Global Commercial UAS Market Outlook, 2020

Global Commercial UAS Market Outlook, 2020

A Nascent Market that is Transitioning to a Steady Growth Market with Several Growth Opportunities Yet to Be Realized

North America
Deliverable Type
Market Outlook
Research Code: K49B-01-00-00-00
SKU: AE01397-NA-MO_24263
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The commercial UAS platform market continues to grow, but the growth rate is slowing. The market is maturing to the point where companies, both institutional users and third-party services providers, understand what platforms, subsystems, software, and operating procedures work best to achieve repeatable results and a high return on investment. Hence, companies that have adopted drones are beginning to focus on expanding current operations so they can produce even better results at scale. Drone operators are also developing and/or integrating hardware and software technologies that increase the level of autonomy in both drone operation and drone data-related workflows. The overall commercial UAS market is transitioning from a nascent market to a growth market but several opportunities for significant targeted growth remain.

Research Scope

The total commercial UAS market size was developed from historical data related to small drone sales, average prices, regional demand, and industry insider estimates. Several additional inputs, including information from primary interviews of industry participants and current as well as forecast sales trends from top competitors, were included to develop a platform market forecast removed from the hype-related estimates promoted by several competing research services. Estimates and competitive landscape information includes:

  •  A listing of competitors in the most crucial segments of the commercial drone ecosystem
  •  A description of how the commercial drone market has evolved over time
  •  Commercial drone market trends
  •  Commercial drone technology trends
  •  Projected unit sales and revenue estimates of commercial drone platforms by segment and region
  •  Descriptions of global hot spots for commercial drone use and related applications

Key Features

The goal of this report is to provide an outlook of the commercial UAS market for 2020 and beyond, to include discussions of global and regional platform demand, technology trends, market trends, growth opportunities within the market, and key technologies and developments that are likely to affect, and even drive, the future ecosystem.

Key Issues Addressed

  • What are the current trends in the commercial UAS market?
  • What technologies are driving the commercial UAS market?
  • Where are the growth opportunities in the commercial UAS market?
  • What does the current commercial UAS market landscape look like?
  • What technologies will be emphasized as the market continues to mature?

Key Conclusion

This outlook also contains a number of market predictions based on an evaluation of current and expected trends. These predictions were made after consulting with several industry insiders and included discussions with several of the top of competitors in the commercial drone services market.

Author: Michael Blades



This infographic presents a brief overview of the research, and highlights the key topics discussed in it.
Click image to view it in full size

Table of Contents

Executive Summary—Key Findings

Executive Summary—Market Evolution

Executive Summary—Key Predictions

Executive Summary—COVID-19 Outlook

Executive Summary—Commercial UAS Market Global Hotspots

Executive Summary—Commercial UAS Regulatory Changes and Updates

Research Scope

Research Aims and Objectives

Key Questions this Study will Answer

Research Methodology

Market Segmentation

Global Market for Commercial UAS Platforms

Global Commercial UAS Platform Demand

Global Commercial UAS Platform Demand by Region

Forecast Discussion

Commercial UAS Technology Trends

Commercial UAS Market Trends

Significant Acquisitions in the Commercial Drone Market

Commercial UAS Market Products—Concepts of the Future

Commercial UAS Market Landscape (Non-exhaustive)

Growth Opportunity 1—Investment in APAC Commercial Drone Companies

Growth Opportunity 2—Sensor/Data Fusion Technologies

Growth Opportunity 3—Platforms That Can Be Type Certified by the FAA for Commercial Operations

Growth Opportunity 4—Platform Agnostic Drone Control and Management Software

Growth Opportunity 5—Drone Maintenance and Repair

Strategic Imperatives to Achieve Growth within the Commercial Drone Ecosystem

Key Takeaways

3 Big Predictions

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The commercial UAS platform market continues to grow, but the growth rate is slowing. The market is maturing to the point where companies, both institutional users and third-party services providers, understand what platforms, subsystems, software, and operating procedures work best to achieve repeatable results and a high return on investment. Hence, companies that have adopted drones are beginning to focus on expanding current operations so they can produce even better results at scale. Drone operators are also developing and/or integrating hardware and software technologies that increase the level of autonomy in both drone operation and drone data-related workflows. The overall commercial UAS market is transitioning from a nascent market to a growth market but several opportunities for significant targeted growth remain.--BEGIN PROMO--

Research Scope

The total commercial UAS market size was developed from historical data related to small drone sales, average prices, regional demand, and industry insider estimates. Several additional inputs, including information from primary interviews of industry participants and current as well as forecast sales trends from top competitors, were included to develop a platform market forecast removed from the hype-related estimates promoted by several competing research services. Estimates and competitive landscape information includes:

  •  A listing of competitors in the most crucial segments of the commercial drone ecosystem
  •  A description of how the commercial drone market has evolved over time
  •  Commercial drone market trends
  •  Commercial drone technology trends
  •  Projected unit sales and revenue estimates of commercial drone platforms by segment and region
  •  Descriptions of global hot spots for commercial drone use and related applications

Key Features

The goal of this report is to provide an outlook of the commercial UAS market for 2020 and beyond, to include discussions of global and regional platform demand, technology trends, market trends, growth opportunities within the market, and key technologies and developments that are likely to affect, and even drive, the future ecosystem.

Key Issues Addressed

  • What are the current trends in the commercial UAS market?
  • What technologies are driving the commercial UAS market?
  • Where are the growth opportunities in the commercial UAS market?
  • What does the current commercial UAS market landscape look like?
  • What technologies will be emphasized as the market continues to mature?

Key Conclusion

This outlook also contains a number of market predictions based on an evaluation of current and expected trends. These predictions were made after consulting with several industry insiders and included discussions with several of the top of competitors in the commercial drone services market.

Author: Michael Blades


More Information
Deliverable Type Market Outlook
No Index No
Podcast No
Author Michael Blades
Industries Aerospace, Defence and Security
WIP Number K49B-01-00-00-00
Is Prebook No
GPS Codes 9000-A1