The Global Network Firewall Market

Information TechnologyThe Global Network Firewall Market

The Expanding Role of Firewall Sustains Market Growth

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Market Research
Research Code: K140-01-00-00-00
SKU: IT03201-GL-MR_19377
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The Global Network Firewall Market
Published on: 30-Jan-2017 | SKU: IT03201-GL-MR_19377

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The network firewall is one of the original network security tools and remains one of the most important tools used by IT organizations of all sizes. The firewall has evolved rapidly in recent years in response to the emergence of sophisticated and always changing threats. Unified threat management (UTM) and next generation firewall (NGFW) are two terms used to describe modern network firewalls that offer a range of multifunctional security capabilities. Firewall threat detection capabilities must be continually improved in order to detect attackers that are more sophisticated and difficult to detect, and that exploit a greater number of network entry points. As a result, though the firewall market is growing rapidly, the ability to compete in the market has proven difficult for newcomers.

Key Findings

Market Engineering Measurements

CEO’s Perspective

Introduction to the Research

Firewall—Market Definitions

Firewall—Market Overview

Firewall—Key Characteristics

Customer Considerations

Drivers and Restraints

Revenue Forecast

Revenue and Units Forecast

Historic Forecast Comparison

Pricing Forecast

Revenue Forecast by Size of Business

Percent Revenue Forecast by Size of Business

Revenue Forecast by Region

Percent Revenue Forecast by Region

Revenue Forecast by Vertical

Percent Revenue Forecast by Vertical

Revenue Forecast by Distribution Channel

Percent Revenue Forecast by Distribution Channel

Revenue Forecast by Form Factor

Percent Revenue Forecast by Form Factor

Competitive Environment

Competitive Landscape

Competitive Landscape Methodology

Competitive Analysis—Market Share

SMB Market Segment—Market Engineering Measurements

SMB Market Segment—Revenue and Units Forecast

SMB Market Segment—Competitive Environment

SMB Market Segment—Market Share

LB Market Segment—Market Engineering Measurements

LB Market Segment—Revenue and Units Forecast

LB Market Segment—Competitive Environment

LB Market Segment—Market Share



Legal Disclaimer

Barracuda Networks

Check Point




Juniper Networks

Palo Alto Networks




Market Engineering Methodology

Market Engineering Measurements

Additional Sources of Information on Study Topic Area

List of Companies Included in “Others”

Partial List of Companies Interviewed

List of Exhibit

List of Figures
  • 1. Firewall Market: Key Market Drivers and Restraints, Global, 2016–2021
  • 2. Firewall Market: Competitive Structure, Global, 2016
  • 3. SMB Segment: Market Engineering Measurements, Global, 2016
  • 4. Firewall SMB Segment: Competitive Structure, Global, 2016
  • 5. Large Business Segment: Market Engineering Measurements, Global, 2016
  • 6. Firewall LB Segment: Competitive Structure, Global, 2016
  • 7. Enterprise Segment: Market Engineering Measurements, Global, 2016
  • 8. Firewall Enterprise Segment: Competitive Structure, Global, 2016
  • 9. Large Enterprise Segment: Market Engineering Measurements, Global, 2016
  • 10. Firewall LE Segment: Competitive Structure, Global, 2016
List of Charts
  • 1. Total Firewall Market: Market Engineering Measurements, Global, 2016
  • 2. Total Firewall Market: Revenue Forecast, Global, 2013–2021
  • 3. Total Firewall Market: Revenue and Units Forecast, Global, 2013–2021
  • 4. Total Firewall Market: Revenue Forecast Comparison, Global, 2013–2019
  • 5. Total Firewall Market: Price Forecast, Global, 2013–2021
  • 6. Total Firewall Market: Revenue Forecast by Size of Business, Global, 2013–2021
  • 7. Total Firewall Market: Percent Revenue Forecast by Size of Business, Global, 2013–2021
  • 8. Total Firewall Market: Revenue Forecast by Region, Global, 2013–2021
  • 9. Total Firewall Market: Percent Revenue Forecast by Region, Global, 2013–2021
  • 10. Total Firewall Market: Revenue Forecast by Vertical, Global, 2013–2021
  • 11. Total Firewall Market: Percent Revenue Forecast by Vertical, Global, 2013–2021
  • 12. Total Firewall Market: Revenue Forecast by Distribution Channel, Global, 2013–2021
  • 13. Total Firewall Market: Percent Revenue Forecast by Distribution Channel, Global, 2013–2021
  • 14. Total Firewall Market: Revenue Forecast by Form Factor, Global, 2013–2021
  • 15. Total Firewall Market: Percent Revenue Forecast by Form Factor, Global, 2013–2021
  • 16. Total Firewall Market: Competitive Landscape, Global, 2016
  • 17. Total Firewall Market: Percent Revenue by Vendor, Global, 2016
  • 18. Total Firewall Market: Percent Revenue by Vendor, Global, 2015–2016
  • 19. Firewall SMB Segment: Revenue and Units Forecast, Global, 2013–2021
  • 20. Firewall SMB Segment: Percent Revenue by Vendor, Global, 2016
  • 21. Firewall LB Segment: Revenue and Units Forecast, Global, 2013–2021
  • 22. Firewall LB Segment: Percent Revenue by Vendor, Global, 2016
  • 23. Firewall Enterprise Segment: Revenue and Units Forecast, Global, 2013–2021
  • 24. Firewall Enterprise Segment: Percent Revenue by Vendor, Global, 2016
  • 25. Firewall LE Segment: Revenue and Units Forecast, Global, 2013–2021
  • 26. Firewall LE Segment: Percent Revenue by Vendor, Global, 2016
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The network firewall is one of the original network security tools and remains one of the most important tools used by IT organizations of all sizes. The firewall has evolved rapidly in recent years in response to the emergence of sophisticated and always changing threats. Unified threat management (UTM) and next generation firewall (NGFW) are two terms used to describe modern network firewalls that offer a range of multifunctional security capabilities. Firewall threat detection capabilities must be continually improved in order to detect attackers that are more sophisticated and difficult to detect, and that exploit a greater number of network entry points. As a result, though the firewall market is growing rapidly, the ability to compete in the market has proven difficult for newcomers.
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Deliverable Type Market Research
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Table of Contents | Executive Summary~ || Key Findings~ || Market Engineering Measurements~ || CEO’s Perspective~ || Introduction to the Research~ | Market Definitions~ || Firewall—Market Definitions~ | Market Overview~ || Firewall—Market Overview~ || Firewall—Key Characteristics~ || Customer Considerations~ | Drivers and Restraints—Total Market~ || Drivers and Restraints~ | Forecasts and Trends—Total Market~ || Revenue Forecast~ || Revenue and Units Forecast~ || Historic Forecast Comparison~ || Pricing Forecast~ || Revenue Forecast by Size of Business~ || Percent Revenue Forecast by Size of Business~ || Revenue Forecast by Region~ || Percent Revenue Forecast by Region~ || Revenue Forecast by Vertical~ || Percent Revenue Forecast by Vertical~ || Revenue Forecast by Distribution Channel~ || Percent Revenue Forecast by Distribution Channel~ || Revenue Forecast by Form Factor~ || Percent Revenue Forecast by Form Factor~ | Market Share and Competitive Analysis—Total Market~ || Competitive Environment~ || Competitive Landscape~ || Competitive Landscape Methodology~ || Competitive Analysis—Market Share~ | Market Segment Breakdowns—SMB Market Segment Breakdown~ || SMB Market Segment—Market Engineering Measurements~ || SMB Market Segment—Revenue and Units Forecast~ || SMB Market Segment—Competitive Environment~ || SMB Market Segment—Market Share~ | LB Market Segment Breakdown~ || LB Market Segment—Market Engineering Measurements~ || LB Market Segment—Revenue and Units Forecast~ || LB Market Segment—Competitive Environment~ || LB Market Segment—Market Share~ | Enterprise Market Segment Breakdown~ | LE Market Segment Breakdown~ | The Last Word~ || Predictions~ || Recommendations~ || Legal Disclaimer~ | Vendor Profiles~ || Barracuda Networks~ || Check Point~ || Cisco~ || Forcepoint~ || Fortinet~ || Juniper Networks~ || Palo Alto Networks~ || SonicWall~ || Sophos~ || WatchGuard~ | Appendix~ || Market Engineering Methodology~ || Market Engineering Measurements~ || Additional Sources of Information on Study Topic Area~ || List of Companies Included in “Others”~ || Partial List of Companies Interviewed~ || List of Exhibit~
List of Charts and Figures 1. Firewall Market: Key Market Drivers and Restraints, Global, 2016–2021~ 2. Firewall Market: Competitive Structure, Global, 2016~ 3. SMB Segment: Market Engineering Measurements, Global, 2016~ 4. Firewall SMB Segment: Competitive Structure, Global, 2016~ 5. Large Business Segment: Market Engineering Measurements, Global, 2016~ 6. Firewall LB Segment: Competitive Structure, Global, 2016~ 7. Enterprise Segment: Market Engineering Measurements, Global, 2016~ 8. Firewall Enterprise Segment: Competitive Structure, Global, 2016~ 9. Large Enterprise Segment: Market Engineering Measurements, Global, 2016~ 10. Firewall LE Segment: Competitive Structure, Global, 2016~| 1. Total Firewall Market: Market Engineering Measurements, Global, 2016~ 2. Total Firewall Market: Revenue Forecast, Global, 2013–2021~ 3. Total Firewall Market: Revenue and Units Forecast, Global, 2013–2021~ 4. Total Firewall Market: Revenue Forecast Comparison, Global, 2013–2019~ 5. Total Firewall Market: Price Forecast, Global, 2013–2021~ 6. Total Firewall Market: Revenue Forecast by Size of Business, Global, 2013–2021~ 7. Total Firewall Market: Percent Revenue Forecast by Size of Business, Global, 2013–2021~ 8. Total Firewall Market: Revenue Forecast by Region, Global, 2013–2021~ 9. Total Firewall Market: Percent Revenue Forecast by Region, Global, 2013–2021~ 10. Total Firewall Market: Revenue Forecast by Vertical, Global, 2013–2021~ 11. Total Firewall Market: Percent Revenue Forecast by Vertical, Global, 2013–2021~ 12. Total Firewall Market: Revenue Forecast by Distribution Channel, Global, 2013–2021~ 13. Total Firewall Market: Percent Revenue Forecast by Distribution Channel, Global, 2013–2021~ 14. Total Firewall Market: Revenue Forecast by Form Factor, Global, 2013–2021~ 15. Total Firewall Market: Percent Revenue Forecast by Form Factor, Global, 2013–2021~ 16. Total Firewall Market: Competitive Landscape, Global, 2016~ 17. Total Firewall Market: Percent Revenue by Vendor, Global, 2016~ 18. Total Firewall Market: Percent Revenue by Vendor, Global, 2015–2016~ 19. Firewall SMB Segment: Revenue and Units Forecast, Global, 2013–2021~ 20. Firewall SMB Segment: Percent Revenue by Vendor, Global, 2016~ 21. Firewall LB Segment: Revenue and Units Forecast, Global, 2013–2021~ 22. Firewall LB Segment: Percent Revenue by Vendor, Global, 2016~ 23. Firewall Enterprise Segment: Revenue and Units Forecast, Global, 2013–2021~ 24. Firewall Enterprise Segment: Percent Revenue by Vendor, Global, 2016~ 25. Firewall LE Segment: Revenue and Units Forecast, Global, 2013–2021~ 26. Firewall LE Segment: Percent Revenue by Vendor, Global, 2016~
Author Chris Rodriguez
Industries Information Technology
WIP Number K140-01-00-00-00
Is Prebook No