Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) Market Research Market Research Reports
22 Sep 2014  |  North America  |  Customer Research
Global Next-generation Sequencing Trends
An End-user Perspective
The overall research objective was to capture and analyze global next-generation (NGS) sequencing trends and use. Most researchers outsource NGS technologies; however, in-house NGS technology use is expected to increase within the next 12 months. Data accuracy and operating costs are the top criteria for purchasing sequencing instruments. Disease-r...
Special Price $2,962.50 save 25 %
16 Sep 2011  |  North America  |  Customer Research
End-user Trends in the U.S. Next-Generation Sequencing Market
Preferences in Technologies, Applications, and Brands
In 2010, Frost & Sullivan launched an end-user survey to examine the use of genomics technologies, including next-generation sequencing, by researchers in academic and government laboratories, at pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies, and in hospital and clinical laboratories. This analysis is based on results from researchers from the various...
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