Internet of Things - IOT Market Research Reports

  1. 01 Feb 2017  |  Global  |  Market Research

    Global Aerospace Onboard Internet of Things, 2016

    Commercial Aircraft are Becoming Internet-driven Environments with IoT Devices, Software Managing Onboard Systems, and Communications

    The global aerospace onboard Internet of Things (IoT) market is in a state of change. The introduction of enhanced Internet Protocol (IP)-based software and equipment is driving the market in new directions. This insight covers the market from 2016 to 2026. The infrastructure necessary to provide connectivity and control functions is a significant ...

  2. 19 Jan 2017  |  Global  |  Market Research

    IoT Quarterly Executive Brief, Q3 (July–September) 2016—Top Trends and Strategic Recommendations

    Security Plays Catch-Up to Support a Healthier IoT Market Development

    Frost & Sullivan’s Internet of Things (IoT) Executive Brief is a series of tracker reports to provide an update of the key IoT and M2M announcements each quarter, highlighting the trends and the direction of growth in the market. Research scope: The technology stack includes market trends in the vendor landscape, products and services, and sta...

  3. 18 Jan 2017  |  Global  |  Market Research

    IIoT Market Watch—A Snapshot of the Most Promising Companies in the Industrial Landscape

    Identifying and Earmarking New Drivers of Change in the Manufacturing World

    Manufacturing across the globe is on the crossroads of a revolution. Advancements in technologies are not only making manufacturing effective, but enabling the work to be “Smarter”. The focus of this research is on the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) market and its various trends. The market has been analyzed from a vendor’s standpoint...

  4. 05 Jan 2017  |  Global  |  Market Research

    IoT Quarterly Executive Brief, Q2 (April–June) 2016—Top Trends & Strategic Recommendations

    IoT Suppliers Pursue Market Share Goals through Acquisitions, Alliances, and Customer Wins

    Frost & Sullivan’s Internet of Things (IoT) Executive Brief is a series of tracker reports to provide an update of the key IoT and M2M announcements each quarter, highlighting the trends and the direction of growth in the market. Research Scope The technology stack includes market trends in the vendor landscape, products and services, and stan...

  5. 30 Dec 2015  |  Global  |  Technology Research

    Connected Health: Mobilizing the Power of IoT (TechVision)

    Transformation of Healthcare Aided by Digitization

    Availability of information is one of the major challenges that exists in healthcare system due to lack of technology infrastructure and connectivity. With a distributed network architecture, information is scattered across several repositories, however it fails to integrate these repositories to provide valuable insights in critical situations. Th...

  6. 29 Dec 2015  |  Global  |  Technology Research

    Collaboration between Medical Devices, Pharmaceuticals, and Biotechnology

    Strategic Partnerships that are Transforming the Healthcare Industry

    In an increasingly convergent industry such as healthcare, business collaborations are not only a necessity, but an inevitability. It is interesting to note that technologies and market segments that receive the most funding and research focus, are also the areas that are ripe for collaborative partnerships. Market segments such as personalized med...

  7. 16 Dec 2015  |  North America  |  Strategic Forecasting

    The Internet of Things (IoT): How Real is It Today?


    Although IoT is still coming into focus for many, it already connects more than nine billion devices worldwide; over the next five years, that number is expected to grow to between 20 billion and 50 billion devices. In 2025, IoT is expected to create between $4 trillion to $11 trillion in economic benefits globally. IoT is a logistical and economic...

  8. 23 Oct 2015  |  Global  |  Market Research

    Internet of Things Quarterly Executive Brief H1 2015—Top Trends and Strategic Recommendations

    Fragmentation of Standards Continue as Vendors Launch Individual IoT Initiatives

    The Internet of Things (IoT) is a vast and complex space which is attracting increasing investment across vertical markets. This executive brief provides an update of the IoT market, highlighting strategic events during H1 2015. It identifies key market trends, tracks the areas with most activity, and highlights the top providers.

  9. 24 Sep 2015  |  Global  |  Market Research

    From Internet of Things to Internet of Everything

    A Promising Market for the Digital Identification Ecosystem

    The Internet of Things (IoT) is thought to be the next revolution of the digital world, but some think that this revolution is already here. A trustable ecosystem will be the key to driving success in IoT. Smart objects will have autonomy and IoT security and privacy solutions will have to create a similar approach to detect, react to, and remove p...

  10. 03 Jun 2015  |  Global  |  Market Research

    Global Internet of Things (IoT) Testing and Monitoring Equipment Market

    Technological trends associated with connected living are significant factors driving the market

    The entire Internet of Things value chain consists of hardware that comprises of sensors, modules, and devices that sense and process real world information and network operators, service providers and software providers built on top of the hardware component so as to provide underlying service for effective communication. This research deliverable...
