1. 04 Apr 2024  |  Global

    Digital Technologies in Manufacturing: Growth Opportunities

    Disruptive technologies are redefining manufacturing norms, helping businesses enhance efficiency and ensure growth

    This study examines the dynamic shift in the global manufacturing industry towards digitalization. Visible particularly in sectors such as automotive, aerospace, and electronics, the shift is characterized by the increasing adoption of automation, artificial intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things (IoT), and other such technologies. Supply chain ...

  2. 02 Apr 2024  |  Global

    Top 50 Emerging Technologies: 2024 Edition - Interactive Deliverable Access

    Technologies Poised to Transform the Future of Organizations

    In the rapidly evolving landscape of 2024, where technological advancements are accelerating, the ability to identify, invest in, and leverage these advancements is becoming increasingly critical for organizations aiming to maintain industry leadership and ensure sustain...
