Grids Market Research Reports

Grids vertical offers comprehensive research reports on a range of markets. Each commercial report published by us provide data and insights on market estimates, competitive analysis and benchmarking, industry and technological trends, tables, charts and market size forecast for 5 to 7 years. Type of engagement platform we offer to clients include market engineering research, market insights and white papers, movers and shakers interview, economic research and analysis, market outlook studies, mega trend topics, customer surveys and issue based deliverables.

Our broad spectrum of market coverage includes,

  • Switchgear Market
  • Transformer market
  • Circuit Breaker Market
  • Distribution and Substation Automation
  • Metering and AMI Market
  • Smart Grids Market
  1. 26 May 2016  |  North America  |  Strategic Forecasting

    Future of the Smart Grid Industry

    The Global Smart Grid Industry will Reach $112.7 Billion in 2025 growing at 6.2%

    Global smart grid investment is likely to grow rapidly. By 2025, a complete transformation to a smarter grid is unlikely but the process would have gained pace with major changes underway in grid automation, demand-side management, and Big Data analytics. Revenue growth will be the fastest in Europe. Demand response and advanced metering infrastruc...

  2. 12 Feb 2015  |  Asia Pacific  |  Market Outlook

    Asia-Pacific Transmission and Distribution Outlook Study

    Grid Restructuring, Smart-grid Projects, and Microgrids Significantly Influence the T&D Sector in 2015

    In the Asia-Pacific transmission and distribution sector, the initial stages of grid restructuring will take place in countries such as Vietnam and Japan in 2015. In the smart-grid space, Japan and South Korea will continue smart-meter roll-outs. In Australia, grid privatization in Queensland and New South Wales was initiated in 2014 and is expecte...

  3. 22 Apr 2014  |  Asia Pacific  |  Market Outlook

    2014 Asia Pacific Power Generation and T&D Market Outlook

    A Resurgent Southeast Asian Economy with Moderate Peak Power Demand Attracts Investment

    Key industry events that shaped the power generation and transmission and distribution (T&D) sector in 2013 form the basis for highlighting major trends in the Asia-Pacific power market for 2014. The moderate peak power demand, favorable coal prices, and the resurgent Southeast Asian economy are likely to drive investments in this market. Furthermo...
