Commercial Vehicle Telematics Market Outlook in India

Commercial Vehicle Telematics Market Outlook in India

Telematics Penetration to Grow Ten Folds by 2021

South Asia, Middle East & North Africa
Deliverable Type
Market Research
Research Code: MA57-01-00-00-00
SKU: AU00076-SA-MR_08630
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Commercial Vehicle Telematics Market Outlook in India
Published on: 16-Sep-2014 | SKU: AU00076-SA-MR_08630

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The main drivers of the commercial vehicle telematics market is increasing fuel prices and wafer thin profit margin in the transportation industry which compels the fleet operators to gain competitive advantage by vehicle tracking, route calculation, checking on oil pilferage, and other telematics offerings. However, the initial cost of telematics hardware is interrupting growth in the smaller fleets (up to 5 trucks) which account for around 70% of the transport industry. Even the larger fleets (more than 20 trucks), holding around 14% of the share, get pinched by the effects of debilitated economic climate, and are unwilling to update or continue subscription of any Fleet Management Systems. Another growth deterrent stalks from anxieties about sensitive company data being exposed to third party or competitors.

Key Findings

Commercial Vehicle Telematics—Market Snapshot

Roadmap of Telematics Market in India

Outlook for the Commercial Vehicle Telematics Market

Telematics Installed Base by Market Segment

Barriers to Market Entry

PESTLE Overview of India

Imminent Consolidation among Telematics Vendors

Key Findings and Future Outlook

Associated Multimedia

Research Scope

Research Aims and Objectives

Key Questions This Study Will Answer

Research Background

Research Methodology

Market Definitions

Types of Telematics Solutions

Dynamics of the Indian Commercial Vehicle Telematics Market

Market Trends

Telematics Installed Base by Market Segment

Drivers and Restraints

Commercial Vehicle Telematics Market Drivers

Drivers Explained

Commercial Vehicle Telematics Market Restraints

Restraints Explained

Telematics Service Pricing Range

Services Roadmap

Telematics Product Type Range

Fleet Telematics Breakdown by Product Type

Fleet Telematics Breakdown by Service Type

Business Model Application in Telematics

Fleet Telematics Breakdown by Business Model

Different Levels of Packages and Business Models Offered

Scenario Analysis of Commercial Vehicle Telematics Installed Base

Forecast Scenario Assumptions to 2021

Forecast Scenario Assumptions to 2021 (continued)

Telematics Penetration by Vehicle Type

Sales of Commercial Vehicle Telematics

OEM Market Share

Growth Analysis by Market Share for FMS Vendor

Competitive Environment

Staged Approach to the Indian Telematics Market

Opportunity by Vehicle Type

Targeted Services for Individual Industries

Opportunity by Markets/Industries

Focus on Key Services in India

Focus on Key Services in India (continued)

Key Avenues Offering Potential

The Large Share of Small Operators: Cost-effective Solutions

Who to Partner With—Innovative Companies?

Who to Partner With—Local Partnerships?

Competitive Benchmarking—Services Offered

Competitive Benchmarking—Industries Served

Competitive Benchmarking

The Last Word—Three Big Predictions

Key Conclusions and Future Outlook

Legal Disclaimer

Table of Acronyms Used

Learn More—Next Steps

Market Engineering Methodology

Commercial Vehicle Telematics Research Programme

Commercial Vehicle Telematics Research Programme

Commercial Vehicle Telematics Research Programme (continued)

Commercial Vehicle Telematics Research Programme (continued)

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The main drivers of the commercial vehicle telematics market is increasing fuel prices and wafer thin profit margin in the transportation industry which compels the fleet operators to gain competitive advantage by vehicle tracking, route calculation, checking on oil pilferage, and other telematics offerings. However, the initial cost of telematics hardware is interrupting growth in the smaller fleets (up to 5 trucks) which account for around 70% of the transport industry. Even the larger fleets (more than 20 trucks), holding around 14% of the share, get pinched by the effects of debilitated economic climate, and are unwilling to update or continue subscription of any Fleet Management Systems. Another growth deterrent stalks from anxieties about sensitive company data being exposed to third party or competitors.
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Deliverable Type Market Research
No Index No
Podcast No
Author Satendra Kumar
Industries Automotive
WIP Number MA57-01-00-00-00
Is Prebook No