Waste to Value Market Research Reports

  1. 04 Mar 2022  |  Asia Pacific  |  Market Research

    Taiwan Plastic Waste Management Growth Opportunities

    Transformational Growth of Waste Recycling to Boost New Era of Circular Economy and Sustainability

    Taiwan is on a mission to change its consumption and production patterns and shift towards a global, green supply chain model. The country has taken concrete steps to promote a circular economy and align its environmental and economic goals. It aims to achieve resource efficiency by incorporating high levels of recycling into its waste management s...

  2. 28 Jan 2022  |  Asia Pacific  |  Market Research

    South Korean Plastic Waste Management Growth Opportunities

    Increased Adoption of Advanced Recycling and Digital Technologies Will Drive a Circular Economy in Plastic Recycling

    South Korea has one of the highest per capita plastic packaging consumption rates globally, as well as one of the highest rates of collection and recycling. The country is strongly pushing the circular economy of plastic recycling through new policies and initiatives and is building on country-wide programs, such as waste disposal fees based on vol...
