Industries Market Research Reports

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  1. 04 May 2015  |  Asia Pacific  |  Market Research

    Global Wireless Power Charging Market

    The Need for Commercialization and Business Scalability to Shape the Industry Structure

    Wireless charging manufacturers are expected to reach economies of scale to offer the technology at a competitive price by 2016 or 2017. The perceived value also may improve with time. The smartphone market is the earliest adopter of wireless power charging technology, and is the largest revenue contributor to the global market. Other potential ap...

  2. 23 Apr 2015  |  Asia Pacific  |  Market Research

    Southeast Asia Offshore Oil and Gas Services Market

    Feasibility of Venturing into Deeper Water Amid Declining Oil Prices

    The offshore oil and gas (O&G) services market is witnessing uncertainty amid the global slump in crude oil price that started in H2, 2014 affecting economies and several industries. Major international and national oil companies have resorted to controlling their capital investments and laying off employees to reduce expenses. The highest level of...

  3. 16 Apr 2015  |  Asia Pacific  |  Market Outlook

    Energy & Environment Industry Outlook in 2015An Asia-Pacific Perspective

    Oil Price CollapseThreat or Opportunity?

    With the recent plunge in crude oil prices, it is a good time to think about the relationship between crude oil and the energy and environment markets. Many believe that the downward trend is temporary, with superficial impact on the markets. Although prices continue to plummet, industry challenges and operation cost still remain acute such as cost...

  4. 20 Feb 2015  |  Asia Pacific  |  Market Research

    Australia and New Zealand Enclosures Market

    Growth in Infrastructure and Construction Investment Drives Demand

    Enclosures are used across a range of end-user sectors. The development of end-users directly affects enclosure demand. In Australia and New Zealand, market revenue declined between 2012 and 2014 due to reduced capital expenditure in key end-user sectors such as power, utilities, and mining. Revenue will return to normalized growth in 2015, driven ...

  5. 12 Feb 2015  |  Asia Pacific  |  Market Outlook

    Asia-Pacific Transmission and Distribution Outlook Study

    Grid Restructuring, Smart-grid Projects, and Microgrids Significantly Influence the T&D Sector in 2015

    In the Asia-Pacific transmission and distribution sector, the initial stages of grid restructuring will take place in countries such as Vietnam and Japan in 2015. In the smart-grid space, Japan and South Korea will continue smart-meter roll-outs. In Australia, grid privatization in Queensland and New South Wales was initiated in 2014 and is expecte...
