Oil & Gas Market Research Reports

Oil and Gas industry is a highly dynamic industry which is impacted by a variety of forces such as Geopolitics, Regulations, Supply and Demand, and Price fluctuations. As the industry undergoes massive changes, we at Frost & Sullivan track these changes across upstream, midstream and downstream sectors and try to assess the impact these forces have on the market and on the market participants. Frost & Sullivan’s Oil & Gas Market Program provides clients with in-depth research and analysis on industry trends, market research and forecasts, customized consulting, and insights into emerging and groundbreaking technologies. We use market engineering research, market insights, analyst briefings, and economic research and analysis and outlook studies to help deliver business value to client and drive transformation of the clients business. Our Program Area looks at the following trends in the market

·     Equipment market for extraction, processing and refining

·     Conventional and Unconventional fuels (shale, oil sands, offshore and onshore)

·     Oil Field Service markets

·     Digital oil fields

·     Subsea trends and markets

  1. 29 Mar 2016  |  Global  |  Market Outlook

    Global Outlook of the Oil and Gas Industry, 2016

    Plummeting Upstream Capex Investments Unlock Exciting New Asset Acquisition Opportunities, Downstream to Benefit from Strong Refinery Margins and Storage Investments

    The decline in the oil price has had a massive impact on the sector and the wider economy. Upstream capital expenditures (capex) have been significantly cut, with many exploration and production projects being put on hold. However, for the midstream and downstream, investment is continuing, as participants invest for the longer term. The decline in...
