Carsharing Market Research Market Research Reports
10 Jul 2012  |  Asia Pacific  |  Market Research
Executive Analysis of the Carsharing Market in APAC
Carsharing Remains a Niche Transportation Solution
This research service provides a detailed analysis of the carsharing market in the Asia-Pacific (APAC) region, and specific countries discussed include Australia, Japan, Singapore, and South Korea. The advantages and disadvantages of carsharing are discussed, along with its evolution in APAC. Furthermore, information is offered about different tran...
$3,500.00 -
10 Feb 2011  |  Asia Pacific  |  Market Research
Strategic Analysis of Carsharing Market in Japan
Japanese Carsharing Market
This research service focuses on the evolution of sustainable personal transportation market, especially the carsharing market in Japan. It provides an overview of worldwide and Japanese market trends, types of services, their impacts and carsharing operators' strategies. The study also provides key regional differences, best practices case studies...