Big Data and Analytics

The world is creating 2.5 exabytes of data daily. Every organization needs to access that tidal wave of information to make better, faster decisions—or risks being left behind.

Our BDA program can help. We perform ongoing research to provide you with up-to-date insights and perspectives on industry and technology trends, market measurements and forecasts, and strategic movements. With a global team of 300+ analysts and consultants focused on big data applications and enabling technologies, Frost & Sullivan offers the most comprehensive research into the ecosystem, new business models, business and consumer applications, and much more.

  • If you are a big data and analytics (BDA) buyer: how can you access, manage, and distribute data—so your people can work smarter, and your company can prosper in the ultra-competitive global economy?
  • If you are a BDA provider: how can you keep your finger on the pulse of the market—so you can compete most effectively and deliver solutions buyers want?
  • If you are an investor: where should you place your bets?
  1. 03 Oct 2022  |  Europe  |  Market Outlook

    European Waste Management and Circular Economy Outlook, 2022

    Ongoing Digitalization to Increase Reuse and Recycling Efficiency with Focus on Entire Value Chain Decarbonization

    The European waste management market is at the forefront of transitioning toward greater digital technology adoption using disruptive and smart solutions. Focus on material and product circularity obtained through increased reuse, recycling, repurposing, and repairing is supported by the incorporation of high-tech solutions dedicated to collecting,...

  2. 20 Feb 2020  |  Europe  |  Market Outlook

    EU Healthcare Predictions and Outlook, 2020

    Rise in Orphan Drug R&D Pipeline, AI-based Funding, and Growth in Biocontract Manufacturing to be Key Drivers of Growth

    Amid rising global trade tensions and sluggish global economic outlook for 2020, the global healthcare market is expected to cross the 2-trillion-dollar mark in 2020. In Europe, BREXIT is likely to have a strong impact on the United Kingdom, Europe's biggest digital health market. 2020 will be a global reality check for long-pending national health...
