Security Market Research Reports

Security is a valued necessity in today’s times. Growing terror threats, border disputes, global conflicts and the refugee crises have combined to provide reason enough to adopt stringent security measures such as automated passport control, facial recognition, and defense strategies that cover training and simulation, C4ISR, etc. Not only this, IT infrastructure, cloud computing, network security, and wireless technologies are all key growth areas that are evolving rapidly due to security issues. Concerns about digital threats will continue to drive the banking and finance industry to make cyber security investment.

The Frost & Sullivan Security unit provides global market analysis and forecasts that help clients with insights into emerging technologies, current trends and challenges, and new opportunities to grow their business. Our Security Growth Partnership Service (GPS) contains comprehensive coverage of Government/Homeland and Commercial Security Markets. Our Homeland Security information assists in understanding technologies and solutions that improve security and infrastructure.

Frost & Sullivan’s research service on the United States (US) Department of Defense (DoD) includes in-depth analysis of the department’s training and simulation market, the various segments in the helicopter market, and C4ISR budget spending.

Frost & Sullivan’s Security unit looks at new and shifting trends across the market such as:

  • Automated passport control in North America
  • Banking and finance security technology market assessment
  • US DoD C4ISR
  • Future of facial recognition technology in law enforcement
  • US DoD Helicopter market
  • DoD training and simulation market
  • US Department of Homeland security budget
  • Security competitive profiles such as Finmeccanica
  1. 19 Dec 2017  |  Asia Pacific  |  Market Outlook

    Digital Transformation of Critical Communications for Public Safety in Australia, Forecast to 2022

    Move towards LTE and the Leverage of 5G and IoT to Drive the Digital Transition

    Meeting the interoperability and technological needs of first responders, the securitisation of data and network, the emergence of digital trends (5G, IoT, cloud, big data), meeting public expectations and heightened public safety issues (natural disasters and catastrophic incidents) are driving growth in critical communication solutions expenditur...

  2. 24 Feb 2015  |  Global  |  Market Outlook

    2015 Outlook of the Global Security Industry

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