Global Analysis of the Automotive Adhesives and Sealants Market, Forecast to 2024

Chemicals and MaterialsGlobal Analysis of the Automotive Adhesives and Sealants Market, Forecast to 2024

APAC and ROW Remain Key Growth Regions Owing to Their Higher Automotive Production

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Research Code: K27A-01-00-00-00
SKU: CM01548-NA-MR_22132
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Global Analysis of the Automotive Adhesives and Sealants Market, Forecast to 2024
Published on: 20-Jul-2018 | SKU: CM01548-NA-MR_22132

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This study analyzes the global automotive adhesives and sealants market with demand for both light vehicles (LV) and electric vehicles (EV). The period covered in this study is 2014-2024. LV includes both passenger and light commercial vehicle (LCV) with total gross vehicle weight of not more than 3.5 tones. The market is segmented as body in white (BIW), under the hood (UTH) & powertrain, paint shop and assembly segments, all categorized from an application perspective. The regions covered in this study include North America, Europe, Asia Pacific (APAC) and Rest of World (ROW).

Research Scope

This research study analyzes the current market size in terms of volumes and revenues based on the average prices of materials in the market. It also includes a detailed analysis of drivers, restraints, market trends, product and technology trends, material trends, value chain analysis, mergers and acquisitions, competitive landscaping and product matrix. Further, it presents forecasts for revenue and unit shipments for all segments over the period 2018-2024. The various chemistries that are used across segments are also analyzed extensively based on their adoption levels.

Key Issues Addressed

  • Is the market growing, how long will it continue to grow, and at what rate?
  • What are the key factors driving and restraining market growth?
  • What are the adoptions of A&S in various application segments?
  • What are the growth opportunities for the different application segments?
  • Who are the leading market participants?
  • What are the key competitive factors governing the market?


APAC and ROW are the key growth regions owing to their expected higher automotive production growth during the forecast period. North America and Europe, on the other hand, are likely to register only modest growth rates.

BIW and assembly are the major segments that are likely to witness higher material and technology trends owing to the greater adoption of light-weight multi-materials such as aluminum, magnesium, plastics and composites in these segments. This trend will be further supported by the growing interest of OEMs towards increasing fuel efficiency, enhancing comfort, improving aesthetic appearance and reducing NVH levels. Similarly, the adoption of water-borne adhesives and sealants is gaining momentum compared to solvent-borne adhesives due to the rising interest towards lowering VOC emissions.

Surge in EV numbers is the key mega trend within the global automotive industry owing to the greater focus on sustainability and emphasis on renewable resources. Leading market participants are exploring opportunities to expand their product portfolio and strengthen their market position through the acquisition of regional or application-specific companies.

Key Findings

Strategic Factsheet

Market Engineering Measurements

CEO’s Perspective

Market Definitions

Market Overview—Adhesive and Sealants (A&S) Definition

Market Overview

Market Overview—Geographic Scope

Market Overview—Segment Definitions

Market Overview—Chemistry Overview

Market Trends

Material and Other Trends

Market Segmentation—Unit Shipment

Market Segmentation—Revenue

Value Chain Analysis

Merger & Acquisitions—Snapshot

Product Matrix

Market Drivers

Market Restraints

Market Engineering Measurements

Revenue and Unit Shipment Forecast

Average Volume Per LV & EV Forecast

Pricing Trends and Forecast

Revenue Forecast by Region

Unit Shipment Forecast by Region

Market Share

Market Share Analysis

Competitive Environment

Competitive Factors and Assessment

Growth Opportunity I—Surge in EV Renders Higher Growth in BIW and/or UTH & Powertrain Applications

Growth Opportunity II—BIW Segment

Growth Opportunity III—Expansion of Product Line by M&A

Strategic Imperatives for Success and Growth

Mega Trend Impact on Automotive Adhesives and Sealants Industry

CEO’s 360 Degree Perspective

Key Findings

Overview and Introduction

Market Engineering Measurements

Revenue and Unit Shipment Forecast

Pricing Trends and Forecast

Percent Revenue Forecast by Sub-segment

Percent Unit Shipment Forecast by Sub-segment

Structural Adhesives Sub-segment—Percent Unit Shipment Forecast by Chemistry

Non-structural Adhesives Sub-segment—Percent Unit Shipment Forecast by Chemistry

Revenue Forecast by Region

Unit Shipment Forecast by Region

Competitive Environment

Competitive Factors and Assessment

Key Findings

Overview and Introduction

Market Engineering Measurements

Revenue and Unit Shipment Forecast

Pricing Trends and Forecast

Percent Unit Shipment Forecast by Chemistry

Revenue Forecast by Region

Unit Shipment Forecast by Region

Competitive Environment

Competitive Factors and Assessment

Key Findings

Overview and Introduction

Market Engineering Measurements

Revenue and Unit Shipment Forecast

Pricing Trends and Forecast

Percent Unit Shipment Forecast by Chemistry

Revenue Forecast by Region

Unit Shipment Forecast by Region

Competitive Environment

Competitive Factors and Assessment

Key Findings

Overview and Introduction

Market Engineering Measurements

Revenue and Unit Shipment Forecast

Pricing Trends and Forecast

Percent Unit Shipment Forecast by Chemistry

Revenue Forecast by Region

Unit Shipment Forecast by Region

Competitive Environment

Competitive Factors and Assessment

The Last Word—3 Big Predictions

Legal Disclaimer

Market Engineering Methodology

Partial List of Companies Interviewed

Abbreviations and Acronyms Used

List of Exhibits

List of Figures
  • 1. Total Automotive Adhesives and Sealants Market: Types of Adhesives and Sealants, Global, 2014-2024
  • 2. Total Automotive Adhesives and Sealants Market: Product Matrix, Global, 2014-2024
  • 3. Total Automotive Adhesives and Sealants Market: Key Market Drivers, Global, 2018-2024
  • 4. Total Automotive Adhesives and Sealants Market: Percent Automotive Production Share by Region, Global, 2017-2024
  • 5. Total Automotive Adhesives and Sealants Market: GHG Emission Norms, Global, 2014-2024
  • 6. Total Automotive Adhesives and Sealants Market: Benefits of Adhesives and Sealants – Comparison with Conventional Joining Techniques, Global, 2014-2024
  • 7. Total Automotive Adhesives and Sealants Market: Key Market Restraints, Global, 2018-2024
  • 8. Total Automotive Adhesives and Sealants Market: Market Engineering Measurements, Global, 2017
  • 9. Total Automotive Adhesives and Sealants Market: Revenue Forecast by Region, Global, 2014-2024
  • 10. Total Automotive Adhesives and Sealants Market: Unit Shipment Forecast by Region, Global, 2014-2024
  • 11. Total Automotive Adhesives and Sealants Market: Market Share Analysis of Top 5 Participants, Global, 2017
  • 12. Total Automotive Adhesives and Sealants Market: Competitive Structure, Global, 2017
  • 13. Total Automotive Adhesives and Sealants Market: Mega Trend Impact, Global, 2014-2024
  • 14. Total Automotive Adhesives and Sealants Market: CEO’s 360 Degree Perspective, Global, 2014-2024
  • 15. BIW Adhesives and Sealants Segment: Market Engineering Measurements, Global, 2017
  • 16. BIW Adhesives and Sealants Segment: Revenue Forecast by Region, Global, 2014-2024
  • 17. BIW Adhesives and Sealants Segment: Unit Shipment Forecast by Region, Global, 2014-2024
  • 18. BIW Adhesives and Sealants Segment: Competitive Structure, Global, 2017
  • 19. UTH & Powertrain Adhesives and Sealants Segment: Chemistry Overview, Global, 2017
  • 20. UTH & Powertrain Adhesives and Sealants Segment: Market Engineering Measurements, Global, 2017
  • 21. UTH & Powertrain Adhesives and Sealants Segment: Revenue Forecast by Region, Global, 2014-2024
  • 22. UTH & Powertrain Adhesives and Sealants Segment: Unit Shipment Forecast by Region, Global, 2014-2024
  • 23. UTH & Powertrain Adhesives and Sealants Segment: Competitive Structure, Global, 2017
  • 24. Paint Shop Adhesives and Sealants Segment: Chemistry Overview, Global, 2017
  • 25. Paint Shop Adhesives and Sealants Segment: Market Engineering Measurements, Global, 2017
  • 26. Paint Shop Adhesives and Sealants Segment: Revenue Forecast by Region, Global, 2014-2024
  • 27. Paint Shop Adhesives and Sealants Segment: Unit Shipment Forecast by Region, Global, 2014-2024
  • 28. Paint Shop Adhesives and Sealants Segment: Competitive Structure, Global, 2017
  • 29. Assembly Adhesives and Sealants Segment: Chemistry and Application Insight of Assembly Adhesives and Sealants, Global, 2017
  • 30. Assembly Adhesives and Sealants Segment: Market Engineering Measurements, Global, 2017
  • 31. Assembly Adhesives and Sealants Segment: Revenue Forecast by Region, Global, 2014-2024
  • 32. Assembly Adhesives and Sealants Segment: Unit Shipment Forecast by Region, Global, 2014-2024
  • 33. Assembly Adhesives and Sealants Segment: Competitive Structure, Global, 2017
List of Charts
  • 1. Total Automotive Adhesives and Sealants Market: Market Engineering Measurements, Global, 2017
  • 2. Total Automotive Adhesives and Sealants Market: Key Advantages of Adhesives and Sealants, Global, 2014-2024
  • 3. Total Automotive Adhesives and Sealants Market: Percent Unit Shipment by Segment, Global, 2017
  • 4. Total Automotive Adhesives and Sealants Market Forecast: Percent Unit Shipment Forecast by Segment, Global, 2024
  • 5. Total Automotive Adhesives and Sealants Market: Percent Revenue by Segment, Global, 2017
  • 6. Total Automotive Adhesives and Sealants Market Forecast: Percent Revenue Forecast by Segment, Global, 2024
  • 7. Total Automotive Adhesives and Sealants Market: Vale Chain Analysis, Global, 2014-2024
  • 8. Total Automotive Adhesives and Sealants Market: Recent Mergers and Acquisitions, Global, 2014-2017
  • 9. Total Automotive Adhesives and Sealants Market: Revenue and Unit Shipment Forecast, Global, 2014–2024
  • 10. Total Automotive Adhesives and Sealants Market: Average Volume Per Vehicle Forecast, Global, 2014–2024
  • 11. Total Automotive Adhesives and Sealants Market: Average Price, Global, 2014-2024
  • 12. Total Automotive Adhesives and Sealants Market: Percent Revenue by Participant, Global, 2017
  • 13. BIW Segment Market: Percent Revenue Breakdown, Global, 2017
  • 14. BIW Adhesives and Sealants Segment: Revenue and Unit Shipment Forecast, Global, 2014-2024
  • 15. BIW Adhesives and Sealants Segment: Average Price, Global, 2014-2024
  • 16. BIW Adhesives and Sealants Segment: Percent Revenue by Sub-segment, Global, 2017
  • 17. BIW Adhesives and Sealants Segment: Percent Revenue Forecast by Sub-segment, Global, 2024
  • 18. BIW Adhesives and Sealants Segment: Percent Unit Shipment by Sub-segment, Global, 2017
  • 19. BIW Adhesives and Sealants Segment: Percent Unit Shipment Forecast by Sub-segment, Global, 2024
  • 20. Structural Adhesives Sub-segment: Percent Unit Shipment by Chemistry, Global, 2017
  • 21. Structural Adhesives Sub-segment: Percent Unit Shipment Forecast by Chemistry, Global, 2024
  • 22. Non-structural Adhesives Sub-segment: Percent Unit Shipment by Chemistry, Global, 2017
  • 23. Non-structural Adhesives Sub-segment: Percent Unit Shipment Forecast by Chemistry, Global, 2024
  • 24. UTH & Powertrain Adhesives and Sealants Segment: Revenue and Unit Shipment Forecast, Global, 2014-2024
  • 25. UTH & Powertrain Adhesives and Sealants Segment: Average Price, Global, 2014-2024
  • 26. UTH & Powertrain Adhesives and Sealants Segment: Percent Unit Shipment by Chemistry, Global, 2017
  • 27. UTH & Powertrain Adhesives and Sealants Segment: Percent Unit Shipment Forecast by Chemistry, Global, 2024
  • 28. Paint Shop Adhesives and Sealants Segment: Revenue and Unit Shipment Forecast, Global, 2014-2024
  • 29. Paint Shop Adhesives and Sealants Segment: Average Price, Global, 2014–2024
  • 30. Paint Shop Adhesives and Sealants Segment: Percent Unit Shipment by Chemistry, Global, 2017
  • 31. Paint Shop Adhesives and Sealants Segment: Percent Unit Shipment Forecast by Chemistry, Global, 2024
  • 32. Assembly Adhesives and Sealants Segment: Revenue and Unit Shipment Forecast, Global, 2014-2024
  • 33. Assembly Adhesives and Sealants Segment: Pricing Forecast, Global, 2014-2024
  • 34. Assembly Adhesives and Sealants Segment: Percent Unit Shipment by Chemistry, Global, 2017
  • 35. Assembly Adhesives and Sealants Segment: Percent Unit Shipment Forecast by Chemistry, Global, 2024
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This study analyzes the global automotive adhesives and sealants market with demand for both light vehicles (LV) and electric vehicles (EV). The period covered in this study is 2014-2024. LV includes both passenger and light commercial vehicle (LCV) with total gross vehicle weight of not more than 3.5 tones. The market is segmented as body in white (BIW), under the hood (UTH) & powertrain, paint shop and assembly segments, all categorized from an application perspective. The regions covered in this study include North America, Europe, Asia Pacific (APAC) and Rest of World (ROW).--BEGIN PROMO--

Research Scope

This research study analyzes the current market size in terms of volumes and revenues based on the average prices of materials in the market. It also includes a detailed analysis of drivers, restraints, market trends, product and technology trends, material trends, value chain analysis, mergers and acquisitions, competitive landscaping and product matrix. Further, it presents forecasts for revenue and unit shipments for all segments over the period 2018-2024. The various chemistries that are used across segments are also analyzed extensively based on their adoption levels.

Key Issues Addressed

  • Is the market growing, how long will it continue to grow, and at what rate?
  • What are the key factors driving and restraining market growth?
  • What are the adoptions of A&S in various application segments?
  • What are the growth opportunities for the different application segments?
  • Who are the leading market participants?
  • What are the key competitive factors governing the market?


APAC and ROW are the key growth regions owing to their expected higher automotive production growth during the forecast period. North America and Europe, on the other hand, are likely to register only modest growth rates.

BIW and assembly are the major segments that are likely to witness higher material and technology trends owing to the greater adoption of light-weight multi-materials such as aluminum, magnesium, plastics and composites in these segments. This trend will be further supported by the growing interest of OEMs towards increasing fuel efficiency, enhancing comfort, improving aesthetic appearance and reducing NVH levels. Similarly, the adoption of water-borne adhesives and sealants is gaining momentum compared to solvent-borne adhesives due to the rising interest towards lowering VOC emissions.

Surge in EV numbers is the key mega trend within the global automotive industry owing to the greater focus on sustainability and emphasis on renewable resources. Leading market participants are exploring opportunities to expand their product portfolio and strengthen their market position through the acquisition of regional or application-specific companies.

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Deliverable Type Market Research
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Table of Contents | Executive Summary~ || Key Findings~ || Strategic Factsheet~ || Market Engineering Measurements~ || CEO’s Perspective~ | Market Overview~ || Market Definitions~ || Market Overview—Adhesive and Sealants (A&S) Definition~ || Market Overview~ || Market Overview—Geographic Scope~ || Market Overview—Segment Definitions~ || Market Overview—Chemistry Overview~ || Market Trends~ || Material and Other Trends~ || Market Segmentation—Unit Shipment~ || Market Segmentation—Revenue~ || Value Chain Analysis~ || Merger & Acquisitions—Snapshot~ || Product Matrix~ | Drivers and Restraints—Total Automotive Adhesives and Sealants Market~ || Market Drivers~ || Market Restraints~ | Forecasts and Trends—Total Automotive Adhesives and Sealants Market~ || Market Engineering Measurements~ || Revenue and Unit Shipment Forecast~ || Average Volume Per LV & EV Forecast~ || Pricing Trends and Forecast~ || Revenue Forecast by Region~ || Unit Shipment Forecast by Region~ | Market Share and Competitive Analysis—Total Automotive Adhesives and Sealants Market~ || Market Share~ || Market Share Analysis~ || Competitive Environment~ || Competitive Factors and Assessment~ | Growth Opportunities and Companies to Action~ || Growth Opportunity I—Surge in EV Renders Higher Growth in BIW and/or UTH & Powertrain Applications~ || Growth Opportunity II—BIW Segment~ || Growth Opportunity III—Expansion of Product Line by M&A~ || Strategic Imperatives for Success and Growth~ | Mega Trends and Industry Convergence Implications~ || Mega Trend Impact on Automotive Adhesives and Sealants Industry~ | CEO’s 360 Degree Perspective~ || CEO’s 360 Degree Perspective~ | BIW Adhesives and Sealants Segment Breakdown~ || Key Findings~ || Overview and Introduction~ || Market Engineering Measurements~ || Revenue and Unit Shipment Forecast~ || Pricing Trends and Forecast~ || Percent Revenue Forecast by Sub-segment~ || Percent Unit Shipment Forecast by Sub-segment~ || Structural Adhesives Sub-segment—Percent Unit Shipment Forecast by Chemistry~ || Non-structural Adhesives Sub-segment—Percent Unit Shipment Forecast by Chemistry~ || Revenue Forecast by Region~ || Unit Shipment Forecast by Region~ || Competitive Environment~ || Competitive Factors and Assessment~ | UTH & Powertrain Adhesives and Sealants Segment Breakdown~ || Key Findings~ || Overview and Introduction~ || Market Engineering Measurements~ || Revenue and Unit Shipment Forecast~ || Pricing Trends and Forecast~ || Percent Unit Shipment Forecast by Chemistry~ || Revenue Forecast by Region~ || Unit Shipment Forecast by Region~ || Competitive Environment~ || Competitive Factors and Assessment~ | Paint Shop Adhesives and Sealants Segment Breakdown~ || Key Findings~ || Overview and Introduction~ || Market Engineering Measurements~ || Revenue and Unit Shipment Forecast~ || Pricing Trends and Forecast~ || Percent Unit Shipment Forecast by Chemistry~ || Revenue Forecast by Region~ || Unit Shipment Forecast by Region~ || Competitive Environment~ || Competitive Factors and Assessment~ | Assembly Adhesives and Sealants Segment Breakdown~ || Key Findings~ || Overview and Introduction~ || Market Engineering Measurements~ || Revenue and Unit Shipment Forecast~ || Pricing Trends and Forecast~ || Percent Unit Shipment Forecast by Chemistry~ || Revenue Forecast by Region~ || Unit Shipment Forecast by Region~ || Competitive Environment~ || Competitive Factors and Assessment~ | The Last Word~ || The Last Word—3 Big Predictions~ || Legal Disclaimer~ | Appendix~ || Market Engineering Methodology~ || Partial List of Companies Interviewed~ || Abbreviations and Acronyms Used~ || List of Exhibits~
List of Charts and Figures 1. Total Automotive Adhesives and Sealants Market: Types of Adhesives and Sealants, Global, 2014-2024~ 2. Total Automotive Adhesives and Sealants Market: Product Matrix, Global, 2014-2024~ 3. Total Automotive Adhesives and Sealants Market: Key Market Drivers, Global, 2018-2024~ 4. Total Automotive Adhesives and Sealants Market: Percent Automotive Production Share by Region, Global, 2017-2024~ 5. Total Automotive Adhesives and Sealants Market: GHG Emission Norms, Global, 2014-2024~ 6. Total Automotive Adhesives and Sealants Market: Benefits of Adhesives and Sealants – Comparison with Conventional Joining Techniques, Global, 2014-2024~ 7. Total Automotive Adhesives and Sealants Market: Key Market Restraints, Global, 2018-2024~ 8. Total Automotive Adhesives and Sealants Market: Market Engineering Measurements, Global, 2017~ 9. Total Automotive Adhesives and Sealants Market: Revenue Forecast by Region, Global, 2014-2024~ 10. Total Automotive Adhesives and Sealants Market: Unit Shipment Forecast by Region, Global, 2014-2024~ 11. Total Automotive Adhesives and Sealants Market: Market Share Analysis of Top 5 Participants, Global, 2017~ 12. Total Automotive Adhesives and Sealants Market: Competitive Structure, Global, 2017~ 13. Total Automotive Adhesives and Sealants Market: Mega Trend Impact, Global, 2014-2024~ 14. Total Automotive Adhesives and Sealants Market: CEO’s 360 Degree Perspective, Global, 2014-2024~ 15. BIW Adhesives and Sealants Segment: Market Engineering Measurements, Global, 2017~ 16. BIW Adhesives and Sealants Segment: Revenue Forecast by Region, Global, 2014-2024~ 17. BIW Adhesives and Sealants Segment: Unit Shipment Forecast by Region, Global, 2014-2024~ 18. BIW Adhesives and Sealants Segment: Competitive Structure, Global, 2017~ 19. UTH & Powertrain Adhesives and Sealants Segment: Chemistry Overview, Global, 2017~ 20. UTH & Powertrain Adhesives and Sealants Segment: Market Engineering Measurements, Global, 2017~ 21. UTH & Powertrain Adhesives and Sealants Segment: Revenue Forecast by Region, Global, 2014-2024~ 22. UTH & Powertrain Adhesives and Sealants Segment: Unit Shipment Forecast by Region, Global, 2014-2024~ 23. UTH & Powertrain Adhesives and Sealants Segment: Competitive Structure, Global, 2017~ 24. Paint Shop Adhesives and Sealants Segment: Chemistry Overview, Global, 2017~ 25. Paint Shop Adhesives and Sealants Segment: Market Engineering Measurements, Global, 2017~ 26. Paint Shop Adhesives and Sealants Segment: Revenue Forecast by Region, Global, 2014-2024~ 27. Paint Shop Adhesives and Sealants Segment: Unit Shipment Forecast by Region, Global, 2014-2024~ 28. Paint Shop Adhesives and Sealants Segment: Competitive Structure, Global, 2017~ 29. Assembly Adhesives and Sealants Segment: Chemistry and Application Insight of Assembly Adhesives and Sealants, Global, 2017~ 30. Assembly Adhesives and Sealants Segment: Market Engineering Measurements, Global, 2017~ 31. Assembly Adhesives and Sealants Segment: Revenue Forecast by Region, Global, 2014-2024~ 32. Assembly Adhesives and Sealants Segment: Unit Shipment Forecast by Region, Global, 2014-2024~ 33. Assembly Adhesives and Sealants Segment: Competitive Structure, Global, 2017~| 1. Total Automotive Adhesives and Sealants Market: Market Engineering Measurements, Global, 2017~ 2. Total Automotive Adhesives and Sealants Market: Key Advantages of Adhesives and Sealants, Global, 2014-2024~ 3. Total Automotive Adhesives and Sealants Market: Percent Unit Shipment by Segment, Global, 2017~ 4. Total Automotive Adhesives and Sealants Market Forecast: Percent Unit Shipment Forecast by Segment, Global, 2024~ 5. Total Automotive Adhesives and Sealants Market: Percent Revenue by Segment, Global, 2017~ 6. Total Automotive Adhesives and Sealants Market Forecast: Percent Revenue Forecast by Segment, Global, 2024~ 7. Total Automotive Adhesives and Sealants Market: Vale Chain Analysis, Global, 2014-2024~ 8. Total Automotive Adhesives and Sealants Market: Recent Mergers and Acquisitions, Global, 2014-2017~ 9. Total Automotive Adhesives and Sealants Market: Revenue and Unit Shipment Forecast, Global, 2014–2024 ~ 10. Total Automotive Adhesives and Sealants Market: Average Volume Per Vehicle Forecast, Global, 2014–2024~ 11. Total Automotive Adhesives and Sealants Market: Average Price, Global, 2014-2024~ 12. Total Automotive Adhesives and Sealants Market: Percent Revenue by Participant, Global, 2017~ 13. BIW Segment Market: Percent Revenue Breakdown, Global, 2017~ 14. BIW Adhesives and Sealants Segment: Revenue and Unit Shipment Forecast, Global, 2014-2024 ~ 15. BIW Adhesives and Sealants Segment: Average Price, Global, 2014-2024~ 16. BIW Adhesives and Sealants Segment: Percent Revenue by Sub-segment, Global, 2017~ 17. BIW Adhesives and Sealants Segment: Percent Revenue Forecast by Sub-segment, Global, 2024~ 18. BIW Adhesives and Sealants Segment: Percent Unit Shipment by Sub-segment, Global, 2017~ 19. BIW Adhesives and Sealants Segment: Percent Unit Shipment Forecast by Sub-segment, Global, 2024~ 20. Structural Adhesives Sub-segment: Percent Unit Shipment by Chemistry, Global, 2017~ 21. Structural Adhesives Sub-segment: Percent Unit Shipment Forecast by Chemistry, Global, 2024~ 22. Non-structural Adhesives Sub-segment: Percent Unit Shipment by Chemistry, Global, 2017~ 23. Non-structural Adhesives Sub-segment: Percent Unit Shipment Forecast by Chemistry, Global, 2024~ 24. UTH & Powertrain Adhesives and Sealants Segment: Revenue and Unit Shipment Forecast, Global, 2014-2024 ~ 25. UTH & Powertrain Adhesives and Sealants Segment: Average Price, Global, 2014-2024~ 26. UTH & Powertrain Adhesives and Sealants Segment: Percent Unit Shipment by Chemistry, Global, 2017~ 27. UTH & Powertrain Adhesives and Sealants Segment: Percent Unit Shipment Forecast by Chemistry, Global, 2024~ 28. Paint Shop Adhesives and Sealants Segment: Revenue and Unit Shipment Forecast, Global, 2014-2024 ~ 29. Paint Shop Adhesives and Sealants Segment: Average Price, Global, 2014–2024~ 30. Paint Shop Adhesives and Sealants Segment: Percent Unit Shipment by Chemistry, Global, 2017~ 31. Paint Shop Adhesives and Sealants Segment: Percent Unit Shipment Forecast by Chemistry, Global, 2024~ 32. Assembly Adhesives and Sealants Segment: Revenue and Unit Shipment Forecast, Global, 2014-2024~ 33. Assembly Adhesives and Sealants Segment: Pricing Forecast, Global, 2014-2024~ 34. Assembly Adhesives and Sealants Segment: Percent Unit Shipment by Chemistry, Global, 2017~ 35. Assembly Adhesives and Sealants Segment: Percent Unit Shipment Forecast by Chemistry, Global, 2024~
Author Vishnu Karthik Jothivasan
Industries Chemicals and Materials
WIP Number K27A-01-00-00-00
Keyword 1 Automotive Adhesives
Keyword 2 Automotive Sealants
Is Prebook No
GPS Codes 9100-A2,9869-A2,9948-A2,9985-A2,9595