Industries Market Research Reports

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  1. 15 Feb 2021  |  Global  |  Market Research

    Digitization and Advanced Analytics Power the Global Security Industry

    Defining Future Growth Strategies for Critical National Infrastructure, Public Safety, and Border Security

    The aim of this study is to deliver a comprehensive analysis of the global security industry and to uncover insights for global security leaders, businesses, and governments. The report provides detailed market sizing and forecasting from the year 2020 to 2030 with a sectorial view on three verticals that are divided into subcategories based on...

  2. 03 Oct 2019  |  Global  |  Market Research

    Security Market in the Middle East, Trends and Opportunities, Forecast to 2025

    Mega Infrastructure Projects, Exponential Growth in Tourism Coupled with Increasing Security Challenges in the Region, are Driving Security Technology Investments to Thwart Threat Situations

    This study will benefit those who are interested in learning about the Middle East security market and potential opportunities in this segment. As threat dynamics evolve, technology will act as a force multiplier for nations in the Middle East to better manage their internal security requirements and align with each nation’s security vision. Coun...

  3. 09 Aug 2019  |  Global  |  Market Research

    Disruptive Trends Impacting the Global Security Market, 2019

    Augmented Reality, Drones, Machine Learning and SECaaS to Fast Track the Intelligence Cycle

    The progressive digitalisation of the security eco system is substantially impacting security missions and traditional operating processes. Worldwide, security end-users are exploring and adopting new digital tools to tackle existing and upcoming threats in a more cost efficient way. Frost & Sullivan has identified four different trends disrupting ...

  4. 26 Jun 2019  |  Global  |  Market Research

    Digital Gazette–Security Digitalisation, Quarterly Report

    Covering Key Insights in Security Digitalisation for the First Quarter of 2019

    Digital transformation of the security ecosystem is progressively disrupting traditional patterns. Frost & Sullivan provides a brief quarterly analysis on key trends across the market. The Digital Gazette provides an overview on key developments and contracts in the security industry and the relevant partnerships forged amongst its stakeholders aro...

  5. 03 May 2019  |  Global  |  Frost Radar

    Frost Radar in the Surveillance Analytics Market

    A Measurement System to Spark Companies 2 Action (C2A)—Innovation That Fuels New Deal Flow and Growth Pipelines

    The age of Big Data Analytics has completely shifted how businesses collect data, manage internal operations, and enact many business decisions. These are now based on direct customer data and observed trends rather than guesses or estimates of business needs from indirect observation. Big Data Analytics applications have accordingly changed how an...
