Industries Market Research Reports

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  1. 25 Sep 2015  |  Asia Pacific  |  Market Research

    Asia-Pacific Smart Grid Market 2015 Update

    Evolving Technology Options and Business Case for Smart Grid Deployment in Asia-Pacific

    The research covers the current state and future potential of the smart grid market in the Asia-Pacific region. The study covers Southeast Asia, North Asia, and Australia, and New Zealand. It provides an in-depth analysis of the drivers and restraints and their impact on market opportunities during the forecast period. The technologies covered in t...

  2. 12 Feb 2015  |  Asia Pacific  |  Market Outlook

    Asia-Pacific Transmission and Distribution Outlook Study

    Grid Restructuring, Smart-grid Projects, and Microgrids Significantly Influence the T&D Sector in 2015

    In the Asia-Pacific transmission and distribution sector, the initial stages of grid restructuring will take place in countries such as Vietnam and Japan in 2015. In the smart-grid space, Japan and South Korea will continue smart-meter roll-outs. In Australia, grid privatization in Queensland and New South Wales was initiated in 2014 and is expecte...
