US Defense Geospatial Applications Market, Forecast to 2022
Weapon System Enhancements Including LIDAR, 3D Mapping, and Drone Imaging Add Data beyond Location and Timing Creating Opportunities for New Information Providers
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Market Research
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This research focuses on geospatial applications related to the US Department of Defense (DoD) and the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) including Air Force, Army, Navy, Joint Defense, and DHS analysis (e.g., spending by program and category). The defense geospatial applications market is defined here as tools and products that contribute to the art of analysis, including imagery, Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) data, terrain data, mapping software, integration tools, and any other geo-referenced data that contribute to analysis. This research effort includes spending associated directly with the applications used to process, exploit, and disseminate (PED) geospatial products and services. Some overlap of spending on computer hardware, sensors, or collection platforms may be found but is considered relevant to the US defense geospatial applications market.
Research Parameters:
• The market forecast period is 2017 to 2022 using a base year of 2016.
• A large portion of defense geospatial applications utilize data from the US Global Positioning System (GPS) which can be considered a key enabler of the geospatial applications market. However, for the purpose of this research GPS market data (e.g., spending on satellites, ground control stations, and user equipment) will be excluded.
• Market share within this research is based on the government contracts awarded to companies for any product or service associated with defense geospatial applications. Given the fact that most government contracts are awarded on a multi-year basis, actual company revenue attributed to defense geospatial applications cannot be fully determined.
• Estimated spending and future year forecasts (2017–2022) are based on the most recent (2018) DoD and DHS budget request. All years referenced within this effort are based on US fiscal years and not conventional calendar years.
• This research is limited to the unclassified information available and therefore does not offer a complete depiction of the defense geospatial applications market. Frost & Sullivan estimates that the enclosed research addresses 25 to 30% of the actual market and the rest falls within the Geospatial Intelligence (GEOINT) realm, which is not accessible for this effort.
Questions this Study will Answer:
• Is the defense geospatial applications market on the rise, and if so for how long and at what rate?
• Who are some of the existing competitors and how do they stack up within the defense geospatial applications market space?
• Which defense agencies are utilizing geospatial applications and what is their current and future estimated spending in the market?
• What are some of the influences driving or restraining demand for geospatial applications?
• Do any growth opportunities exist that could propel interested parties to enter the defense geospatial applications market or create an opening for existing competitors to capitalize on?
• Which defense programs utilize geospatial applications?

Key Findings
Market Engineering Measurements
CEO’s Perspective
Market Definitions
Market Segmentation
Market Drivers
Market Restraints
Market Engineering Measurements
Forecast Assumptions
Total Defense Geospatial Applications Market—Spending Forecast
Market Share
Market Share Analysis
Competitive Environment
Top Competitors
Growth Opportunity—Emergency Planning
Strategic Imperatives for Geospatial Application Providers
Air Force Geospatial Applications Market Key Findings
Market Engineering Measurements
Spending Forecast
Spending Forecast by Category
Army Geospatial Applications Market Key Findings
Market Engineering Measurements
Spending Forecast
Spending Forecast by Category
DHS Geospatial Applications Market Key Findings
Market Engineering Measurements
Spending Forecast
Spending Forecast by Category
Joint Defense Geospatial Applications Market Key Findings
Market Engineering Measurements
Spending Forecast
Spending Forecast by Category
Navy Geospatial Applications Market Key Findings
Market Engineering Measurements
Spending Forecast
Spending Forecast by Category
The Last Word—3 Big Predictions
Legal Disclaimer
Market Engineering Methodology
List of Companies in “Others”
List of Exhibits

- 1. Total Defense Geospatial Applications Market: Key Market Drivers, US, 2017–2022
- 2. Total Defense Geospatial Applications Market: Key Market Restraints, US, 2017–2022
- 3. Total Defense Geospatial Applications Market: Market Engineering Measurements, US, 2016
- 4. Total Defense Geospatial Applications Market: Company Market Share Analysis of Top 5 Participants, US, 2016
- 5. Total Defense Geospatial Applications Market: Competitive Structure, US, 2016
- 6. Total Defense Geospatial Applications Market: CACI SWOT Analysis, US, 2016
- 7. Total Defense Geospatial Applications Market: Palantir Technologies SWOT Analysis, US, 2016
- 8. Total Defense Geospatial Applications Market: GeoEye Analytics SWOT Analysis, US, 2016
- 9. Total Defense Geospatial Applications Market: GXM Consulting LLC SWOT Analysis, US, 2016
- 10. Air Force Geospatial Applications Market: Market Engineering Measurements, US, 2016
- 11. Army Geospatial Applications Market: Market Engineering Measurements, US, 2016
- 12. DHS Geospatial Applications Market: Market Engineering Measurements, US, 2016
- 13. Joint Defense Geospatial Applications Market: Market Engineering Measurements, US, 2016
- 14. Navy Geospatial Applications Market: Market Engineering Measurements, US, 2016

- 1. Total Defense Geospatial Applications Market: Market Engineering Measurements, US, 2016
- 2. Total Defense Geospatial Applications Market: Percent Spending Breakdown, US, 2016
- 3. Total Defense Geospatial Applications Market: Spending Forecast, US, 2016–2022
- 4. Total Defense Geospatial Applications Market: Spending Forecast by Category, US, 2016–2022
- 5. Total Defense Geospatial Applications Market: Percent Market Share by Contract Awards,
- 6. US, 2016
- 7. Total Defense Geospatial Applications Market: Percent Market Share by Agency, US, 2016
- 8. Air Force Geospatial Applications Market: Percent Spending Breakdown by Program, US, 2016
- 9. Air Force Geospatial Applications Market: Spending Forecast, US, 2016–2022
- 10. Air Force Geospatial Applications Market: Spending Forecast by Category, US, 2016–2022
- 11. Army Geospatial Applications Market: Percent Spending Breakdown by Program, US, 2016
- 12. Army Geospatial Applications Market: Spending Forecast, US, 2016–2022
- 13. Army Geospatial Applications Market: Spending Forecast by Category, US, 2016–2022
- 14. DHS Geospatial Applications Market: Percent Spending Breakdown by Program, US, 2016
- 15. DHS Geospatial Applications Market: Spending Forecast, US, 2016–2022
- 16. DHS Geospatial Applications Market: Spending Forecast by Category, US, 2016–2022
- 17. Joint Defense Geospatial Applications Market: Percent Spending Breakdown by Program, US, 2016
- 18. Joint Defense Geospatial Applications Market: Spending Forecast US, 2016–2022
- 19. Joint Defense Geospatial Applications Market: Spending Forecast by Category, US, 2016–2022
- 20. Navy Geospatial Applications Market: Percent Spending Breakdown by Program, US, 2016
- 21. Navy Geospatial Applications Market: Spending Forecast, US, 2016–2022
- 22. Navy Geospatial Applications Market: Spending Forecast by Category, US, 2016–2022
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Table of Contents | | Executive Summary~ || Key Findings~ || Market Engineering Measurements~ || CEO’s Perspective~ | Market Overview~ || Market Definitions~ || Market Segmentation~ | Drivers and Restraints—Total Defense Geospatial Applications Market~ || Market Drivers~ || Market Restraints~ | Forecasts and Trends—Total Defense Geospatial Applications Market~ || Market Engineering Measurements~ || Forecast Assumptions~ || Total Defense Geospatial Applications Market—Spending Forecast~ | Market Share and Competitive Analysis—Total Defense Geospatial Applications Market~ || Market Share~ || Market Share Analysis~ || Competitive Environment~ || Top Competitors~ | Growth Opportunities and Companies to Action~ || Growth Opportunity—Emergency Planning~ || Strategic Imperatives for Geospatial Application Providers~ | Air Force Geospatial Applications Market Analysis~ || Air Force Geospatial Applications Market Key Findings~ || Market Engineering Measurements~ || Spending Forecast~ || Spending Forecast by Category~ | Army Geospatial Applications Market Analysis~ || Army Geospatial Applications Market Key Findings~ || Market Engineering Measurements~ || Spending Forecast~ || Spending Forecast by Category~ | DHS Geospatial Applications Market Analysis~ || DHS Geospatial Applications Market Key Findings~ || Market Engineering Measurements~ || Spending Forecast~ || Spending Forecast by Category~ | Joint Defense Geospatial Applications Market Analysis~ || Joint Defense Geospatial Applications Market Key Findings~ || Market Engineering Measurements~ || Spending Forecast~ || Spending Forecast by Category~ | Navy Geospatial Applications Market Analysis~ || Navy Geospatial Applications Market Key Findings~ || Market Engineering Measurements~ || Spending Forecast~ || Spending Forecast by Category~ | The Last Word~ || The Last Word—3 Big Predictions~ || Legal Disclaimer~ | Appendix~ || Market Engineering Methodology~ || List of Companies in “Others”~ || List of Exhibits~ |
List of Charts and Figures | 1. Total Defense Geospatial Applications Market: Key Market Drivers, US, 2017–2022~ 2. Total Defense Geospatial Applications Market: Key Market Restraints, US, 2017–2022~ 3. Total Defense Geospatial Applications Market: Market Engineering Measurements, US, 2016~ 4. Total Defense Geospatial Applications Market: Company Market Share Analysis of Top 5 Participants, US, 2016~ 5. Total Defense Geospatial Applications Market: Competitive Structure, US, 2016~ 6. Total Defense Geospatial Applications Market: CACI SWOT Analysis, US, 2016~ 7. Total Defense Geospatial Applications Market: Palantir Technologies SWOT Analysis, US, 2016~ 8. Total Defense Geospatial Applications Market: GeoEye Analytics SWOT Analysis, US, 2016~ 9. Total Defense Geospatial Applications Market: GXM Consulting LLC SWOT Analysis, US, 2016~ 10. Air Force Geospatial Applications Market: Market Engineering Measurements, US, 2016~ 11. Army Geospatial Applications Market: Market Engineering Measurements, US, 2016~ 12. DHS Geospatial Applications Market: Market Engineering Measurements, US, 2016~ 13. Joint Defense Geospatial Applications Market: Market Engineering Measurements, US, 2016~ 14. Navy Geospatial Applications Market: Market Engineering Measurements, US, 2016~| 1. Total Defense Geospatial Applications Market: Market Engineering Measurements, US, 2016~ 2. Total Defense Geospatial Applications Market: Percent Spending Breakdown, US, 2016~ 3. Total Defense Geospatial Applications Market: Spending Forecast, US, 2016–2022~ 4. Total Defense Geospatial Applications Market: Spending Forecast by Category, US, 2016–2022~ 5. Total Defense Geospatial Applications Market: Percent Market Share by Contract Awards,~ 6. US, 2016~ 7. Total Defense Geospatial Applications Market: Percent Market Share by Agency, US, 2016~ 8. Air Force Geospatial Applications Market: Percent Spending Breakdown by Program, US, 2016~ 9. Air Force Geospatial Applications Market: Spending Forecast, US, 2016–2022~ 10. Air Force Geospatial Applications Market: Spending Forecast by Category, US, 2016–2022~ 11. Army Geospatial Applications Market: Percent Spending Breakdown by Program, US, 2016~ 12. Army Geospatial Applications Market: Spending Forecast, US, 2016–2022~ 13. Army Geospatial Applications Market: Spending Forecast by Category, US, 2016–2022~ 14. DHS Geospatial Applications Market: Percent Spending Breakdown by Program, US, 2016~ 15. DHS Geospatial Applications Market: Spending Forecast, US, 2016–2022~ 16. DHS Geospatial Applications Market: Spending Forecast by Category, US, 2016–2022~ 17. Joint Defense Geospatial Applications Market: Percent Spending Breakdown by Program, US, 2016~ 18. Joint Defense Geospatial Applications Market: Spending Forecast US, 2016–2022~ 19. Joint Defense Geospatial Applications Market: Spending Forecast by Category, US, 2016–2022~ 20. Navy Geospatial Applications Market: Percent Spending Breakdown by Program, US, 2016~ 21. Navy Geospatial Applications Market: Spending Forecast, US, 2016–2022~ 22. Navy Geospatial Applications Market: Spending Forecast by Category, US, 2016–2022~ |
Author | John Hernandez |
Industries | Aerospace, Defence and Security |
WIP Number | K1D9-01-00-00-00 |
Keyword 1 | Geospatial |
Keyword 2 | US Defense |
Is Prebook | No |