Polymers Market Research Market Research Reports

  1. 01 Apr 2015  |  Europe  |  Market Research

    Western European Market for Polymers in Medical Devices

    Performance and Technological Innovations Boost Market Growth

    Companies in the medical devices industry must have a finger on the pulse of changing technology trends in end-user markets, as it will have a profound impact on the material requirements in these applications. Sustainability is a very strong trend in the performance materials industry, wherein companies tend to move away from using toxic raw mater...

  2. 20 Feb 2015  |  Europe  |  Market Research

    Strategic Analysis of the European Market for High Performance Polymers and Phenolics in Automotive and Aviation Applications

    Increasing Focus on Metal Substitution in High Temperature Applications Steers Demand

    This market insight identifies the major drivers and restraints in the European high performance polymers market in the automotive and aviation industries. The study covers Eastern and Western Europe. It provides an in-depth analysis on high performance plastics such as polyether ether ketone (PEEK), polyphenylene sulfide (PPS), polymethyl metha ac...

  3. 14 Jun 2013  |  North America  |  Market Research

    Strategic Analysis of the Fluoropolymer Powder Coatings Market in North America

    The Cost Efficiency of the Powder Coating Process Drives the Market

    This study analyses the North American (United States and Canada) fluoropolymer powder coatings market for the period of 2012 to 2019. Fluoropolymer powder coatings form a highly-fragmented market. The segmentation that is used in the research is as follows: FEP, PVDF, ETFE, PFA/MFA, ECTFE, and other fluoropolymer powder coatings. This research ide...

  4. 03 May 2012  |  Europe  |  Market Research

    Western European Market for Polymers in Medical Devices

    Demand for Homecare Applications Fuels the Market.

    The research service market on European Market for Polymers in Medical Devices analyses the PVC, silicone, styrene, thermoplastic elastomers, and engineering and high performance polymers. The research service covers western European countries. It provides the revenue and unit shipment forecast for the period 2008-2018, and also presents the countr...

  5. 02 Mar 2012  |  North America  |  Market Research

    Mexican Market for Engineering Polymers in the Automotive Industry

    Insights, Challenges, and Competitive Analysis

    The Mexican market for engineering polymers in the automotive industry has already recovered from the 2008 economic crisis and it is still growing thanks to new investments, traditional materials replacement, eco-friendly trends, performance improvement and new products development. This report covers the market's actual situation, its growth drive...

  6. 31 Dec 2008  |  North America  |  Market Research

    U.S. Polymers in Medical Tubing and Catheters

    The report focuses on the volume of major polymers used for medical tubing and catheter applications. It enlists the major drivers and restraints, which would have a major impact on the market for polymers used in medical tubing production. The report also includes the forecast for polymers in medical tubing by volume, along with some strategic rec...

  7. 27 Feb 2008  |  North America  |  Market Research

    U.S. Fluoropolymers Markets

    This research service analyzes the United States market for fluoropolymers. The segments covered in this research service include PTFE, FEP, PVDF, Fluoroelastomers, ETFE, PFA, PCTFE and other smaller volume fluoropolymers. Major drivers, restraints and market challenges are discussed in detail. Apart from describing drivers and restraints and how t...

  8. 06 Jun 2006  |  Asia Pacific  |  Market Research

    Chinese Emulsion Polymers Markets

    This research service studies the emulsions market in China and discusses the trends for the period 2002 to 2012, with 2005 as the base year. The study extensively puts into use graphics in the form of figures and charts to compare various parts of this industry, and to assist in arriving at meaningful trends and conclusions on the emulsions market...

  9. 01 Jun 2005  |  Europe  |  Market Research

    European Markets for Polymer Foams

    Foams are cellular materials consisting of a gas phase dispersed in a solid matrix. The focus of this report is on polymer foams, in which the solid matrix is a plastic, which might either be a thermoplastic or a thermosetting material. This report analyzes the market for polymer foams by classifying it based on their application, which mainly incl...

  10. 04 Mar 2004  |  North America  |  Market Research

    U.S. Biodegradable Polymers Markets

    This study analyzes the market for biodegradable polymers in U.S. It assesses the impact of emerging trends in various types of biodegradable polymer resins and end-user segments of plastic packaging, including the film based applications, rigid packaging applications and other innovatve end user applications. With its evaluation of challenges and ...
