Strategic Analysis of Computed Tomography Technology in the Dimensional Metrology Market

Strategic Analysis of Computed Tomography Technology in the Dimensional Metrology Market

An Emerging Market with a High Growth Potential

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Market Research
Research Code: NF4D-01-00-00-00
SKU: TM0345-GL-MR_18363
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Strategic Analysis of Computed Tomography Technology in the Dimensional Metrology Market
Published on: 11-Sep-2015 | SKU: TM0345-GL-MR_18363

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The global computed tomography (CT) metrology market is at a nascent state of its life cycle in terms of market adoption. CT is progressively recognized as a promising solution for quality control; therefore, a number of original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and research organizations are participating in the added development of CT systems and broadening their applications in the market. This research service provides an in-depth analysis of the CT metrology market covering micro-focus CT and nano-focus CT systems. The analysis provides market drivers, restraints, and forecasts of CT metrology revenue and growth rates on a global scale. In addition, the study develops an actionable set of recommendations for market entry and growth.

Key Findings

Fact Sheet

Key Conclusions and Future Outlook, Global, 2014–2019

  • Parameters
  • Current
  • Future

Regional Hotspots Life Cycle Analysis

Global Vertical Industry Segments

  • Key Growth Areas
  • Future of the Industry

Market Engineering Measurements

CEO’s Perspective

Market Definitions

Market Segmentation

Market Distribution Channels

Advantages and Disadvantages of CT Systems

CT Metrology Software Overview

Market Drivers

Market Restraints

Top 6 End-user Requirements

Product Innovation Matrix

Product Development and Evolution , Global, 2014–2019

Product Life Cycle , Global, 2014–2019

Market Engineering Measurements

Revenue Forecast

Pricing Trends

Percent Revenue Forecast by Region

Regional Hot Spots

Revenue Forecast by Region

Revenue Forecast Discussion by Region

Regional Distributors

Revenue Forecast by Vertical Market

Market Share

Top Competitors

Top Competitors Market Focus

Product Highlights

Product Highlights Comparison

New Products Introduced in the Market

Product Life Cycle Analysis

Top Software Competitors

Software Product Life Cycle Analysis

Competitive Factors and Assessment

Strategic Approach and Timeline , Global, 2014

Future Market Strategy, Global, 2014

Mega Trend Impact on CT Metrology Market

Innovating to Zero

Smart is the New Green

Evolution of Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing—Impact on CT Metrology

Industry 4.0—The Vision and its Implications

Industry 4.0 and CT Metrology

New Business Models—Value for Many

Key Findings

Market Engineering Measurements

Revenue Forecast

Key Findings

Market Engineering Measurements

Revenue Forecast

Key Findings

Market Engineering Measurements

Revenue Forecast

Key Findings

Market Engineering Measurements

Revenue Forecast

Key Findings

Revenue Forecast

Market Share

Competitive Environment

Key Findings

Revenue Forecast

Market Share

Competitive Environment

Key Findings

Revenue Forecast

Market Share

Competitive Environment

3 Big Predictions

Legal Disclaimer

Market Engineering Methodology

Additional Sources of Information

List of Companies in the CT Dimensional Metrology Market

Partial List of Companies Interviewed

Abbreviations and Acronyms Used

List of Figures
  • 1. Total CT Dimensional Metrology Market: Market Engineering Measurements, Global, 2014
  • 2. Total CT Dimensional Metrology Market: Revenue Forecast by Region, Global, 2013–2019
  • 3. Total CT Dimensional Metrology Market: Market Share Analysis of Top 5 Participants, Global, 2014
  • 4. Mega Trend Impact on CT Dimensional Metrology Market Global, 2014–2019
  • 5. Automotive Segment: Market Engineering Measurements, Global, 2014
  • 6. Medical Devices Segment: Market Engineering Measurements, Medical, 2014
  • 7. Aerospace and Aviation Segment: Market Engineering Measurements, Global, 2014
  • 8. Others Segment: Market Engineering Measurements, Global, 2014
  • 9. Others Segment: Revenue Forecast, Global, 2013–2019
  • 10. CT Dimensional Metrology Market: Percent of Revenue, North America, 2014
  • 11. CT Metrology Market: Market Share Analysis of Top 5 Participants, Europe, 2014
  • 12. CT Dimensional Metrology Market: Market Share Analysis of Top 3 Participants, APAC, 2014
  • 13. Total CT Dimensional Metrology Market: Product Highlights Comparison by Key Features, Global, 2014
List of Charts
  • 1. Total CT Dimensional Metrology Market: Revenue Forecast, Global, 2014 and 2019
  • 2. Total CT Dimensional Metrology Market: Percent Revenue by Region, Global, 2014
  • 3. Total CT Dimensional Metrology Market: Regional Hotspots Life Cycle Analysis, Global, 2014
  • 4. Automotive Segment: Revenue Forecast, Global, 2014 and 2019
  • 5. Key Industry Trends Map, Global, 2014–2019
  • 6. Total CT Dimensional Metrology Market: Market Engineering Measurements, Global, 2014
  • 7. Total CT Dimensional Metrology Market: Percent Revenue Breakdown by Vertical Market, Global, 2014
  • 8. Total CT Dimensional Metrology Market: Revenue and Percent Revenue by CT Systems, Global, 2014
  • 9. Total CT Dimensional Metrology Market: Revenue and Percent Revenue Distribution by Activity, Global, 2014
  • 10. Total CT Dimensional Metrology Market: Percent Revenue by Specific Applications, Global, 2014
  • 11. Total CT Dimensional Metrology Market: Revenue Forecast, Global, 2013–2019
  • 12. Total CT Dimensional Metrology Market: Percent Revenue Forecast by Region, Global, 2013–2019
  • 13. Total CT Dimensional Metrology Market: Unit Shipments by Region, Global, 2014
  • 14. Total CT Dimensional Metrology Market: Revenue by Region, Global, 2014
  • 15. CT Dimensional Metrology Market: Percent Revenue by Country, APAC, 2014
  • 16. CT Dimensional Metrology Market: Percent Revenue by Country, Europe, 2014
  • 17. Total CT Dimensional Metrology Market: Revenue Forecast by Vertical Market, Global, 2013–2019
  • 18. Total CT Dimensional Metrology Market: Percent Revenue Breakdown, Global, 2014
  • 19. Automotive Segment: Percent Revenue Breakdown, Global, 2014
  • 20. Automotive Segment: Revenue Forecast, Global, 2013–2019
  • 21. Medical Devices Segment: Percent Revenue Breakdown, Global, 2014
  • 22. Medical Devices Segment: Revenue Forecast, Global, 2013–2019
  • 23. Aerospace and Aviation Segment: Percent Revenue Breakdown, Global, 2014
  • 24. Aerospace and Aviation Segment: Revenue Forecast, Global, 2013–2019
  • 25. Others Segment: Percent Revenue Breakdown, Global, 2014
  • 26. CT Dimensional Metrology Market: Revenue Forecast, North America, 2013–2019
  • 27. CT Dimensional Metrology Market: Percent of Revenue, North America, 2014
  • 28. CT Dimensional Metrology Market: Revenue Forecast, Europe, 2013–2019
  • 29. CT Dimensional Metrology Market: Percent of Revenue, Europe, 2014
  • 30. CT Dimensional Metrology Market: Revenue Forecast, APAC, 2013–2019
  • 31. CT Dimensional Metrology Market: Percent of Revenue, APAC, 2014
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The global computed tomography (CT) metrology market is at a nascent state of its life cycle in terms of market adoption. CT is progressively recognized as a promising solution for quality control; therefore, a number of original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and research organizations are participating in the added development of CT systems and broadening their applications in the market. This research service provides an in-depth analysis of the CT metrology market covering micro-focus CT and nano-focus CT systems. The analysis provides market drivers, restraints, and forecasts of CT metrology revenue and growth rates on a global scale. In addition, the study develops an actionable set of recommendations for market entry and growth.
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Deliverable Type Market Research
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Podcast No
Table of Contents | Executive Summary~ || Key Findings~ || Fact Sheet~ || Key Conclusions and Future Outlook, Global, 2014–2019~ ||| Parameters~ ||| Current~ ||| Future ~ || Regional Hotspots Life Cycle Analysis~ || Global Vertical Industry Segments~ ||| Key Growth Areas~ ||| Future of the Industry~ || Market Engineering Measurements~ || CEO’s Perspective~ | Market Overview~ || Market Definitions~ ||| Scope~ |||| Geographic coverage~ |||| Currency~ |||| Study Period~ |||| Base Year~ |||| Forecast Period~ ||| Geographic Regions Covered ~ ||| Key Objectives~ ||| Total CT Dimensional Metrology Market: Schematic Representation of Industrial CT systems, 2014~ |||| 2-D CT Using Line Detectors~ |||| 3-D CT Using Area Detectors~ ||| Total CT Dimensional Metrology Market: Flow Chart of a Typical Dimensional CT Measurement Process, Global, 2014~ || Market Segmentation~ |||| Automotive~ |||| Medical Devices~ |||| Aerospace & Aviation~ |||| Others~ || Market Distribution Channels~ ||| Total CT Dimensional Metrology Market: Distribution Channel Analysis, Global, 2014~ || Advantages and Disadvantages of CT Systems~ || CT Metrology Software Overview~ ||| Total CT Dimensional Metrology Market: Key Considerations of CT Software Metrology Adoption, Global, 2014~ | Drivers and Restraints—Total CT Dimensional Metrology Market~ || Market Drivers~ ||| The increasing complexity of parts~ ||| The increasing awareness for safety and security~ ||| Increasing demand for production process support capabilities~ ||| The growing trends in software advancements~ || Market Restraints~ ||| CT systems' high price~ ||| Uncertainties regarding data accuracy~ ||| The lack of flexibility to support complex, multi-material products~ ||| A lack of end-user awareness about CT technology advantages~ ||| The absence of internationally standardized procedures and guidelines dealing with the verification of CT systems’ metrological performance~ || Top 6 End-user Requirements~ ||| Specification~ ||| Key Focus Area~ ||| Comments from End Users~ || Product Innovation Matrix~ ||| Total CT Dimensional Metrology Market: Technology Implications of 3-D CT, Global, 2014~ ||| Total CT Dimensional Metrology Market: Product Development Trends, Global, 2013–2019~ || Product Development and Evolution , Global, 2014–2019~ ||| Current~ ||| Future~ || Product Life Cycle , Global, 2014–2019~ | Forecasts and Trends—Total CT Dimensional Metrology Market~ || Market Engineering Measurements~ || Revenue Forecast~ || Pricing Trends~ ||| CT systems~ ||| Services~ ||| Software Applications~ ||| PC~ || Percent Revenue Forecast by Region~ || Regional Hot Spots~ ||| CT Dimensional Metrology Market: Key Industry Verticals by Country, Europe, 2014~ || Revenue Forecast by Region~ ||| North America~ ||| Europe~ ||| Asia- Pacific (APAC)~ || Revenue Forecast Discussion by Region~ ||| Geographic Overview~ ||| Key Drivers~ ||| Opportunity Overview~ || Regional Distributors~ ||| Total CT Dimensional Metrology Market: Partial List of Key Distributors by Region, Global, 2014~ || Revenue Forecast by Vertical Market~ | Market Share and Competitive Analysis—Total CT Dimensional Metrology Market~ || Market Share~ || Top Competitors~ ||| Total CT Dimensional Metrology Market: SWOT Analysis, Global, 2014~ || Top Competitors Market Focus~ ||| Total CT Dimensional Metrology Market: Identified Core Areas of Development from Top Participants, Global, 2014~ || Product Highlights~ ||| Total CT Dimensional Metrology Market: Top Company Product Highlights, Global, 2014~ || Product Highlights Comparison ~ || New Products Introduced in the Market~ ||| Total CT Dimensional Metrology Market: New Product Highlights, Global, 2014~ || Product Life Cycle Analysis~ ||| Total CT Dimensional Metrology Market: Future Product Development Trends, Global, 2014–2019~ || Top Software Competitors~ ||| Total CT Dimensional Metrology Market: Key Features from Leading Software Vendors, Global, 2014~ |||| Company~ |||| Software~ |||| Brief Description of Key Advantages~ || Software Product Life Cycle Analysis~ ||| Total CT Dimensional Metrology Market: Future Software Product Development Trends, Global, 2014–2019~ || Competitive Factors and Assessment~ ||| Total CT Dimensional Metrology Market: Key Competitive Factors, Global, 2014~ || Strategic Approach and Timeline , Global, 2014~ ||| Short Term~ ||| Medium Term~ ||| Long Term~ || Future Market Strategy, Global, 2014~ | Mega Trends and Industry Convergence Implications~ || Mega Trend Impact on CT Metrology Market~ || Innovating to Zero~ |||| Zero Energy Building~ |||| Zero Defects~ |||| Zero Time Business Incubation~ |||| Carbon Neutral City~ |||| Others~ ||| Technology Life Cycle Analysis, Global, 2014~ ||| Speed and Portability are in Demand~ |||| Current~ |||| Future~ |||| Impact~ || Smart is the New Green~ ||| Smart Cities~ ||| Smart Technology~ ||| Smart Infrastructure~ ||| Smart Energy~ ||| Others~ || Evolution of Cloud Computing~ ||| Smart Clouds~ ||| Implications on Factories of the Future~ ||| Challenges in Designing a Network of Solutions~ ||| Total CT Metrology Market: Managing Cloud Assets— A Long-term Perspective, Global, 2013–2019~ || Cloud Computing—Impact on CT Metrology~ ||| Case Study~ || Industry 4.0—The Vision and its Implications~ || Industry 4.0 and CT Metrology~ ||| Impact of Industry 4.0~ || New Business Models—Value for Many~ ||| Case Study~ | Automotive Segment Analysis~ || Key Findings~ || Market Engineering Measurements~ || Revenue Forecast~ | Medical Devices Segment Analysis~ || Key Findings~ || Market Engineering Measurements~ || Revenue Forecast~ | Aerospace and Aviation Segment Analysis~ || Key Findings~ || Market Engineering Measurements~ || Revenue Forecast~ | Others Segment Analysis~ || Key Findings~ || Market Engineering Measurements~ || Revenue Forecast~ | North America Analysis~ || Key Findings~ || Revenue Forecast~ || Market Share~ || Competitive Environment~ ||| CT Dimensional Metrology Market: Competitive Structure, North America, 2014~ | Europe Analysis~ || Key Findings~ || Revenue Forecast~ || Market Share~ || Competitive Environment~ ||| CT Metrology Market: Competitive Structure, Europe, 2014~ | Asia-Pacific Analysis~ || Key Findings~ || Revenue Forecast~ || Market Share~ || Competitive Environment~ ||| CT Dimensional Metrology Market: Competitive Structure, APAC, 2014~ | The Last Word~ || 3 Big Predictions~ || Legal Disclaimer~ | Appendix~ || Market Engineering Methodology~ || Additional Sources of Information~ || List of Companies in the CT Dimensional Metrology Market~ || Partial List of Companies Interviewed~ || Abbreviations and Acronyms Used~
List of Charts and Figures 1. Total CT Dimensional Metrology Market: Market Engineering Measurements, Global, 2014~ 2. Total CT Dimensional Metrology Market: Revenue Forecast by Region, Global, 2013–2019~ 3. Total CT Dimensional Metrology Market: Market Share Analysis of Top 5 Participants, Global, 2014~ 4. Mega Trend Impact on CT Dimensional Metrology Market Global, 2014–2019~ 5. Automotive Segment: Market Engineering Measurements, Global, 2014~ 6. Medical Devices Segment: Market Engineering Measurements, Medical, 2014~ 7. Aerospace and Aviation Segment: Market Engineering Measurements, Global, 2014~ 8. Others Segment: Market Engineering Measurements, Global, 2014~ 9. Others Segment: Revenue Forecast, Global, 2013–2019~ 10. CT Dimensional Metrology Market: Percent of Revenue, North America, 2014~ 11. CT Metrology Market: Market Share Analysis of Top 5 Participants, Europe, 2014~ 12. CT Dimensional Metrology Market: Market Share Analysis of Top 3 Participants, APAC, 2014~ 13. Total CT Dimensional Metrology Market: Product Highlights Comparison by Key Features, Global, 2014~| 1. Total CT Dimensional Metrology Market: Revenue Forecast, Global, 2014 and 2019~ 2. Total CT Dimensional Metrology Market: Percent Revenue by Region, Global, 2014~ 3. Total CT Dimensional Metrology Market: Regional Hotspots Life Cycle Analysis, Global, 2014~ 4. Automotive Segment: Revenue Forecast, Global, 2014 and 2019~ 5. Key Industry Trends Map, Global, 2014–2019~ 6. Total CT Dimensional Metrology Market: Market Engineering Measurements, Global, 2014~ 7. Total CT Dimensional Metrology Market: Percent Revenue Breakdown by Vertical Market, Global, 2014~ 8. Total CT Dimensional Metrology Market: Revenue and Percent Revenue by CT Systems, Global, 2014~ 9. Total CT Dimensional Metrology Market: Revenue and Percent Revenue Distribution by Activity, Global, 2014~ 10. Total CT Dimensional Metrology Market: Percent Revenue by Specific Applications, Global, 2014~ 11. Total CT Dimensional Metrology Market: Revenue Forecast, Global, 2013–2019~ 12. Total CT Dimensional Metrology Market: Percent Revenue Forecast by Region, Global, 2013–2019~ 13. Total CT Dimensional Metrology Market: Unit Shipments by Region, Global, 2014~ 14. Total CT Dimensional Metrology Market: Revenue by Region, Global, 2014~ 15. CT Dimensional Metrology Market: Percent Revenue by Country, APAC, 2014~ 16. CT Dimensional Metrology Market: Percent Revenue by Country, Europe, 2014~ 17. Total CT Dimensional Metrology Market: Revenue Forecast by Vertical Market, Global, 2013–2019~ 18. Total CT Dimensional Metrology Market: Percent Revenue Breakdown, Global, 2014~ 19. Automotive Segment: Percent Revenue Breakdown, Global, 2014~ 20. Automotive Segment: Revenue Forecast, Global, 2013–2019~ 21. Medical Devices Segment: Percent Revenue Breakdown, Global, 2014~ 22. Medical Devices Segment: Revenue Forecast, Global, 2013–2019~ 23. Aerospace and Aviation Segment: Percent Revenue Breakdown, Global, 2014~ 24. Aerospace and Aviation Segment: Revenue Forecast, Global, 2013–2019~ 25. Others Segment: Percent Revenue Breakdown, Global, 2014~ 26. CT Dimensional Metrology Market: Revenue Forecast, North America, 2013–2019~ 27. CT Dimensional Metrology Market: Percent of Revenue, North America, 2014~ 28. CT Dimensional Metrology Market: Revenue Forecast, Europe, 2013–2019~ 29. CT Dimensional Metrology Market: Percent of Revenue, Europe, 2014~ 30. CT Dimensional Metrology Market: Revenue Forecast, APAC, 2013–2019~ 31. CT Dimensional Metrology Market: Percent of Revenue, APAC, 2014~
Author Mariano Kimbara
Industries Test and Measurement Instrumentation
WIP Number NF4D-01-00-00-00
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