Innovative Cloud-based SaaS Business Models Driving the GCC Connected Trucks Telematics Market, 2022

AutomotiveInnovative Cloud-based SaaS Business Models Driving the GCC Connected Trucks Telematics Market, 2022

With Improved Technological Enhancements, Future Growth Potential is Expected to Remain Optimal Despite Volatile Economic Conditions

South Asia, Middle East & North Africa
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Market Research
Research Code: K4F4-01-00-00-00
SKU: AU02071-SA-MT_24912
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Innovative Cloud-based SaaS Business Models Driving the GCC Connected Trucks Telematics Market, 2022
Published on: 03-Nov-2020 | SKU: AU02071-SA-MT_24912

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The connected trucks telematics market in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) region is poised for a slow growth due to perilous economic conditions. The market—in an economy hit by the double impact of the ongoing Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic and the slump in oil prices—is dominated by local aftermarket participants, while OEM suppliers are trying to catch up. Telematics technology by itself is expected to grow only gradually as the awareness about vehicle tracking and monitoring of various user-based parameters increases among the user community.

Technological advancements such as real-time tracking, video safety, and advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) are changing the current driving experience. The penetration of such features in mid- and high-range vehicles is expected to expand the market for vehicle telematics. Additionally, fluctuations in oil prices are a concern for stakeholders, especially with the growth in the number of vehicles that necessitate the adoption of telematics and fleet management solutions.

Key telematics service providers (TSPs) covered in this study include Gurtam, Teltonika, Mix Telematics, and Location Solutions. Notable OEMs covered include MAN, Volvo, Daimler, and Scania. These vendors have employed various strategies to expand their product and application offerings and augment their market share. Many global companies/TSPs are attempting to enter the GCC market; however, they face major challenges. TSPs need to forge deep relationships by establishing a local presence through mergers or acquisitions, partnerships, or joint ventures with local players. Being a price-sensitive market, companies should build efficient and cost-effective solutions to address end-user requirements. The market also holds sizable opportunities for new entrants.

Research Highlights

This research primarily focusses on issues and challenges faced by telematics vendors and OEMs in the GCC market, highlights key market trends, profiles TSPs and OEMs operating in the market, analyses market share and pricing strategies based on hardware/solutions, and identifies available growth opportunities. Key statistics for this research are obtained from major TSPs and OEM suppliers through primary and secondary interviews. The objective of this study is to highlight developments in the telematics industry in the GCC. The market is fragmented due to the presence of many large and small vendors. This report discusses key vendors but does not detail the market share of all participants.

Total telematics penetration in the GCC is expected to reach more than 1 million units by the end of 2022, registering a growth rate of over 7%.Key trends driving this adoption will be driver & vehicle safety, video safety systems, and big data analytics.

Participating in the GCC connected truck telematics market will be a promising venture for new and existing TSPs. Growth in this region will be positive due to its vast geographic spread, impending regulations, and key projects in the oil & gas, transport & logistics, construction & mining, and energy & utilities sectors.

Author: Rajesh Depores

Why is it Increasingly Difficult to Grow?

The Strategic Imperative 8™

Impact of the Top Three Strategic Imperatives on the GCC Telematics Industry

Growth Opportunities Fuel the Growth Pipeline Engine™

Key Findings

Roadmap of Connected Trucks Telematics Market

Market Engineering Measurements

PESTLE Analysis

Connected Truck Telematics Market Outlook

Current and Future Outlook


Key Questions this Study will Answer

Vehicle Segmentation

Fleet Size and Distance-driven Segmentation

Solution Types

Key Telematics Services—Overview

Market Engineering Measurements

Key Economic Indicators—GCC, 2019–2022

Top Market Issues and Challenges—GCC

Key Future Market Trends—GCC

Connected Truck Market—Installed Base Forecast

Key TSPs Operating in GCC

Key OEMs Operating in GCC

Ecosystem Partners and Local Partnerships

Country Analysis—Saudi Arabia

Country Analysis—UAE

Country Analysis—Kuwait

Country Analysis—Oman

Country Analysis—Qatar

Telematics Product Type Range

Telematics Product Package Range

Competitive Force Analysis

Competitive Force Analysis—OEMs Vs. TSPs

GCC Telematics—Installed Base by Contributions

Installed Base—Forecast

Market Share Analysis

Opportunity by Hardware Type

Opportunity by Package Type

Opportunities by Services—Top 3 Short-term Key Services

Opportunity by Vehicle Type

Opportunity by Fleet Type

Opportunity by Industry Type

Opportunity by Solution Type

Opportunity by Solution Type (continued)

Key Opportunity Regions

Growth Opportunity—Compliance with Regulations and a Strategy to Build New Business Models will Maximise Business Output

Growth Opportunity—Compliance with Regulations and a Strategy to Build New Business Models will Maximise Business Output (continued)

Strategic Imperatives for Success and Growth

Key Conclusions and Future Outlook

The Last Word—3 Big Predictions

Your Next Steps

List of Exhibits

List of Exhibits (continued)

List of Exhibits (continued)

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Market Engineering Methodology

Abbreviations and Acronyms Used

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The connected trucks telematics market in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) region is poised for a slow growth due to perilous economic conditions. The market—in an economy hit by the double impact of the ongoing Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic and the slump in oil prices—is dominated by local aftermarket participants, while OEM suppliers are trying to catch up. Telematics technology by itself is expected to grow only gradually as the awareness about vehicle tracking and monitoring of various user-based parameters increases among the user community. Technological advancements such as real-time tracking, video safety, and advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) are changing the current driving experience. The penetration of such features in mid- and high-range vehicles is expected to expand the market for vehicle telematics. Additionally, fluctuations in oil prices are a concern for stakeholders, especially with the growth in the number of vehicles that necessitate the adoption of telematics and fleet management solutions. Key telematics service providers (TSPs) covered in this study include Gurtam, Teltonika, Mix Telematics, and Location Solutions. Notable OEMs covered include MAN, Volvo, Daimler, and Scania. These vendors have employed various strategies to expand their product and application offerings and augment their market share. Many global companies/TSPs are attempting to enter the GCC market; however, they face major challenges. TSPs need to forge deep relationships by establishing a local presence through mergers or acquisitions, partnerships, or joint ventures with local players. Being a price-sensitive market, companies should build efficient and cost-effective solutions to address end-user requirements. The market also holds sizable opportunities for new entrants.--BEGIN PROMO--

Research Highlights

This research primarily focusses on issues and challenges faced by telematics vendors and OEMs in the GCC market, highlights key market trends, profiles TSPs and OEMs operating in the market, analyses market share and pricing strategies based on hardware/solutions, and identifies available growth opportunities. Key statistics for this research are obtained from major TSPs and OEM suppliers through primary and secondary interviews. The objective of this study is to highlight developments in the telematics industry in the GCC. The market is fragmented due to the presence of many large and small vendors. This report discusses key vendors but does not detail the market share of all participants.

Total telematics penetration in the GCC is expected to reach more than 1 million units by the end of 2022, registering a growth rate of over 7%.Key trends driving this adoption will be driver & vehicle safety, video safety systems, and big data analytics.

Participating in the GCC connected truck telematics market will be a promising venture for new and existing TSPs. Growth in this region will be positive due to its vast geographic spread, impending regulations, and key projects in the oil & gas, transport & logistics, construction & mining, and energy & utilities sectors.

Author: Rajesh Depores

More Information
Deliverable Type Market Research
No Index No
Podcast No
Author Rajesh Ranade
Industries Automotive
WIP Number K4F4-01-00-00-00
Is Prebook No
GPS Codes 9800-A6,9B01-A6,9963-A6