Connected Living Market Research Reports

  1. 27 Mar 2015  |  Global  |  Market Research

    Global IFM Market (2015 Update)

    Service Integration, Contract Globalisation, and Value-added Services will Drive Continuous Revenue Growth

    Integrated facility management (IFM) is a high-growth opportunity area and is gaining global penetration within the overall facility management market. Driven by service integration, contract globalization, and the integration of high-growth services such as energy management, significant growth is expected in the coming years. While growth is fast...

  2. 26 Oct 2013  |  South Asia, Middle East & North Africa  |  Market Research

    Analysis of the LED Lighting Market in the GCC

    Energy Efficient and Cost Effective Technology Resolves Energy Issues for a Greener Environment

    There has been a swift flow of infrastructure investments in the Middle East region, especially in Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries such as KSA and Qatar due to rising population and the upcoming FIFA World Cup in 2022. Government legislations mandating the usage of energy efficient lighting in this region and growing environmental concern ...
