Advanced Opportunities in the Urban Water Infrastructure Market in APAC, 2019

EnvironmentAdvanced Opportunities in the Urban Water Infrastructure Market in APAC, 2019

Rapid Urbanization, Increasing Population, and Efficiency Requirements are Driving the Need for Improvement in Urban Water Infrastructure

Asia Pacific
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Market Research
Research Code: PA43-01-00-00-00
SKU: EN01169-AP-MR_23865
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Advanced Opportunities in the Urban Water Infrastructure Market in APAC, 2019
Published on: 09-Dec-2019 | SKU: EN01169-AP-MR_23865

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Urban water infrastructure in the Asia-Pacific (APAC) region is witnessing enormous investments in order to cater to the needs of the growing population and to address the challenges posed by rapid urbanization, and climate change.

Key investments in the region are towards replacement of old pipes, expansion of existing pipe network, water treatment, water reclamation, storm water harvesting, quake resilience, development of smart water grids and improving consumer infrastructure.

Climate change policies and the UN’s Sustainable Development Goal of universal access to clean drinking water and sanitation are encouraging APAC countries (and others globally as well) to invest in developing adequate infrastructure and provide sanitation facilities for their citizens.

Aging infrastructure in most of the countries presents yet another avenue for investments and market entry.

Developed nations within the region are shifting towards complete digitalization of water assets and establishing smart water grids, while developing nations are more focused on building the necessary infrastructure to provide safe and reliable drinking water and sanitation facilities.

With smart cities being a new focus across APAC, many new advanced infrastructure development opportunities have arisen or are expected to come up in the coming years. As a result, advanced water infrastructure such as membrane technology-based water/wastewater treatment, improved energy efficiency, smart metering, data analytics and predictive/preventive systems are seeing increased acceptance within the region. Furthermore, digital water sets the foundation for the application of data science and augmented intelligence techniques to business problems which will enable accurate real-time monitoring and quality control of water assets.

On the other hand, the water sector in APAC is underfunded and is highly dependent on official development assistance (ODA) funding and FDI to propel development and growth. For example, the massive Chinese water market has more than 10% of its projects funded by FDIs. Nonetheless, investors are especially cautious about investing in essential infrastructure sectors such as water and power since these projects are often the first to face citizen backlash and, consequent, heavy-handed government action. Another major deterrent of digitalization of any sector in general is the loss of jobs - utilities that are protective of their human assets may think twice even when the benefits outweigh the costs of digitalization in order to protect jobs.

Key growth opportunities in this market would be the need for integration and convergence of ICT solutions and business processes and value-add services to promote the use of smart devices in consumer infrastructure. Countries covered in this study include India, Japan, South Korea, Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand, the Philippines and Vietnam.

Key Highlights—2019

Top 5 Predictions—2020

Scope of the Study


UWI System

UWI System (continued)

Market Value Chain

Market Value Chain—Discussion

Overview of Urban Population Growth and Urbanization

Position of APAC Countries in terms of GDP Growth and Urbanization Rate

Key Trends Favoring Smart Water Grid Deployment

Smart Water Infrastructure Funding Initiatives

Water Stress Stimulates the Need for More Optimized UWI

Smart City Provides Opportunity for Advanced Water Infrastructure

Technological Innovation Leading to Energy Efficient and Environmentally Sustainable Systems Promotes Digitalization of Water Assets

Lack of Adequate Reserves Delays the Development of Infrastructure

Regional Geopolitics and Resultant Market Uncertainty

Disadvantages Associated with Advanced Technologies Deter Expenditure on Water Infrastructure

Public Utilities Board (PUB)

Holistic Approach to Water Supply

SMART Singapore

SMART Singapore (continued)

Case Study—Water Management

Singapore—Future Potential

UWI—Current Status

Initiatives and Plans

Initiatives and Plans (continued)

Holistic Revamp of the Industry

Case Study—Public-Private Partnership (PPP) to Reduce NRW

Malaysia—Future Potential

UWI—Current Status

Initiatives and Plans

Increased Coverage

Case Study—PPP to Gain Efficiencies

Case Study—PPP to Gain Efficiencies (continued)

The Philippines—Future Potential

UWI—Current Status

Initiatives and Plans

Expansion of Pipe Network

Case Study—PBCs to Gain Efficiencies

Thailand—Future Potential

UWI—Current Status

Initiatives and Plans

Improved Efficiency and Expansion of Pipe Network

Case Study—Private Sector Partnership in a Strongly Centralized Economy

Vietnam—Future Potential

UWI—Current Status

Initiatives and Plans

Expansion of Pipe Network

Case Study—PPP in Jakarta: Key Points of Success or Failure

Indonesia—Future Potential

UWI—Current Status

Initiatives and Plans

Rehabilitation of Existing Network

Case Study—Tokyo Waterworks PPP for Customer Services

Japan—Future Potential

UWI—Current Status

Initiatives and Plans

Building a Sustainable and Smart Water Infrastructure

Case Study— South Korea’s Water Challenges and How It has been Meeting Them

South Korea—Future Potential

UWI—Current Status

UWI—Current Status (continued)

Initiatives and Plans

Initiatives and Plans (continued)

Rehabilitation of Existing Infrastructure

Case Study—PPP in Building the Desalination Plant in Victoria

Australia—Future Potential

UWI—Current Status

Initiatives and Plans

Rehabilitation of Existing Infrastructure

Case Study—PPP in Infrastructure Projects in New Zealand

New Zealand—Future Potential

UWI—Current Status

Initiatives and Plans

Building Water Infrastructure

Case Study—24/7 Water Supply, with the First PPP in Karnataka

India—Future Potential

Growth Opportunity 1—Integration and Convergence of ICT Solutions and Business Processes

Growth Opportunity 2—Value-add Services to Promote the Use of Smart Devices in Consumer Infrastructure

Strategic Imperatives for Success and Growth

The Last Word—3 Big Predictions

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Urban water infrastructure in the Asia-Pacific (APAC) region is witnessing enormous investments in order to cater to the needs of the growing population and to address the challenges posed by rapid urbanization, and climate change. Key investments in the region are towards replacement of old pipes, expansion of existing pipe network, water treatment, water reclamation, storm water harvesting, quake resilience, development of smart water grids and improving consumer infrastructure. Climate change policies and the UN’s Sustainable Development Goal of universal access to clean drinking water and sanitation are encouraging APAC countries (and others globally as well) to invest in developing adequate infrastructure and provide sanitation facilities for their citizens. Aging infrastructure in most of the countries presents yet another avenue for investments and market entry. Developed nations within the region are shifting towards complete digitalization of water assets and establishing smart water grids, while developing nations are more focused on building the necessary infrastructure to provide safe and reliable drinking water and sanitation facilities. With smart cities being a new focus across APAC, many new advanced infrastructure development opportunities have arisen or are expected to come up in the coming years. As a result, advanced water infrastructure such as membrane technology-based water/wastewater treatment, improved energy efficiency, smart metering, data analytics and predictive/preventive systems are seeing increased acceptance within the region. Furthermore, digital water sets the foundation for the application of data science and augmented intelligence techniques to business problems which will enable accurate real-time monitoring and quality control of water assets. On the other hand, the water sector in APAC is underfunded and is highly dependent on official development assistance (ODA) funding and FDI to propel development and growth. For example, the massive Chinese water market has more than 10% of its projects funded by FDIs. Nonetheless, investors are especially cautious about investing in essential infrastructure sectors such as water and power since these projects are often the first to face citizen backlash and, consequent, heavy-handed government action. Another major deterrent of digitalization of any sector in general is the loss of jobs - utilities that are protective of their human assets may think twice even when the benefits outweigh the costs of digitalization in order to protect jobs. Key growth opportunities in this market would be the need for integration and convergence of ICT solutions and business processes and value-add services to promote the use of smart devices in consumer infrastructure. Countries covered in this study include India, Japan, South Korea, Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand, the Philippines and Vietnam.
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Deliverable Type Market Research
No Index No
Podcast No
Author Pratulya Sivashankar
Industries Environment
WIP Number PA43-01-00-00-00
Is Prebook No
GPS Codes 9307-A4