U.S. Digital and Computed Radiography (DR/CR) Markets

U.S. Digital and Computed Radiography (DR/CR) Markets


North America
Deliverable Type
Market Research
Research Code: N70A-01-00-00-00
SKU: HC02140-NA-MR_07708
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This research service analyzes the digital and computed radiography markets since 2006 and forecasts market measurements through the year 2016. Specific market trends, opportunities, challenges, drivers and restraints are discussed, and strategic approaches are proposed. Current competitive characteristics of the market, and technology and end-user trends are also discussed.

Table of Contents

Total U.S. Digital and Computed Radiography (DR/CR) Market

  • Market Overview
  • Market Segmentation
  • Market Measurements
  • Forecasts
  • Competitive Analysis
  • Company Market Shares
  • Industry Opportunities and Challenges
  • Strategic Recommendations

U.S. Digital Radiography (DR) Market

  • Market Overview
  • Market Segmentation
  • Technology Overview
  • Technology Trends
  • Market Drivers and Restraints
  • Forecasts
  • Competitive Analysis
  • Company Market Shares
  • Selected Company Product List
  • End-User Analysis

U.S. Computed Radiography (CR) Market

  • Market Overview
  • Market Segmentation
  • Technology Overview
  • Market Drivers and Restraints
  • Forecasts
  • Competitive Analysis
  • Company Market Shares
  • Selected Company Product List
  • End-User Analysis

Growth dialog™

A tailored session with you where we identify the:
  • Strategic Imperatives
  • Growth Opportunities
  • Best Practices
  • Companies to Action

Impacting your company's future growth potential.

This research service analyzes the digital and computed radiography markets since 2006 and forecasts market measurements through the year 2016. Specific market trends, opportunities, challenges, drivers and restraints are discussed, and strategic approaches are proposed. Current competitive characteristics of the market, and technology and end-user trends are also discussed.
More Information
Deliverable Type Market Research
No Index Yes
Podcast No
Industries Healthcare
WIP Number N70A-01-00-00-00
Is Prebook No