Power Generation Market Research Reports

Power Generation research team publishes comprehensive research reports on a range of markets. Each commercial report published by us provide data and insights on market estimates, competitive analysis and benchmarking, industry and technological trends, tables, charts and market size forecast for 5 to 7 years. Type of engagement platform we offer to clients include market engineering research, market insights and white papers, movers and shakers interview, economic research and analysis, market outlook studies, mega trend topics, customer surveys and issue based deliverables. Our broad spectrum of market coverage includes surveys and issue based deliverables.

Power Generation Market Coverage Includes

  • Turbines (Gas, and Steam)
  • Generator Sets (Diesel, and Gas)
  • Power Rentals
  • Solar (CSP, PV and so on)
  • Wind Turbines
  • Biofuels market (bioethanol, biodiesel and biomass)
  • Waste to Energy
  • Power Plant Services Market (Steam turbines, gas turbines, wind turbines, & boilers)
  • Fuel Cells
  • Heat Recovery Steam Generator
  1. 09 Nov 2016  |  South Asia, Middle East & North Africa  |  Market Research

    Strategic Overview of the Electricity Market in Iraq

    Strong Opportunities for Suppliers, albeit with Higher Risks, as Iraq Focusses on Improving the Power Infrastructure

    The Iraqi government has adopted a mix of measures aimed at establishing political stability, national and homeland security, and economic reforms. These are gaining credibility and impact, with support from unilateral and multilateral agencies. The electricity sector, having witnessed a significant decline in terms of investments in the past, is e...
