HVAC Market Research Market Research Reports

  1. 20 Apr 2011  |  Africa  |  Market Research

    Energy-efficient HVAC and Lighting Equipment Market in South Africa


    The South African energy efficiency HVAC and lighting market is in its early growth stages and is currently driven by high energy prices and Eskom's demand side management (DSM) initiatives that are aimed at ensuring optimum energy use in South Africa. In 2009 this market generated revenues of approximately $272.0 million and achieved a growth rate...

  2. 16 Dec 2010  |  Africa  |  Market Research

    South Africa's HVAC Market - Where Are The Growth Opportunities?


    The South African heating ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) market is in the growth development phase. The market is immature when compared with those of its European and North American counterparts, however, it continues to grow at a steady rate. Some of the key factors contributing to the market growth are the increasing concerns about the ...

  3. 15 Dec 2010  |  Asia Pacific  |  Market Research

    Residential HVAC Equipment Market in Hong Kong


    This research service highlights the Hong Kong residential HVAC equipment market. It includes an executive summary, which includes key research findings of the research service. It also includes a country profile, where PEST analysis, key economic indicators and weather analysis are given. A segment on total market size for residential HVAC equipme...

  4. This research service presents the growth opportunities and barriers in green technologies market with regards to energy efficiency in the application spaces of HVAC, BAS, and Lighting in Asia Pacific. It includes market trends and issues such as barriers and driving forces of the market.

  5. This research was carried out on the South African commercial and industrial HVAC markets to get an end-user perspective of these two markets focusing on key issues such as equipment selection criteria and supplier selection criteria. Key end-user equipment selection criteria are ranked on a scale of one to eight and key end-user supplier selecti...

  6. 27 Jul 2009  |  Africa  |  Market Research

    The South African HVAC Market: An Analysis of the Top Five Vertical Industries


    This research was carried out on the Top five vertical industries of the South African HVAC market to try and accurately identify factors currently affecting these industries. Market sizes for these industries were calculated for 2008 and forecasts determined for the period 2005 to 2015. In addition market dynamics such as industry challenges, driv...

  7. 28 Sep 2007  |  Asia Pacific  |  Market Research

    Chinese Heating Ventilation Air-conditioning (HVAC) Control Products Markets


    This study discusses the status of the Chinese HVAC control products markets. The geographic coverage of this study is China excluding Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macao. This study covers the period from 2003 to 2013, with 2006 as the base year. The market size and forecasts, drivers and restraints, market trends, competitive analysis and the profiles o...
