CASE & Construction Chemicals Market Research Reports
23 Mar 2017  |  Africa  |  Market Research
Decorative Paints and Coatings Market for Kenya and Tanzania, Forecast to 2020
Construction Boom and Changing Policies are Driving Market Growth
The Kenyan and Tanzanian decorative paints and coatings market was worth a combined value of $138.7 million in 2015 and is expected to show promising growth (CAGR of 6%–7%) over the next 5 years. This is due to the significant growth in population and the middle class, government policies that support the development of infrastructure, growing ur...
$4,950.00 -
19 Jan 2017  |  Africa  |  Market Research
The Mining Explosives Market in South Africa for Coal, Iron Ore, Gold and PGMs, Forecast to 2020
Cost Containment Drives Product Innovation
The South African mining explosives market for coal, iron ore, PGMs, and gold was worth $530.7 million in 2015 and its growth will be limited (CAGR of 1.2%) over the next five years. This is due to the global oversupply of metals and minerals and low commodity prices that are hindering the growth of explosives in the local mining sector. Mining of ...