Growth Opportunities in the Southeast Asian Commercial Bus Market

AutomotiveGrowth Opportunities in the Southeast Asian Commercial Bus Market

Transformative Electrification Likely to Further Disrupt the Region, Reaching 20.3% Share by 2027

Asia Pacific
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Market Research
Research Code: PE22-01-00-00-00
SKU: AU02495-AP-MT_27418
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Growth Opportunities in the Southeast Asian Commercial Bus Market
Published on: 23-Jan-2023 | SKU: AU02495-AP-MT_27418

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Commercial buses are essential contributors to carrying large numbers of passengers and their belongings, operating within or between cities.

Countries with large populations and vast geographies (e.g., Indonesia, the Philippines, Vietnam, Thailand) have significant demand for commercial buses in metropolitan areas (e.g., Jakarta, Bangkok) or rural areas with weaker infrastructure.

Although Singapore has a smaller geographical landscape, due to the low rate of private vehicle ownership, public transport solutions, including buses, are the primary mode of transportation.

Frost & Sullivan presents the total size of the respective commercial bus markets for Southeast Asian countries (Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam) and forecasts up to 2027. The report also describes the commercial bus market in 2021, including regional snapshots with key green targets, emission regulations, EV incentives, race to zero targets, powertrain breakdown, and sales performance of leading commercial bus OEMs.

Author: Ming Lih Chan

Top Southeast Asian Commercial Bus Trends

Commercial Bus Market: Global

Commercial Bus Market: Southeast Asia

Southeast Asian Commercial Bus Market: Powertrain by Country

Why Is It Increasingly Difficult to Grow?

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The Impact of the Top 3 Strategic Imperatives on the Commercial Bus Market

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GDP Growth Snapshot

Smart Phone Penetration

Top Highlights

Market Forecast

Powertrain Forecast by Country

Transit Bus Market: Powertrain Forecast

Coach Market: Powertrain Forecast

Growth Drivers

Growth Restraints

Regional Snapshot

Race to Zero Targets

Powertrain Technology Share

Commercial Bus OEM Sales Performance

Regional Snapshot

Race to Zero Targets

Powertrain Technology Share

Commercial Bus OEM Sales Performance

Regional Snapshot

Race to Zero Targets

Powertrain Technology Share

Commercial Bus OEM Sales Performance

Regional Snapshot

Race to Zero Targets

Powertrain Technology Share

Commercial Bus OEM Sales Performance

Regional Snapshot

Race to Zero Targets

Powertrain Technology Share

Commercial Bus OEM Sales Performance

Regional Snapshot

Race to Zero Targets

Powertrain Technology Share

Commercial Bus OEM Sales Performance

Growth Opportunity 1: Transit eBuses in Megacities

Growth Opportunity 1: Transit eBuses in Megacities (continued)

Growth Opportunity 2: Southeast Asian Governments Accelerate Green and Electric Powertrain Adoption

Growth Opportunity 2: Southeast Asian Governments Accelerate Green and Electric Powertrain Adoption (continued)

Growth Opportunity 3: Global Mega Trends for Alternative Powertrain Solutions

Growth Opportunity 3: Global Mega Trends for Alternative Powertrain Solutions (continued)

Abbreviations and Acronyms

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List of Exhibits (continued)

List of Exhibits (continued)

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Commercial buses are essential contributors to carrying large numbers of passengers and their belongings, operating within or between cities. Countries with large populations and vast geographies (e.g., Indonesia, the Philippines, Vietnam, Thailand) have significant demand for commercial buses in metropolitan areas (e.g., Jakarta, Bangkok) or rural areas with weaker infrastructure. Although Singapore has a smaller geographical landscape, due to the low rate of private vehicle ownership, public transport solutions, including buses, are the primary mode of transportation. Frost & Sullivan presents the total size of the respective commercial bus markets for Southeast Asian countries (Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam) and forecasts up to 2027. The report also describes the commercial bus market in 2021, including regional snapshots with key green targets, emission regulations, EV incentives, race to zero targets, powertrain breakdown, and sales performance of leading commercial bus OEMs. Author: Ming Lih Chan
More Information
Deliverable Type Market Research
Author Ming Lih Chan
Industries Automotive
No Index No
Is Prebook No
Keyword 1 Southeast Asian Commercial Bus Market
Keyword 2 Commercial Vehicles Market
Keyword 3 Electric Commercial Vehicle Market
Podcast No
WIP Number PE22-01-00-00-00