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  1. 16 Apr 2015  |  Asia Pacific  |  Market Outlook

    Energy & Environment Industry Outlook in 2015An Asia-Pacific Perspective

    Oil Price CollapseThreat or Opportunity?

    With the recent plunge in crude oil prices, it is a good time to think about the relationship between crude oil and the energy and environment markets. Many believe that the downward trend is temporary, with superficial impact on the markets. Although prices continue to plummet, industry challenges and operation cost still remain acute such as cost...

  2. 01 Apr 2015  |  Global  |  Market Outlook

    2015 Global Outlook of the Energy & Environment Industry

    Top 15 Trends for 2015

    Will oil prices continue to fall and what will be the impact? Could the lower price threaten investment in renewable energy? Could battery innovation lead to the widespread adoption of energy storage? Will LED lighting go mainstream? Will desalination make a comeback? How could X-as-a-Service business models revolutionise the building sector? There...
