Bus Market Market Research Reports

  1. 06 Jun 2023  |  North America  |  Market Outlook

    Global Transit and Coach Bus Growth Outlook, 2023

    Strong Growth for Zero-emission Buses in Europe and North America, but the Global Bus Market to Shrink Due to China

    Geopolitical crises and high inflation prompted most central banks to raise interest rates in 2022, derailing the post-pandemic recovery. Energy costs increased manifold, impacting demand- and supply-side participants equally. Oil prices reached record highs as countries cut dependency on Russian imports, with the price of Brent crude oil reaching ...

  2. Frost & Sullivan’s mobility team tracks the global commercial vehicle (CV) market to generate deep-dive analysis on the shift towards zero-emission buses and the implications of new technologies on the passenger transportation landscape of the future. The commercial mobility practice evaluates applications in the global transit and coach buses sp...

  3. 23 Jan 2023  |  Asia Pacific  |  Market Research

    Growth Opportunities in the Southeast Asian Commercial Bus Market

    Transformative Electrification Likely to Further Disrupt the Region, Reaching 20.3% Share by 2027

    Commercial buses are essential contributors to carrying large numbers of passengers and their belongings, operating within or between cities. Countries with large populations and vast geographies (e.g., Indonesia, the Philippines, Vietnam, Thailand) have significant demand for commercial buses in metropolitan areas (e.g., Jakarta, Bangkok) or ru...
