Business Strategy and Innovation Market Research Reports

The foundations of the automotive industry are being shaken as traditional ideas are being re-evaluated. Mainstream automotive companies are being forced to innovate in order to stay relevant through out-of-the-box thinking and thorough market analysis. New companies and solutions are being born, smaller markets are growing and established markets are restructuring to adapt to new strategies.

Frost & Sullivan's Business Strategy and Innovation Program applies expert and critical intelligence to the following four main areas:

  • Innovative and visionary industry trends and strategies
  • Disruptive technologies and engineering advancements
  • Emerging business models and their development strategies
  • Cross industry convergence and future implications
  1. 26 Apr 2023  |  Asia Pacific  |  Market Outlook

    China Automotive Outlook 2023

    Domestic Brands Gain Market Share Across Vehicle and Powertrain Segments as Electrification and Cross-Industry Partnerships Intensify

    This study assesses the automotive market in China, focusing on the passenger vehicle (PV) market. Within this, Frost & Sullivan will also discuss electric vehicles (EVs), charging, and battery swapping. China’s automotive market has proliferated, particularly after the 2008 Beijing Olympics. The unit shipment of China’s PV market has cons...


    Special Price $4,455.00 save 10 %

  2. 27 Mar 2019  |  Asia Pacific  |  Market Outlook

    ASEAN Automotive Outlook, 2019

    Driven by Growing Domestic Consumption and Private Investments, TIV in Big 3 ASEAN Markets Expected to Cross 2.9 Million Units in 2019

    This research service discusses in detail the Automotive Outlook in ASEAN during 2018 and presents the expected trends for 2019. The study provides an analysis of the automotive outlook in the region with a focus on the three key markets in ASEAN—Thailand, Malaysia, and Indonesia. It also touches upon the trends in other ASEAN countries with smal...


    Special Price $3,712.50 save 25 %