Themes Market Research Reports

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  1. 23 Jan 2023  |  Global  |  Market Outlook

    Top 10 Economic Predictions for 2023

    Emerging Markets to Help Avert Global Recession while Advanced Economies Face Near-zero Growth

    Global economic growth will be subdued in 2023, weighed down by recessionary pressures in advanced economies, inflation concerns impacting consumer sentiment, and the continuation of monetary policy tightening at least through H1 2023. To navigate through various volatilities, organizations must prepare risk mitigation plans that will support g...

  2. 23 Jan 2023  |  Global  |  Market Outlook

    Top 10 for 2023: Predictions for the Global Commercial Vehicles Industry

    Predictions for the Commercial Vehicles Market

    The commercial vehicle industry is at the cusp of a major transformation that will change the dynamics of the supply chain and logistics industry. Frost & Sullivan has examined the top 10 CV trends that will have the highest impact on the commercial vehicle market in the upcoming years. The CASE (connected, autonomous, safe, and electric) strate...

  3. 20 Jan 2023  |  Global  |  Frost Radar

    Frost Radar™: Purpose-built Vehicles, 2023

    A Benchmarking System to Spark Companies to Action-Innovation that Fuels New Deal Flow and Growth Pipelines

    Purpose-built vehicles (PBVs) represent the new breed of customized vehicle development. Unlike custom-built vehicle manufacturing processes, in which few alterations are made to existing vehicle models, PBVs are customized from the design phase to suit the application in which the vehicle will be deployed in the future. The PBV market is fragm...

  4. 12 Jan 2023  |  Global  |  Market Outlook

    Growth Opportunities for the Power & Energy Industry

    Frost & Sullivan’s Top 10 Growth Opportunities for the Power & Energy Industry summarizes the major trends that will gain momentum in 2023. The mounting pressure to achieve global decarbonization and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine will continue to disrupt the power and energy sector. Investment in renewable energy will increase, with annual in...

  5. 12 Jan 2023  |  Global  |  Market Outlook

    Growth Opportunity Outlook in the Construction Materials and Coatings, Adhesives, Sealants, and Elastomers Industries

    2023 Growth Opportunity Outlook In The C.A.S.E. & Construction Markets

    The CASE and Construction Program Area covers coatings, adhesives, sealants, and elastomers (CASE) and construction materials. The markets fit together, and many in the industry treat them as one. CASE products are used in the automotive, aerospace, marine, industrial, electrical and electronics, healthcare, and packaging industries. Frost & Sulliv...

  6. 24 Dec 2021  |  North America  |  Frost Radar

    Frost Radar™: Global NAC Market, 2021

    A Benchmarking System to Spark Companies to Action - Innovation That Fuels New Deal Flow and Growth Pipelines

    As part of Frost & Sullivan’s ongoing research on the Network Access Control (NAC) market, this is the first edition of Frost Radar™ – Global NAC Market. NAC products and services allow enterprises to see and control the myriad endpoints that are trying to connect or are already connected to corporate networks. Pre-defined policies, and regul...

  7. 23 Dec 2021  |  Global  |  Frost Radar

    Frost Radar™: Secure Web Gateways, 2021

    A Benchmarking System to Spark Companies to Action—Innovation that Fuels New Deal Flow and Growth Pipelines

    Web-borne threats are second to email as the major threat vector for cyberattacks. It is the hacker favorite for command and control. More organizations are conducting business online and web access has become a critical component. Internet traffic increased drastically driven in large part because of the surging work-from-home trend. In the la...

  8. 20 Dec 2021  |  North America  |  Frost Radar

    Frost Radar™: Cloud Meetings and Team Collaboration Services Market, 2021

    A Benchmarking System to Spark Companies to Action—Innovation that Fuels New Deal Flow and Growth Pipelines

    Frost & Sullivan’s global team of analysts and consultants continuously research a wide range of industries across the globe. The primary and secondary analysis spans the entire value chain, identifying organizations that consistently develop new growth strategies based on a visionary understanding of the future and a proven ability to effectivel...

  9. 14 Dec 2021  |  Global  |  Frost Radar

    Frost Radar™: Global Off-Highway Autonomous Technology Market, 2021

    A Benchmarking System to Spark Companies to Action—Innovation that Fuels New Deal Flow and Growth Pipelines

    The promise of worker safety and productivity gains will drive the development of autonomous off-highway equipment in the medium-to-long term. Unmanned equipment’s ability to operate 24/7 without interference enables easier integration of technology into existing infrastructure and fleets, which will boost interest in this market. Even though ...

  10. 09 Dec 2021  |  Global  |  Frost Radar

    Frost Radar™: Global Commercial Avionics Market, 2021

    A Benchmarking System to Spark Companies to Action—Innovation that Fuels New Deal Flow and Growth Pipelines

    With the COVID-19 pandemic severely hampering demand for air travel, the global aircraft utilization rate has declined steeply. This utilization rate is highest for narrow-body aircraft followed by regional jets, wide-body aircraft, and turboprop aircraft, which signifies that air travel demand for short-haul routes is higher than for long-haul rou...
