Defense Market Research Reports

  1. 16 Jun 2020  |  North America  |  Market Outlook

    Global Defence Outlook, 2020

    Continuing High Global Tensions will Call for a Spike in Military Spending; However, the COVID-19 Induced Economic Recession will Severely Restrict Defence Budgets

    The defence outlook for 2020 will be driven primarily by a period of instability and high levels of tension due to various factors, including a global pandemic (Coronavirus 2019 or COVID-19), which will be explored by region in this research. The effects of COVID-19 on the defence industry are still to be fully understood. The impact will predomina...

  2. 25 May 2020  |  North America  |  Market Outlook

    Post-pandemic Growth Opportunity Analysis of the Defence Industry

    Preparing for the Rebound

    The global defence spending was recorded at $1.8 trillion in 2018; the highest spending recorded, to date. The COVID-19 epidemic is likely to reduce defence spending as governments around the world allocate funds for both fighting the pandemic and reviving the economy. COVID-19 is a dual crisis—public health and economic downturn—unlike any oth...

  3. 14 Jul 2015  |  North America  |  Market Outlook

    2015 Global Defense Outlook

    Revisiting the Cold War While Confronting Terrorism

    This research service focuses on global defense spending categories such as research, development, testing, and evaluation; procurement; operations and maintenance, and services. Global, regional, and specific program information for 25 countries is included. The global defense outlook comprises spending forecasts for 12 technology segments, includ...
