Airport Terminals, Vision 2030
Digitalisation to Transform Operational Processes and Support Traffic Growth
Market Research
For airport organizations, traffic growth poses both an opportunity and a challenge: it will feed more passengers and drive revenue, but it may also create overcapacity involving longer waiting time and queuing at each checkpoint, thus increasing passenger dissatisfaction and decreasing their willingness to consume during dwell time. In response, initiatives using new technologies to transfer passengers from land to air side as smoothly and efficiently as possible are being adopted to improve airline operations and to generate more sales while less stressed passengers enjoy increased time air side. The 2030 Vision for Airport Terminals study explores how global airport trends will affect revenues and how the supplier landscape will evolve.
Key Highlights
Top 10 Industry Trends
- Privatisation, Airport Ownership Transition
- Airport Cities, Aerotropolis
- Air-side Retail
- Standardisation
- Digital Security
- Self Operation
- Traffic Growth
- Off Airport Operations
- Digitalisation
- Green Airports
Industry Trends - Factors and Trends Explained for2015, 2020 and 2030
Top Transformational Shifts Expected to Shape Airports
Key Industry Mega Trends by Airport Main Check Points
Main Changes at Each Airport Check Point by 2030
Key Performance Indicators for Airports
Evolution of the Population, Middle Class, and Passenger Traffic, Global, 2010–2030
Key Conclusions
Research Scope
Geographical Scope
Research Methodology
Impact of Top Mega Trends on Airports
Evolution of the World and APAC Passenger Traffic, Global, 2010–2030
Impact of Top Mega Trends on Airport
Revenue Forecast, Global, 2015–2030
Airport City and Aerotropolis—Maximize the Land and Surroundings
Non-Aeronautical Revenue
Business Models
Eco-Efficient Airport—A Key Element to Thrive in the Future
APAC—Larger and Busier Airports to Cope with Traffic
Global Airport Investments
Airport Projects in Africa
Airport Projects in APAC
Airport Projects in Europe
Airport Projects in Latin America
Airport Projects in the Middle East
Airport Projects in North America
Airport—A Highly Regulated Environment
Smarter Airports Enabled by Digital Technologies
Airport 2030—Future of Connectivity
Cyber Security
Technology Developments in Airports
Airport Building Management Transformational Trends
Predictions for Airport Terminal Building by 2030
Airports: A Complex Mix of Stakeholders
Chain of Participants at Airport Departure and Arrival
Airport Systems—Heathrow Terminal 5
Airport IT and Communications Management Supplier Landscape 2015
Competition Consolidating across the Travel Value Chain
Lockheed Martin Airport Solution Offering
Solution Providers across the Travel Value Chain
Next Wave of Competition
Building Management Ecosystems
Airports Attractive to IT and Communications Providers
2030—What Will Be different?
Legal Disclaimer
The Journey to Visionary Innovation
Value Proposition: Future of Your Company & Career
Global Perspective
Industry Convergence
360º Research Perspective
Implementation Excellence
Our Blue Ocean Strategy
- 1. Convergence—Changing Business Requirements: Integrated Travel - Most Preferred Services (top 5 ranking), Europe, 2014
- 2. Convergence—Desired Products in an Integrated Solution (Mobile) - Mobility Integration Service in Mobile Application, Europe, 2014
- 3. Regulated Airport Price, France, 2015
- 4. Smart Airport Market: Future of Connected Digital Services, Global, 2015, 2020, and 2030
- 5. Analysis of Various Airport Stakeholders
- 1. Evolution of the Population, Middle Class, and Passenger Traffic, Global, 2010–2030
- 2. Evolution of the World and APAC Passenger Traffic, Global, 2010–2030
- 3. Total Airport Check-in Market: Revenue Forecast, Global, 2015–2030
- 4. Total Airport Baggage Handling Market: Revenue Forecast, Global 2015–2030
- 5. Total Airport Security Market: Revenue Forecast, Global, 2015–2030
- 6. Total Airport Retail Market: Revenue Forecast, Global, 2015–2030
- 7. Aeronautical Revenue vs. Non-Aeronautical Revenue, Global, 2012
- 8. Average Revenue per Airport by Region, Global, 2012
- 9. Percent Split of Non Aeronautical Revenue by Region, Global, 2012
- 10. Number of Airports in Top 30 by Passenger Traffic, Global, 2005–2014
- 11. Average Growth Rates at the 5 Largest Airports of each Region, Global, 2009–2014
- 12. Number of Passengers at the 5 Largest Airports of each Region (Cumulative), Global, 2009–2014
- 13. Average Rank of the 5 Largest Airports of each Region, Global, 2009–2014
- 14. Airport Investment by Region, Global, 2015
- 15. Average Cost of Airport Projects, Global, 2015
- 16. Number of Airport Projects by Region, Global, 2015
- 17. Retailing Revenue in Million RMB, China, 2005–2013
- 18. Retail per Passenger in RMB/Pax, China, 2005–2013
- 19. Retail Revenue as % of Commercial & Total Revenue, China, 2005–2013
- 20. Retail Revenue in Million Euro, Germany, 2005–2013
- 21. Retail Revenue per Passenger in €/pax, Germany, 2005–2013
- 22. Retail Revenue as % of Commercial & Total Revenue, Germany, 2005–2013
- 23. Retail Revenue in Million Euros, Netherlands, 2007–2014
- 24. Retail Revenue per passenger in €/pax,, Netherlands, 2007–2014
- 25. Retail Revenue as % of Commercial & Total Revenue, Netherlands, 2007–2014
- 26. Retail Revenue in Million CHF, Switzerland, 2004–2014
- 27. Retail Revenue per Passenger in CHF/pax, Switzerland, 2004–2014
- 28. Retail Revenue as a % of Commercial & Total Revenue, Switzerland, 2004–2014
- 29. Terminal Retail Stores Revenue in Million USD, US, 2004–2013
- 30. Retail Revenue Per Passengers in USD/Pax, US, 2004–2013
- 31. Retail revenue as % of Commercial & Total Revenue, US, 2004–2013
- 32. Terminal Retail Stores Revenue in million USD, US, 2004–2013
- 33. Retail per Passenger in $/pax, US, 2004–2013
- 34. Retail Revenue as % of Commercial & Total Revenue, US, 2004–2013
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Table of Contents | | Executive Summary~ || Key Highlights~ || Top 10 Industry Trends~ ||| Privatisation, Airport Ownership Transition~ ||| Airport Cities, Aerotropolis~ ||| Air-side Retail~ ||| Standardisation~ ||| Digital Security~ ||| Self Operation~ ||| Traffic Growth~ ||| Off Airport Operations~ ||| Digitalisation~ ||| Green Airports~ || Industry Trends - Factors and Trends Explained for2015, 2020 and 2030~ || Top Transformational Shifts Expected to Shape Airports~ || Key Industry Mega Trends by Airport Main Check Points~ || Main Changes at Each Airport Check Point by 2030~ || Key Performance Indicators for Airports~ || Evolution of the Population, Middle Class, and Passenger Traffic, Global, 2010–2030~ || Key Conclusions~ | Research Scope and Segmentation~ || Research Scope~ || Geographical Scope~ || Research Methodology~ | Mega Trends and Industry Convergence Implications~ || Impact of Top Mega Trends on Airports~ ||| Demographics and Urbanization ~ ||| Social Connection ~ ||| Privatisation~ ||| Security~ ||| Eco Efficient~ ||| Traffic Growth~ ||| Automation~ ||| Digitalisation~ || Evolution of the World and APAC Passenger Traffic, Global, 2010–2030~ || Digitalisation~ ||| Traveller Tribes~ ||| Marketing to the Airport Traveller~ || Impact of Top Mega Trends on Airport~ ||| Convergence~ |||| Integrated Mobility Definition~ |||| Increased Business Travel and Technology Disruption~ |||| Mobility: New Participants, Partnerships, & Models~ |||| Future of Integrated Mobility~ |||| Changing Business Requirements: Integrated Travel~ ||||| Most Preferred Services (top 5 ranking), Europe, 2014~ |||| Desired Products in an Integrated Solution (Mobile)~ ||||| Mobility Integration Service in Mobile Application, Europe, 2014~ | Global Airport Forecast for 2030~ || Revenue Forecast, Global, 2015–2030~ ||| Airport Check-in Market 2015 to 2030~ ||| Baggage Handling Market 2015 to 2030~ ||| Security Market 2015 to 2030~ ||| Airport Retail Market 2015 to 2030~ | New Business Opportunities and Models~ || Airport City and Aerotropolis—Maximize the Land and Surroundings~ ||| Aerotropolis Schematic~ || Non-Aeronautical Revenue~ ||| Transformational Shift in Airport Business Model~ |||| Aeronautical Revenue vs. Non-Aeronautical Revenue, Global, 2012~ |||| Average Revenue per Airport by Region, Global, 2012~ |||| Percent Split of Non Aeronautical Revenue by Region, Global, 2012~ ||||| APAC~ ||||| Europe~ ||||| North America~ ||||| Middle east ~ ||| Lower Airfare Balanced by Commercial Revenue ~ ||| Increasing Retail Revenues~ || Business Models~ ||| New Business Models and Impacts~ || Eco-Efficient Airport—A Key Element to Thrive in the Future~ | Growth Markets—Airport Projects and Case Studies~ || APAC—Larger and Busier Airports to Cope with Traffic~ ||| Number of Airports in Top 30 by Passenger Traffic, Global, 2005–2014~ ||| Average Growth Rates at the 5 Largest Airports of each Region, Global, 2009–2014~ ||| Number of Passengers at the 5 Largest Airports of each Region (Cumulative), Global, 2009–2014~ ||| Average Rank of the 5 Largest Airports of each Region, Global, 2009–2014~ || Global Airport Investments~ ||| Airport Investment by Region, Global, 2015~ ||| Number of Airport Projects by Region, Global, 2015~ ||| Average Cost of Airport Projects, Global, 2015~ || Airport Projects in Africa~ || Airport Projects in APAC~ ||| APAC Case Study—Beijing International Airport (PEK)~ |||| Beijing, General Data 2013~ |||| Beijing, Major Initiatives in Check-in~ |||| Beijing, Major Initiatives in Baggage Drop-off~ |||| Beijing, Major Initiatives in Security~ |||| Retailing Revenue in Million RMB, China, 2005–2013~ |||| Retail per Passenger in RMB/Pax, China, 2005–2013~ |||| Retail Revenue as % of Commercial & Total Revenue, China, 2005–2013~ || Airport Projects in Europe~ ||| European Case Study—Frankfurt Airport (FRA)~ |||| Frankfurt, General Data 2013~ |||| Frankfurt, Major Initiatives in Check-in~ |||| Frankfurt, Major Initiatives in Baggage Drop-off~ |||| Frankfurt, Major Initiatives in Security~ |||| Retail Revenue in Million Euro, Germany, 2005–2013~ |||| Retail Revenue per Passenger in €/pax, Germany, 2005–2013~ |||| Retail Revenue as % of Commercial & Total Revenue, Germany, 2005–2013~ ||| European Case Study—Amsterdam Airport Schiphol (AMS)~ |||| AMS, General Data 2014~ |||| AMS, Major Initiatives in Check-in~ |||| AMS, Major Initiatives in Baggage Drop-off~ |||| AMS, Major Initiatives in Security~ |||| Retail Revenue in Million Euros, Netherlands, 2007–2014~ |||| Retail Revenue per passenger in €/pax,, Netherlands, 2007–2014~ |||| Retail Revenue as % of Commercial & Total Revenue, Netherlands, 2007–2014~ ||| European Case Study—Zurich Airport (ZRH)~ |||| ZRH, General Data 2014~ |||| ZRH, Major Initiatives in Check-in~ |||| ZRH, Major Initiatives in Baggage Drop-off~ |||| ZRH, Major Initiatives in Security~ |||| Retail Revenue in Million CHF, Switzerland, 2004–2014~ |||| Retail Revenue per Passenger in CHF/pax, Switzerland, 2004–2014~ |||| Retail Revenue as a % of Commercial & Total Revenue, Switzerland, 2004–2014~ || Airport Projects in Latin America~ || Airport Projects in the Middle East~ || Airport Projects in North America~ ||| US Case Study—Los Angeles Airport (LAX)~ |||| LAX, General Data 2014~ |||| LAX Major Initiatives in Check-in~ |||| LAX Major Initiatives in Baggage Drop-off~ |||| LAX Major Initiatives in Security~ |||| Terminal Retail Stores Revenue in Million USD, US, 2004–2013~ |||| Retail Revenue Per Passengers in USD/Pax, US, 2004–2013~ |||| Retail revenue as % of Commercial & Total Revenue, US, 2004–2013~ ||| US Case Study—Denver International Airport (DEN)~ |||| DEN, General Data 2014~ |||| DEN, Major Initiatives in Check-in~ |||| DEN, Major Initiatives in Baggage Drop-off~ |||| DEN, Major Initiatives in Security~ |||| Terminal Retail Stores Revenue in million USD, US, 2004–2013~ |||| Retail per Passenger in $/pax, US, 2004–2013~ |||| Retail Revenue as % of Commercial & Total Revenue, US, 2004–2013~ | Legislation and Regulations~ || Airport—A Highly Regulated Environment~ ||| Regulated Airport Price, France, 2015~ | Top Technology Opportunities by 2030~ || Smarter Airports Enabled by Digital Technologies~ || Airport 2030—Future of Connectivity~ ||| Digital Services, Global, 2015, 2020, and 2030~ || Cyber Security~ || Technology Developments in Airports~ || Airport Building Management Transformational Trends~ || Predictions for Airport Terminal Building by 2030~ || Airports: A Complex Mix of Stakeholders~ ||| Analysis of Various Airport Stakeholders~ | Industry Participants and Supply Chain~ || Chain of Participants at Airport Departure and Arrival~ || Airport Systems—Heathrow Terminal 5~ || Airport IT and Communications Management Supplier Landscape 2015~ || Competition Consolidating across the Travel Value Chain~ ||| Current Acquisition Wave~ ||| Future Waves of Acquisition?~ || Lockheed Martin Airport Solution Offering~ ||| Systems Integration and Enterprise IT~ || Solution Providers across the Travel Value Chain~ || Next Wave of Competition~ ||| Tech Companies~ |||| Google~ |||| Uber~ |||| Amazon~ |||| Facebook~ ||| IT and Data~ |||| Unisis~ |||| Microsoft~ |||| HP~ |||| IBM~ |||| Fujitsu~ ||| Building and Energy Management~ |||| Siemens~ |||| Schneider~ |||| Honeywell~ |||| Johnson Controls~ ||| Managed Services~ |||| Wipro~ |||| CGI~ |||| Capita~ |||| Sopra Steria~ || Building Management Ecosystems~ || Airports Attractive to IT and Communications Providers~ | Key Conclusions and Future Outlook~ || 2030—What Will Be different?~ || Legal Disclaimer~ | The Frost & Sullivan Story~ || The Journey to Visionary Innovation~ || Value Proposition: Future of Your Company & Career~ || Global Perspective~ || Industry Convergence~ || 360º Research Perspective~ || Implementation Excellence~ || Our Blue Ocean Strategy~ |
List of Charts and Figures | 1. Convergence—Changing Business Requirements: Integrated Travel - Most Preferred Services (top 5 ranking), Europe, 2014~ 2. Convergence—Desired Products in an Integrated Solution (Mobile) - Mobility Integration Service in Mobile Application, Europe, 2014~ 3. Regulated Airport Price, France, 2015~ 4. Smart Airport Market: Future of Connected Digital Services, Global, 2015, 2020, and 2030~ 5. Analysis of Various Airport Stakeholders~| 1. Evolution of the Population, Middle Class, and Passenger Traffic, Global, 2010–2030~ 2. Evolution of the World and APAC Passenger Traffic, Global, 2010–2030~ 3. Total Airport Check-in Market: Revenue Forecast, Global, 2015–2030~ 4. Total Airport Baggage Handling Market: Revenue Forecast, Global 2015–2030~ 5. Total Airport Security Market: Revenue Forecast, Global, 2015–2030~ 6. Total Airport Retail Market: Revenue Forecast, Global, 2015–2030~ 7. Aeronautical Revenue vs. Non-Aeronautical Revenue, Global, 2012~ 8. Average Revenue per Airport by Region, Global, 2012~ 9. Percent Split of Non Aeronautical Revenue by Region, Global, 2012~ 10. Number of Airports in Top 30 by Passenger Traffic, Global, 2005–2014~ 11. Average Growth Rates at the 5 Largest Airports of each Region, Global, 2009–2014~ 12. Number of Passengers at the 5 Largest Airports of each Region (Cumulative), Global, 2009–2014~ 13. Average Rank of the 5 Largest Airports of each Region, Global, 2009–2014~ 14. Airport Investment by Region, Global, 2015~ 15. Average Cost of Airport Projects, Global, 2015~ 16. Number of Airport Projects by Region, Global, 2015~ 17. Retailing Revenue in Million RMB, China, 2005–2013~ 18. Retail per Passenger in RMB/Pax, China, 2005–2013~ 19. Retail Revenue as % of Commercial & Total Revenue, China, 2005–2013~ 20. Retail Revenue in Million Euro, Germany, 2005–2013~ 21. Retail Revenue per Passenger in €/pax, Germany, 2005–2013~ 22. Retail Revenue as % of Commercial & Total Revenue, Germany, 2005–2013~ 23. Retail Revenue in Million Euros, Netherlands, 2007–2014~ 24. Retail Revenue per passenger in €/pax,, Netherlands, 2007–2014~ 25. Retail Revenue as % of Commercial & Total Revenue, Netherlands, 2007–2014~ 26. Retail Revenue in Million CHF, Switzerland, 2004–2014~ 27. Retail Revenue per Passenger in CHF/pax, Switzerland, 2004–2014~ 28. Retail Revenue as a % of Commercial & Total Revenue, Switzerland, 2004–2014~ 29. Terminal Retail Stores Revenue in Million USD, US, 2004–2013~ 30. Retail Revenue Per Passengers in USD/Pax, US, 2004–2013~ 31. Retail revenue as % of Commercial & Total Revenue, US, 2004–2013~ 32. Terminal Retail Stores Revenue in million USD, US, 2004–2013~ 33. Retail per Passenger in $/pax, US, 2004–2013~ 34. Retail Revenue as % of Commercial & Total Revenue, US, 2004–2013~ |
Author | Thomas Saquer |
Industries | Aerospace, Defence and Security |
WIP Number | MB10-01-00-00-00 |
Is Prebook | No |