Connected Health Market Research Reports

  1. 28 Dec 2015  |  Latin America  |  Market Research

    eHealth Initiatives Across Latin America (LATAM)

    Impact and Future Direction of eHealth

    While some governments in Latin America (LATAM) struggle to provide adequate basic medical supplies, others aspire to establish healthcare infrastructure that meets international standards and drives improvements in healthcare services through evidence-based medicine. In either case, healthcare information technology (healthcare IT) plays a key rol...

  2. 12 Jul 2013  |  Latin America  |  Market Research

    Electronic Medical Records (EMR) Market in Brazil

    Increasing Needs of Clinical Systems Expands EMR Bringing Brazil to the Forefront in Latin America

    Brazilian EMR penetration, considering every implementation levelfrom basic, with just electronic prescriptions, to complex, with different clincial modulesreaches 8% of total local healthcare institutions. There are few sole EMR vendors in the market. The local healthcare information technology (HC IT) market stage drives providers to offer EMR ...
