Global Privileged Access Management Solutions Growth Opportunities

Information TechnologyPrivileged Access Management Solutions Market – Growth Opportunities, Analysis, Forecast, North America, 2022 Updated Research Available

Growing Complexity Of It Environments And Surge Of Privileged Identities Driving Future Growth Potential,Privileged Identity Management Solution,Privileged Access Management Solutions,Pam Market

North America
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Market Research
Research Code: PDB1-01-00-00-00
SKU: IT04643-NA-MT_27289
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Global Privileged Access Management Solutions Growth Opportunities
Published on: 19-Dec-2022 | SKU: IT04643-NA-MT_27289

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Pandemic-induced changes in business environments have led most organizations to shift to a hybrid workforce. A significantly larger number
of employees are working remotely, leading many corporate services and applications to shift to cloud environments. With the resultant increase
in the number of remote privileged users and systems that organizations must protect, there is an urgent need to embed enterprise systems
with privileged account management (PAM) and security solutions that adhere to zero-trust principles. The management of privileged accounts, therefore, has become more challenging, especially since traditional PAM solutions are not equipped to keep up with complex and dynamic
cloud-hosted infrastructures. Organizations are finding ways to strengthen their identity strategy with a core focus on PAM.

This research service provides insights into the global PAM market with regional breakdowns for North America (NA); Europe, the Middle East,
and Africa (EMEA); Asia-Pacific (APAC); and Latin America (LATAM) by verticals, horizontals, and deployment types. The study analyzes the factors driving and restraining the adoption of PAM solutions and offers profiles of the key vendors in this space. It also identifies the growth opportunities emerging from the changes in this market for stakeholders and market players to leverage. The base year is 2021, and the
forecast period is 2021–2026.

Author: Vivien Pua

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The Impact of the Top 3 Strategic Imperatives on the Privileged Access Management (PAM) Solutions Industry

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Scope of Analysis

Market Definitions

Market Definitions (continued)

Market Definitions (continued)


Customer Segmentation

Research Methodology

Regional Segmentation

Key Competitors

Key Competitors (continued)

Growth Metrics

Growth Drivers

Growth Driver Analysis

Growth Driver Analysis (continued)

Growth Driver Analysis (continued)

Growth Driver Analysis (continued)

Growth Restraints

Growth Restraint Analysis

Growth Restraint Analysis (continued)


Forecast Assumptions

Revenue Forecast

Revenue Forecast Analysis

Revenue Forecast by Product

Revenue Forecast by Region

Pricing Trends and Forecast Analysis

The Competitive Environment

Percent Revenue by Enterprise Verticals

Percent Revenue by Enterprise Horizontals

Revenue Share

Growth Metrics

Revenue Forecast

Forecast Analysis

Revenue Forecast by Product

Revenue Share

Growth Metrics

Revenue Forecast

Forecast Analysis

Revenue Forecast by Product

Revenue Share

Growth Metrics

Revenue Forecast

Forecast Analysis

Revenue Forecast by Product

Revenue Share

Growth Metrics

Revenue Forecast

Forecast Analysis

Revenue Forecast by Product

Revenue Share

Vendor Profile—BeyondTrust

Vendor Profile—CyberArk

Vendor Profile—Delinea

Vendor Profile—DBAPPSecurity

Vendor Profile—One Identity

Vendor Profile—QI-ANXIN Group

Vendor Profile—Senhasegura

Vendor Profile—WALLIX

Growth Opportunity 1: Growing Demand for PAM in Cloud Solutions

Growth Opportunity 1: Growing Demand for PAM in Cloud Solutions (continued)

Growth Opportunity 2: Platform Approach to Offer Centralized PAM Management for Different Environments

Growth Opportunity 2: Platform Approach to Offer Centralized PAM Management for Different Environments (continued)

Growth Opportunity 3: Expanding Ecosystem of Technology Partners to Close Security Gaps

Growth Opportunity 3: Expanding Ecosystem of Technology Partners to Close Security Gaps (continued)

Insights for CISOs—Trends

Insights for CISOs—CISOs' Concerns

Insights for CISOs—Recommendations 

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List of Exhibits

List of Exhibits (continued)

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List of Figures
  • PAM Solutions: Technology Segmentation, Global, 2021
  • PAM Solutions: Customer Segmentation, Global, 2021
  • PAM Solutions: Research Methodology, Global, 2021
  • PAM Solutions: Key Growth Metrics, Global, 2021
  • PAM Solutions: Growth Drivers, Global, 2022–2026
  • PAM Solutions: Growth Restraints, Global, 2022–2026
  • PAM Solutions: Revenue Forecast, Global, 2020–2026
  • PAM Solutions: Revenue Forecast by Product, Global, 2020–2026
  • PAM Solutions: Revenue Forecast by Region, Global, 2020–2026
  • PAM Solutions: Competitive Environment, Global, 2020
  • PAM Solutions: Percent Revenue by Enterprise Verticals, Global, 2021
  • PAM Solutions: Percent Revenue by Enterprise Horizontals, Global, 2021
  • PAM Solutions: Revenue Share of the Top Participants, Global, 2021
  • PAM Solutions: Growth Metrics, NA, 2021
  • PAM Solutions: Revenue Forecast, NA, 2020–2026
  • PAM Solutions: Revenue Forecast by Product, NA, 2020–2026
  • PAM Solutions: Revenue Share of the Top Participants, NA, 2021
  • PAM Solutions: Growth Metrics, EMEA, 2021
  • PAM Solutions: Revenue Forecast, EMEA, 2020–2026
  • PAM Solutions: Revenue Forecast by Product, EMEA, 2020–2026
  • PAM Solutions: Revenue Share of the Top Participants, EMEA, 2021
  • PAM Solutions: Growth Metrics, LATAM, 2021
  • PAM Solutions: Revenue Forecast, LATAM, 2020–2026
  • PAM Solutions: Revenue Forecast by Product, LATAM, 2020–2026
  • PAM Solutions: Revenue Share of the Top Participants, LATAM, 2021
  • PAM Solutions: Growth Metrics, APAC, 2021
  • PAM Solutions: Revenue Forecast, APAC, 2020–2026
  • PAM Solutions: Revenue Forecast by Product Type, APAC, 2020–2026
  • PAM Solutions: Revenue Share of Top Participants, APAC, 2021
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Pandemic-induced changes in business environments have led most organizations to shift to a hybrid workforce. A significantly larger number of employees are working remotely, leading many corporate services and applications to shift to cloud environments. With the resultant increase in the number of remote privileged users and systems that organizations must protect, there is an urgent need to embed enterprise systems with privileged account management (PAM) and security solutions that adhere to zero-trust principles. The management of privileged accounts, therefore, has become more challenging, especially since traditional PAM solutions are not equipped to keep up with complex and dynamic cloud-hosted infrastructures. Organizations are finding ways to strengthen their identity strategy with a core focus on PAM. This research service provides insights into the global PAM market with regional breakdowns for North America (NA); Europe, the Middle East, and Africa (EMEA); Asia-Pacific (APAC); and Latin America (LATAM) by verticals, horizontals, and deployment types. The study analyzes the factors driving and restraining the adoption of PAM solutions and offers profiles of the key vendors in this space. It also identifies the growth opportunities emerging from the changes in this market for stakeholders and market players to leverage. The base year is 2021, and the forecast period is 2021–2026. Author: Vivien Pua
More Information
New Title Privileged Access Management Solutions Market – Growth Opportunities, Analysis, Forecast, North America, 2022
New Subtitle Growing Complexity Of It Environments And Surge Of Privileged Identities Driving Future Growth Potential,Privileged Identity Management Solution,Privileged Access Management Solutions,Pam Market
Deliverable Type Market Research
Author Vivien Pua
Industries Information Technology
No Index No
Is Prebook No
Keyword 1 Privileged Identity Management Solution
Keyword 2 Privileged Access Management Solutions
Keyword 3 PAM market
List of Charts and Figures PAM Solutions: Technology Segmentation, Global, 2021~ PAM Solutions: Customer Segmentation, Global, 2021~ PAM Solutions: Research Methodology, Global, 2021~ PAM Solutions: Key Growth Metrics, Global, 2021~ PAM Solutions: Growth Drivers, Global, 2022–2026~ PAM Solutions: Growth Restraints, Global, 2022–2026~ PAM Solutions: Revenue Forecast, Global, 2020–2026~ PAM Solutions: Revenue Forecast by Product, Global, 2020–2026~ PAM Solutions: Revenue Forecast by Region, Global, 2020–2026~ PAM Solutions: Competitive Environment, Global, 2020~ PAM Solutions: Percent Revenue by Enterprise Verticals, Global, 2021~ PAM Solutions: Percent Revenue by Enterprise Horizontals, Global, 2021~ PAM Solutions: Revenue Share of the Top Participants, Global, 2021~ PAM Solutions: Growth Metrics, NA, 2021~ PAM Solutions: Revenue Forecast, NA, 2020–2026~ PAM Solutions: Revenue Forecast by Product, NA, 2020–2026~ PAM Solutions: Revenue Share of the Top Participants, NA, 2021~ PAM Solutions: Growth Metrics, EMEA, 2021~ PAM Solutions: Revenue Forecast, EMEA, 2020–2026~ PAM Solutions: Revenue Forecast by Product, EMEA, 2020–2026~ PAM Solutions: Revenue Share of the Top Participants, EMEA, 2021~ PAM Solutions: Growth Metrics, LATAM, 2021~ PAM Solutions: Revenue Forecast, LATAM, 2020–2026~ PAM Solutions: Revenue Forecast by Product, LATAM, 2020–2026~ PAM Solutions: Revenue Share of the Top Participants, LATAM, 2021~ PAM Solutions: Growth Metrics, APAC, 2021~ PAM Solutions: Revenue Forecast, APAC, 2020–2026~ PAM Solutions: Revenue Forecast by Product Type, APAC, 2020–2026~ PAM Solutions: Revenue Share of Top Participants, APAC, 2021~
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Predecessor PC4D-01-00-00-00
WIP Number PDB1-01-00-00-00