Industries Market Research Reports

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  1. 19 Mar 2021  |  Asia Pacific  |  Market Research

    Digitalization and Decarbonization Powering Southeast Asia’s Medium Voltage Switchgear Industry

    Future Growth Potential from Digital and Environmentally Friendly Value Propositions Driving Growth Opportunities

    Southeast Asia’s medium voltage switchgear market includes Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, the Philippines, Thailand, and Indonesia and covers voltages ranging from 1 kilovolt (kV) to 38 kV. Its growth is expected to continue at a steady 5.1% compound annual growth rate from 2020 to 2026, driven by rising power demand and grid connectivity acr...

  2. 25 Sep 2015  |  Asia Pacific  |  Market Research

    Asia-Pacific Smart Grid Market 2015 Update

    Evolving Technology Options and Business Case for Smart Grid Deployment in Asia-Pacific

    The research covers the current state and future potential of the smart grid market in the Asia-Pacific region. The study covers Southeast Asia, North Asia, and Australia, and New Zealand. It provides an in-depth analysis of the drivers and restraints and their impact on market opportunities during the forecast period. The technologies covered in t...

  3. 12 Feb 2015  |  Asia Pacific  |  Market Outlook

    Asia-Pacific Transmission and Distribution Outlook Study

    Grid Restructuring, Smart-grid Projects, and Microgrids Significantly Influence the T&D Sector in 2015

    In the Asia-Pacific transmission and distribution sector, the initial stages of grid restructuring will take place in countries such as Vietnam and Japan in 2015. In the smart-grid space, Japan and South Korea will continue smart-meter roll-outs. In Australia, grid privatization in Queensland and New South Wales was initiated in 2014 and is expecte...

  4. 25 Nov 2014  |  Asia Pacific  |  Market Research

    Southeast Asia Power and Distribution Transformers Market

    Strong Industrial Growth and Increasing Urbanization Lift Prospects in Next 5 Years

    The Southeast Asia transformers market is in the growth stage with several transmission and distribution (T&D) grid projects underway in various stages of development. Governmental T&D investment plans, industrial projects, urbanization trends, rural electrification, and renewable energy projects drive this market. Still, the demand for oil type tr...

  5. 21 Nov 2014  |  Europe  |  Market Research

    Managing Flexibility in European Electricity Grids

    Attaining Grid Flexibility is Essential for Integrating Europe's Decentralised Power Networks

    This study provides insight into the key enablers affecting the flexibility of grids. The intermittency and unpredictability of renewable technologies has led power suppliers to invest in smart and flexible grid solutions. Investments in technological developments will also ensure grid flexibility during voltage dips and capacity overloads. Grid fl...

  6. 10 Sep 2014  |  Asia Pacific  |  Market Research

    Analysis of the Asia-Pacific Microgrid Market

    Favorable Regulatory Environment and Rural Electrification Plans to Jump-start Market Growth

    This research analyzes the Asia-Pacific microgrid market. The Asia-Pacific microgrid market is in its early stage with several pilot projects invested in by the electricity utilities in the region. The study covers market trends, regulatory policies, business models, value chain, revenue forecast, pricing trends, and business case studies of microg...

  7. 24 Jun 2014  |  Asia Pacific  |  Market Research

    Electricity Meters Market in Southeast Asia

    Prepaid and Electronic Meters to Sweep the Market Over the Next Five Years

    The Southeast Asian electricity meters market is in the growth stage of the market cycle. There is a drastic technology shift in the region, with electromechanical meters being replaced by electronic and prepaid meters. Key challenges faced are resistance to technology change by customers, financial instability, and a lack of skilled labour. Mark...

  8. 22 Apr 2014  |  Asia Pacific  |  Market Outlook

    2014 Asia Pacific Power Generation and T&D Market Outlook

    A Resurgent Southeast Asian Economy with Moderate Peak Power Demand Attracts Investment

    Key industry events that shaped the power generation and transmission and distribution (T&D) sector in 2013 form the basis for highlighting major trends in the Asia-Pacific power market for 2014. The moderate peak power demand, favorable coal prices, and the resurgent Southeast Asian economy are likely to drive investments in this market. Furthermo...

  9. 24 Jan 2014  |  Asia Pacific  |  Market Research

    Southeast Asian High Voltage Transmission Market

    Unreliable and Weak Transmission Infrastructure Seeks Investments from State Electricity Utilities

    The Southeast Asian region has an unreliable and obsolete power transmission grid which faces frequent black-outs resulting in severe losses. Power utilities in the region have geared-up and have decided to invest in power generation projects. However, the grid is unable to take this excessive pressure that will build up when this additional power ...
