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  1. 11 Nov 2021  |  North America  |  Economic and Databases

    United States Transformative Policy Shifts and Opportunities

    Fiscal Stimulus Boost and Tax Reforms Enable Strong Future Growth Potential

    2020 was a year of uncertainty for the US economy. It grappled with a contraction in its output as an economic fallout from the coronavirus pandemic. In addition, the new US administration has signaled tectonic shifts in economic policy, which will influence growth recovery. As the economy stages a strong recovery in 2021—buoyed by large-scale fe...

  2. 01 Mar 2018  |  North America  |  Market Outlook

    Global Economic Outlook, 2018

    Global GDP Growth Expected to Rise from 3.6% in 2017 to 3.7% in 2018 Supported by Increased Trade Flows, Higher Investments, and Strong Domestic Demand

    Amidst seismic events such as Brexit and oil production cuts, what is the outlook for the world economy in 2018? How will monetary policy tightening and landmark tax reforms influence the growth trajectory of key advanced and emerging market economies? This study answers these questions and more by evaluating the global and regional economic outloo...

  3. 12 Apr 2016  |  North America  |  Economic and Databases

    North America—Economic Trends 2016

    What is Trending in 2016 in North America

    The 2016 economic outlook for the US is stable owing to improved housing and strong domestic demand. Growth in Canada is likely to continue to be poor even in 2016 due to its overdependence on oil and other commodities. The energy renaissance in North America in the form of US shale gas and Canadian oil sands has been setback due to low oil prices....

  4. 01 Apr 2015  |  North America  |  Economic and Databases

    Global Economic Outlook 2015: Emerging Latin America

    A Short-term Pulse of Growth Opportunities

    Latin American growth faltered significantly in 2014; however, a gradual recovery is expected in 2015. The recovery in growth is expected to come from an increase in government spending on structural reforms. Domestic demand and investor confidence in the region are expected to remain subdued throughout 2015. Slow growth in export demand for mining...

  5. 17 Mar 2015  |  North America  |  Economic and Databases

    Global Economic Outlook 2015—North America

    A Short-term Pulse of Growth Opportunities

    North America is expected to remain fairly stable in 2015 due to improved domestic demand and business confidence. The US economy is expected to grow by 3.1% in 2015, up from 2.4% in 2014, driven by rising incomes, long-standing repressed demand, a strengthening housing sector, and lower oil prices. For Canada, the outlook has been scaled back to 1...
