Industries Market Research Reports

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  1. 21 Nov 2022  |  Latin America  |  Market Research

    South American Commercial Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Growth Opportunities

    Increasing Commodity Prices Encourage Competitive Intensity for Commercial Drone Services in the Region

    This study analyzes the current position of South America in the global commercial unmanned aerial system (UAS) market and examines how current international events will shape its development in the upcoming years. Relevant growth opportunities have been highlighted to show which market segments will experience the highest growth rate in the region...

  2. 01 Nov 2022  |  South Asia, Middle East & North Africa  |  Market Research

    Middle East Defense Artificial Intelligence Growth Opportunities and Use Cases—2022

    Data Weaponization to Accelerate Military Operational Readiness

    In future conflicts, it will be essential for warfighters to maintain a robust and data-driven operational decision-making process. Supporting this capability, artificial intelligence (AI) is critical to enabling action at the speed of the digital battlespace, which will be far faster than the human ability to process and act on data. Practically, ...

  3. 29 Jun 2022  |  South Asia, Middle East & North Africa  |  Market Research

    Middle East Missile Defense Growth Opportunities

    Strategic Partnering to Transform Indigenous Defense Capabilities and Drive Growth Strategies

    Middle Eastern countries increasingly acquire and develop missile defense (MD) capabilities to counter regional threats posed by Iran’s projected aggression in expanding the range, accuracy, stealth, and lethality of its offensive missiles and integrating them into military concepts of operations and coercive threats. This trend catalyzes regiona...

  4. 04 Apr 2017  |  South Asia, Middle East & North Africa  |  Market Research

    Middle East Homeland Security Market, 2015

    Post-Arab-Spring Opportunities to Bring in $17.05 Billion by 2021

    The Middle Eastern Homeland Security market will grow at a CAGR of 15.5% to achieve $17.05 billion by 2021, strongly driven by government initiatives to create a smart and secure environment amidst high terrorist activities in the region. The Middle Eastern Homeland Security market registered a revenue of $7.19 billion in 2015. Frost and Sullivan ...

  5. 20 Feb 2013  |  Latin America  |  Market Research

    Latin America Defence Market Assessment

    Defence Modernization Needs Generate Market Opportunities for Foreign Weapon Suppliers

    The Latin American defence market is an attractive market for the defence suppliers during the forecast period (20122021). Stable market revenue is mainly driven by the strong need to replace legacy defence platforms. On the other hand, defence procurement projects offer the Latin American countries the opportunity to not only increase security bu...
