Satellite Communications Market Research Reports
24 Aug 2016 | North America | Market Research
Global Satellite IoT Market Analysis
Vertical Markets Drive Growth Opportunities
Although satellite will play a smaller role than cellular in the Internet of Things (IoT) industry, it will be an irreplaceable role. While cellular networks cover the majority of the points of presence (POPs) on the planet, remote locations and under-served locations will always remain. Satellite is currently the only technology that can quickly a...
$1,500.00 -
15 Jun 2016 | Global | Market Research
Global Satellite Transponder Market
Demand for Ka-Band Performance Continues to Drives Growth Opportunities
Although Ka-Band demand is on the rise, Ku-Band will continue to be the most relied upon technology for satellite transponder leasing in the near term because of the high costs to upgrade. Ka-Band, however, represents a significant growth opportunity for new high-bandwidth applications such as maritime broadband and in-flight communications that re...
$4,950.00 -
19 May 2016 | Global | Market Research
Analysis of the Global Commercial Satellite Broadband Market
Ka-Band Drives New Growth Opportunities
The commercial satellite broadband market is growing at a strong pace, with an anticipated compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6.8% from 2015 to 2022. With the continued adoption of Ka-band technology throughout the industry, satellite broadband can now meet or exceed many landline networks in performance and quality of service. This report inclu...