Themes Market Research Reports

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  1. 27 Dec 2019  |  Latin America  |  Market Research

    Latin American ICT Growth Opportunities, Forecast to 2025

    Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain Emerge as Key Technologies in Driving Digital Transformation

    When looking at new technologies that generate interesting opportunities in the Latin American region, blockchain and Artificial Intelligence (AI) emerge as key. Blockchain is still a new technology with conflicting opinions about its real future. Some believe it has little chance of evolving beyond the financial sector (mainly crypto currencies) w...

  2. 16 Dec 2019  |  Latin America  |  Market Research

    Disruptive Trends Impacting the South American Power Rental Market, Forecast to 2024

    Transformation from Transaction-based Approaches to Solution-based Models

    The focus of this research service is to analyze the drivers and restraints that affect the growth of the South American power rental market. Despite the current economic and political crisis, the region has strong economic conditions in place to ensure continuous market development. Factors including increased awareness among customers, demand con...

  3. 01 Nov 2019  |  Latin America  |  Market Research

    Analysis of the Contact Center Outsourcing Services Market in Latin America and the Caribbean, Forecast to 2024

    Automation Technologies Transform the Customer Experience and Unveil New Growth Opportunities

    The contact center outsourcing services market in Latin American and the Caribbean (CALA) remain relatively stable in terms of revenue in 2018, compared to 2017. This negative performance was mostly due to automation of a large number of interactions by telecom companies, which was partially offset by solid performances of Colombia, Central America...

  4. 29 Aug 2019  |  Latin America  |  Market Research

    Brazil Automotive OEM’s Entry-Exit Strategies and Market Trends, 2019

    ‘ROTA 2030’ To Revive Brazilian Automotive Industry

    The aim of the study is to research, analyze and forecast the movement of Brazilian automotive market based on the prevailing scenario. It also throws light on hot topics such as taxation policy revision and exit and entry of key players. The Brazilian automotive market is currently the 8th largest in the world. Passenger vehicle sales in 2018 wer...

  5. 14 Aug 2019  |  Latin America  |  Market Research

    Strategic Insights of Digital Transformation in Brazil, 2019

    A Customer Perspective

    Digital transformation is entering an era of unprecedented change for businesses. Seamless, intelligent, and ubiquitous interactivity is a key IT investment theme for companies across all verticals that want to make a big impact on the future of their organization. This study is derived from a survey of IT decision makers in Brazil across multiple ...

  6. 17 Jul 2019  |  Latin America  |  Market Research

    Challenges and Opportunities for On-Premises Unified Communications Vendors, Forecast to 2025

    Mining Hidden UC Opportunities is the Key to New Growth

    The traditional on-premises unified communications (UC) market is very mature and is experiencing pressure from both internal and external competitive forces. Premises-based solution vendors are facing challenges from a variety of competitors including disruptive unified communications as a service (UCaaS) providers, network service providers offer...

  7. 25 Jun 2019  |  Latin America  |  Market Research

    Brazil’s Total Telecommunications Services Market and the Impact of Mega Trends, Forecast to 2023

    Mobile Value-added Services (VAS) will Drive Market Growth as Internet Access Increases

    This research service provides market sizing and forecasts by segment and technology, in terms of lines and revenues, as well as market share figures. The study thoroughly examines the following markets: fixed telephony (habilitation, monthly fee, local traffic, national and international long-distance traffic, advanced voice, interconnection, and ...

  8. 05 Jun 2019  |  Africa  |  Market Research

    Africa’s Business Travel and Transport Transformation

    Unlocking the Continent’s Business Travel Potential

    Africa's economic growth continues to extend across the continent. To many, Africa represents some of the final frontiers for industrial development. Large-scale infrastructure developments, especially in airports and roads, are having a positive effect on improving commercial linkages in Africa. There is, however, still significant space for inn...

  9. 16 May 2019  |  Africa  |  Market Research

    African Power Pools Outlook, 2018

    Regional Interconnections to Drive Power Pool Development in Sub-Saharan Africa

    As the region with some of the lowest electrification rates in the world, Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) will exhibit continued growth of power pools. This growth is likely to be driven primarily by expanding transmission and distribution (T&D) networks within and between member countries. This outlook provides an analysis of the power pools in SSA, foc...

  10. 08 May 2019  |  Latin America  |  Market Research

    Cloud IP Telephony and UC&C Services Market in Latin America and the Caribbean, Forecast to 2025

    New Value Propositions Drive Growth in Various Segments

    The cloud IP telephony and unified communications and collaboration (UC&C) services market exhibited double-digit growth in Latin America and the Caribbean (CALA) in 2018. Competition is expected to increase in most countries in Latin America due to new service providers entering the market, existing participants widening their service portfolio, a...
