Digital Enterprise Market Research Reports

  1. 17 Nov 2016  |  South Asia, Middle East & North Africa  |  Market Research

    Commoditization of Indian IT Services—Is Cloud an Opportunity for IT OEMs?

    Affordable Infrastructure—the Key to the Growth of Cloud in India

    As the number of managed service providers increases and as their offerings are commoditized, IT service providers will move to cloud solutions to bring in new offerings. Cloud solutions are now more than mere support solutions; they impact businesses directly and create new opportunities for growth. OEMs have identified the key areas of impact and...

  2. 11 Nov 2016  |  South Asia, Middle East & North Africa  |  Market Research

    A Country & Industry Analysis—Sri Lanka Information Technologies (IT), 2016

    Low Computer Penetration and Burgeoning Skilled Workforce to Provide a Boost to the IT Sector

    With a mere 5% penetration of personal computers and a fast growing talent pool of English speaking workers with sophisticated technical skills, Sri Lanka is emerging as a prime destination for IT and IT outsourcing services. Sri Lanka also enjoys the advantage of a superior business environment and infrastructure over most other low cost emerging ...

  3. 08 Nov 2016  |  South Asia, Middle East & North Africa  |  Market Research

    IT Revolutionizing Indian Smart Cities, Forecast to 2020

    Huge Investments in Infrastructure and Smart Technologies in the Next 5 Years to Create a Simple, Efficient, and Transparent Platform for Citizens and

    With the emergence of Smart Cities and enabling technologies, authorities and other stakeholders will start exploiting new solutions to connect sensors, meters, social media, government Web sites, and other services/products to improve the efficiency of daily city operations relating to governance and citizen services. As many as 100+ companies wil...

  4. 30 Sep 2016  |  South Asia, Middle East & North Africa  |  Market Research

    Digital Enterprise Transformation in India

    Improved Communication Infrastructure and New age Technology to Drive Sweeping Changes to Businesses in India

    Indian enterprises have begun to embrace new age technologies to improve the operational efficiency, business processes and customer experience to address the competitive environment. Digital transformation is capable of transforming businesses by improving business agility. , empowering stakeholders and providing new revenue models. In India CIOs ...
