)

Growth Metrics

Distribution Channels

Growth Drivers

Growth Driver Analysis

Growth Driver Analysis (continued)

Growth Driver Analysis (continued)

Growth Driver Analysis (continued)

Growth Restraints

Growth Restraint Analysis

Growth Restraint Analysis (continued)

Historical Growth Performance Analysis

Historical Test Equipment Capital Expenditure (CAPEX) Analysis and Relation to Growth

Forecast Assumptions

Revenue and Unit Shipment Forecast

Revenue Forecast

Revenue Forecast by Product

Revenue Forecast by End User

Revenue Forecast by Region

Revenue Forecast by Application

Revenue Forecast Analysis

Revenue Forecast Analysis (continued)

Revenue Forecast Analysis (continued)

Revenue Forecast Analysis (continued)

Revenue Forecast Analysis (continued), ATMP Investment Landscape, 20202023

Notable ATMP Investments

Notable ATMP Investments (continued)

Regional Analysis—Competitive Landscape

Competitive Environment

Revenue Share

Revenue Share Analysis

Revenue Share Analysis—Key Companies

Revenue Share Analysis—Key Companies (continued)

M&A Analysis

M&A Analysis (continued)

M&A Analysis (continued)

M&A Analysis (continued)

Notable Historic M&As That Shaped Today’s Competitive Landscape (Acquisitions from 2010 to Present)

Notable Historic M&As That Shaped Today’s Competitive Landscape (Acquisitions from 2011 to 2021)

Notable Historic M&As That Shaped Today’s Competitive Landscape (Acquisitions from 2011 to 2021) (continued)

Notable Historic M&As That Shaped Today’s Competitive Landscape (Acquisitions from 2011 to 2021) (continued)

Key Companies and Product Highlights

Key Companies and Product Highlights (continued)

Key Companies and Product Highlights (continued)

New Product Launches

New Product Launches (continued)

Pricing and Pricing Models

Pricing and Pricing Models (continued)

Product Analysis by Product Type and Region HQ

Key Companies and Product Presence

Key Companies and Product Presence (continued)

Key Companies and Product Presence (continued)

Key Companies and Product Presence (continued)

Top 4 Megatrends Driving the Future of Semiconductor ATE Market

Digital Industrial Acceleration—Trends in Semiconductor Devices

Sustainability—Trends in Semiconductor Devices

Electrification—Trends in Semiconductor Devices

Edge AI—Trends in Semiconductor Devices

Key Challenges

Testing Trends to Overcome Test Time and Cost Reduction Innovations

SLT—Emerging and Evolving Testing (beyond Wafer and Package Testing) to Ensure the Reliability of ICs

OTA Validation of Antenna-in-Package (AiP)

Far-field OTA Set-up on ATE for AiP Testing

Near-field OTA Se-tup on ATE for AiP Testing

RF Characterization Test

RF Characterization Test (continued)

RF Characterization (of AiP) by OTA

Growth Metrics

Revenue Forecast

Revenue Forecast by End User

Revenue Forecast Analysis

Revenue Forecast Analysis (continued)

Revenue Share

Growth Metrics

Revenue Forecast

Revenue Forecast by End User

Revenue Forecast Analysis

Revenue Forecast Analysis (continued)

Revenue Share

Growth Metrics

Revenue Forecast

Revenue Forecast by End User

Revenue Forecast Analysis

Revenue Forecast Analysis (continued)

Revenue Share

Growth Metrics

Revenue Forecast

Revenue Forecast by End User

Revenue Forecast Analysis

Revenue Share

The Role of AI and ML in Semiconductor ATE

AI Ecosystem in the Semiconductor ATE Landscape

Status Quo and the Future of AI/ML in the Semiconductor ATE Market

List of AI Initiatives in the Semiconductor ATE Landscape

List of AI Initiatives in the Semiconductor ATE Landscape (continued)

Case Study #1—Leveraging AI to Reduce the Cleaning Frequency of Probe Cards to Reduce Cost and Increase Tool Availability

Case Study #2—AI for Faster Root-cause Identification of Yield Loss

Growth Opportunity 1: Validation and Verification

Growth Opportunity 1: Validation and Verification (continued)

Growth Opportunity 2: Generative AI

Growth Opportunity 2: Generative AI (continued)

Growth Opportunity 3: Digital Transformation

Growth Opportunity 3: Digital Transformation (continued)

Growth Opportunity 4: M&As

Growth Opportunity 4: M&As (continued)

Growth Opportunity 5: Industry 4.0

Growth Opportunity 5: Industry 4.0 (continued)

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List of Exhibits

List of Exhibits (continued)

List of Exhibits (continued)

List of Exhibits (continued)

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List of Figures
  • Semiconductor ATE Market: Growth Metrics, Global, 2022
  • Semiconductor ATE Market: Distribution Channel Analysis, Global, 2022
  • Semiconductor ATE Market: Growth Drivers, Global, 2023–2027
  • Semiconductor ATE Market: Growth Restraints, Global, 2023–2027
  • Semiconductor Devices Market, Revenue Percentage, By End Users, Global, 2022
  • Global Semiconductor Market: Historical Annual Growth Performance Analysis, Semiconductor ATE Market, OSAT Market, Semiconductor Device Market, Global, 2018–2022
  • Semiconductor ATE Market: Revenue Forecast, Global, 2019–2027
  • Semiconductor ATE Market: Revenue Forecast by Product, Global, 2019–2027
  • Semiconductor ATE Market: Revenue Forecast by End User, Global, 2019–2027
  • Semiconductor ATE Market: Revenue Forecast by Region, Global, 2019–2027
  • Semiconductor ATE Market: Revenue Forecast by Application, Global, 2019–2027
  • Investment Trend Analysis between IDM/Foundries and OSATs, Global, 2020–2023
  • Global ATMP Market, Split between OSATs, Foundries, and IDMs, Global, 2022
  • OSAT Market: Notable OSAT/ATMP Investments by Country, Global, 2020–2023
  • Global Semiconductor ATE Market: Notable ATMP Investments, Global, 2022–2023YTD
  • Investment Trend Analysis between IDM/Foundries and OSATs, Global, 2020–2023
  • Global Semiconductor ATE Market: Number of Companies by HQ Country, Global, 2022
  • Semiconductor ATE Market: Revenue Share, Global, 2022
  • Semiconductor ATE Market: Number of Acquisitions, Global, 2011–2023*
  • Semiconductor ATE Market: Number of M&As by Regional HQ, Global, 2011–2023YTD
  • Semiconductor ATE Market, Number of Companies Sold by Regional HQ, Global, 2011–2023YTD
  • Semiconductor ATE Market: Regional Analysis of M&A Transactions by HQ Location, Global, 2011–2023YTD
  • Semiconductor ATE Market: Equipment Price Range, Global, 2022
  • Global Semiconductor ATE Market: Number of Competitors by Product by HQ Location, Global, 2022
  • Semiconductor Content ($) in an EV, Global, 2020–2026
  • Semiconductor ATE Market: Key Testing Trends to Reduce Test Time and Cost, Global, 2022
  • Semiconductor ATE Market: Key End-user Applications for SLT, Global, 2022
  • Non-memory Testers Segment: Growth Metrics, Global, 2022
  • Non-memory Testers Segment: Revenue Forecast, Global, 2019–2027
  • Non-memory Testers Segment: Revenue Forecast by End User, Global, 2019–2027
  • Semiconductor ATE Market: Non-memory Testers Segment, Percentage Revenue Share of Semiconductor ATE Market, Global, 2022 & 2027
  • Non-memory Testers Segment: Revenue Share, Global, 2022
  • Memory Testers Segment: Growth Metrics, Global, 2022
  • Memory Testers Segment: Revenue Forecast, Global, 2019–2027
  • Memory Testers Segment: Revenue Forecast by End User, Global, 2019–2027
  • Semiconductor ATE Market: Memory Testers Segment, Percentage Revenue Share of Semiconductor ATE Market, Global, 2022 & 2027
  • Memory Testers Segment: Revenue Share, Global, 2022
  • Discrete Testers Segment: Growth Metrics, Global, 2022
  • Discrete Testers Segment: Revenue Forecast, Global, 2019–2027
  • Discrete Testers Segment: Revenue Forecast by End User, Global, 2019–2027
  • Semiconductor ATE Market: Discrete Testers Segment, Percentage Revenue Share of Semiconductor ATE Market, Global, 2022 & 2027
  • Semiconductor ATE Market: WBG Semiconductors Market, Revenue ($B), Global, CAGR 35.2% (2022–2027)
  • Discrete Testers Segment: Revenue Share, Global, 2022
  • Others Segment: Growth Metrics, Global, 2022
  • Others Segment: Revenue Forecast, Global, 2019–2027
  • Others Segment: Revenue Forecast by End User, Global, 2019–2027
  • Semiconductor ATE Market: Others Testers Segment, Percentage Revenue Share of Semiconductor ATE Market, Global, 2022 & 2027
  • Others Segment: Revenue Share, Global, 2022
  • Semiconductor ATE Market: Analysis of Impact of AI, Global, 2022 and 2027
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Most production organizations once viewed test systems as non-productive assets. If not for the need for quality, verification, and validation, test system manufacturers may not have been as successful as they are. The semiconductor ATE market emerged because of the increasing need for safe and reliable products that comply with regulations and standards. Test equipment is emerging as a critical data source to pinpoint failures and enable swift corrective/predictive actions from design to manufacturing. In today s world, semiconductor test systems are no longer just for quality assurance. With the right investments, test solutions can become a strategic asset that helps reduce costs and time-to-market at various stages of the semiconductor value chain. This is primarily due to the impact of mega trends such as electrification, digitization, sustainability, and the emergence of AI, which increases dependence on semiconductors and the performance expectation of ICs. Yet semiconductor design engineers are challenged to pack more performance with low power in a small area. Therefore, the shrinkage of transistor size continues to progress beyond the sub-5nm nodes, with companies including Intel, Samsung, TSMC, and imec announcing their technology roadmap for the next 10 years. As the fundamental demand for semiconductor ATE becomes stronger, ATE OEMs must remain on top of technology advancements and unit volume demand to position new products and deliver the equipment on time. This report will identify the performance of the semiconductor ATE market during the base year (2022), compare it to historical performance, understand the dynamics, and evaluate its future potential during the next 5 years. The analysis covers the semiconductor ATE market using the following segments: product type, end-user vertical, region, and application.--BEGIN PROMO--

Key Issues Addressed:

  • How will the ATE market perform during the next 5 years?
  • How will the competitive landscape change?
  • How will AI impact the semiconductor ATE market?
  • How will the dynamics of the end-user industries change? How should ATE companies prepare?
  • How will the changing geopolitical landscape impact regional demand?
  • What are the top growth opportunities in this space?

Author: Prabhu Karunakaran

More Information
Deliverable Type Market Research
Author Prabhu Karunakaran
Industries Electronics and Sensors
No Index No
Is Prebook No
Keyword 1 Automated Test Equipment Trends
Keyword 2 Semiconductor Ate
Keyword 3 Semiconductor Test Equipment Analysis
List of Charts and Figures Semiconductor ATE Market: Growth Metrics, Global, 2022~ Semiconductor ATE Market: Distribution Channel Analysis, Global, 2022~ Semiconductor ATE Market: Growth Drivers, Global, 2023–2027~ Semiconductor ATE Market: Growth Restraints, Global, 2023–2027~ Semiconductor Devices Market, Revenue Percentage, By End Users, Global, 2022~ Global Semiconductor Market: Historical Annual Growth Performance Analysis, Semiconductor ATE Market, OSAT Market, Semiconductor Device Market, Global, 2018–2022~ Semiconductor ATE Market: Revenue Forecast, Global, 2019–2027~ Semiconductor ATE Market: Revenue Forecast by Product, Global, 2019–2027~ Semiconductor ATE Market: Revenue Forecast by End User, Global, 2019–2027~ Semiconductor ATE Market: Revenue Forecast by Region, Global, 2019–2027~ Semiconductor ATE Market: Revenue Forecast by Application, Global, 2019–2027~ Investment Trend Analysis between IDM/Foundries and OSATs, Global, 2020–2023~ Global ATMP Market, Split between OSATs, Foundries, and IDMs, Global, 2022~ OSAT Market: Notable OSAT/ATMP Investments by Country, Global, 2020–2023~ Global Semiconductor ATE Market: Notable ATMP Investments, Global, 2022–2023YTD~ Investment Trend Analysis between IDM/Foundries and OSATs, Global, 2020–2023~ Global Semiconductor ATE Market: Number of Companies by HQ Country, Global, 2022~ Semiconductor ATE Market: Revenue Share, Global, 2022~ Semiconductor ATE Market: Number of Acquisitions, Global, 2011–2023*~ Semiconductor ATE Market: Number of M&As by Regional HQ, Global, 2011–2023YTD~ Semiconductor ATE Market, Number of Companies Sold by Regional HQ, Global, 2011–2023YTD~ Semiconductor ATE Market: Regional Analysis of M&A Transactions by HQ Location, Global, 2011–2023YTD~ Semiconductor ATE Market: Equipment Price Range, Global, 2022~ Global Semiconductor ATE Market: Number of Competitors by Product by HQ Location, Global, 2022~ Semiconductor Content ($) in an EV, Global, 2020–2026~ Semiconductor ATE Market: Key Testing Trends to Reduce Test Time and Cost, Global, 2022~ Semiconductor ATE Market: Key End-user Applications for SLT, Global, 2022~ Non-memory Testers Segment: Growth Metrics, Global, 2022~ Non-memory Testers Segment: Revenue Forecast, Global, 2019–2027~ Non-memory Testers Segment: Revenue Forecast by End User, Global, 2019–2027~ Semiconductor ATE Market: Non-memory Testers Segment, Percentage Revenue Share of Semiconductor ATE Market, Global, 2022 & 2027~ Non-memory Testers Segment: Revenue Share, Global, 2022~ Memory Testers Segment: Growth Metrics, Global, 2022~ Memory Testers Segment: Revenue Forecast, Global, 2019–2027~ Memory Testers Segment: Revenue Forecast by End User, Global, 2019–2027~ Semiconductor ATE Market: Memory Testers Segment, Percentage Revenue Share of Semiconductor ATE Market, Global, 2022 & 2027~ Memory Testers Segment: Revenue Share, Global, 2022~ Discrete Testers Segment: Growth Metrics, Global, 2022~ Discrete Testers Segment: Revenue Forecast, Global, 2019–2027~ Discrete Testers Segment: Revenue Forecast by End User, Global, 2019–2027~ Semiconductor ATE Market: Discrete Testers Segment, Percentage Revenue Share of Semiconductor ATE Market, Global, 2022 & 2027~ Semiconductor ATE Market: WBG Semiconductors Market, Revenue ($B), Global, CAGR 35.2% (2022–2027)~ Discrete Testers Segment: Revenue Share, Global, 2022~ Others Segment: Growth Metrics, Global, 2022~ Others Segment: Revenue Forecast, Global, 2019–2027~ Others Segment: Revenue Forecast by End User, Global, 2019–2027~ Semiconductor ATE Market: Others Testers Segment, Percentage Revenue Share of Semiconductor ATE Market, Global, 2022 & 2027~ Others Segment: Revenue Share, Global, 2022~ Semiconductor ATE Market: Analysis of Impact of AI, Global, 2022 and 2027~
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