Asia-Pacific Aircraft, Ships, and Combat Systems Market Overview, 2019
Asia-Pacific Aircraft, Ships, and Combat Systems Market Overview, 2019
The Saturated Environment is Increasingly Competitive
Asia Pacific
Market Research
This research service covers Asia-Pacific defense markets with an emphasis on operational requirements, technology trends, and the competitive environment. It includes current and future spending estimates for research and development, procurement, and operations and maintenance. Platforms including surface ships, submarines, fixed-wing aircraft, rotary-wing aircraft, and unmanned vehicles; as well as combat systems such as missile defense, electronic warfare, and command & control, communications, computers, intelligence, surveillance & reconnaissance (C4ISR) will be discussed.
Political and territorial tensions remain high in the region. Many nations have a desire to modernize their forces, become more self-sufficient, and participate in global defense export markets. This is leading countries to increase defense spending, seek market information that will help identify opportunities to improve their own forces, and develop products for export.
The market research presented was obtained from secondary and primary sources, and combines quantitative and qualitative information. Also discussed is how dual-use civilian and military technologies such as satellites, geospatial, cloud computing, mobility, robotics, gaming, autonomy, social media, and cybersecurity are utilized.
Insights are provided on current and anticipated program spending and industry leaders, which will help firms identify growth opportunities and formulate go-to-market strategies to assist them with improving their relative market share.
The purpose of this study is to highlight nations' defense spending and technology trends for aircraft, ships, and combat systems.
The regional defense industry competitive structure is outlined to help market participants better understand how to increase direct sales and partnerships in the region.
Key Features
- Describe the current status and trends of the region's aircraft, ships, and combat systems segments
- Determine the market size for research and development, procurement, and operations and maintenance
- Outline the top operational priorities that determine defense technology purchases
- List the primary drivers and restraints for national defense markets
- Portray the relative market attractiveness of each country and technology for industry participants
- Illustrate potential sales and partnering opportunities for the defense industry in the region
- Suggest go-to-market strategies for current and future industry participants
Key Issues Addressed
- What is the size and growth rate of the region's defense market?
- Which companies are the market leaders and present partnering opportunities?
- What weapons platforms and combat systems have are in demand?
- Where are the dual-use civilian and military technology applications being applied?
- Why are many Asian nations improving their combat capabilities and emphasizing the export of defense equipment?
Author: Brad Curran
Table of Contents
Market Overview
Key Takeaways
Top Operational Priorities and Challenges
Aircraft Segment Trends
Ship Segment Trends
Combat System Segment Trends
Research Scope and Methodology
Research Aims and Objectives
Key Questions this Study will Answer
Regional Overview
Regional Overview (continued)
RDT&E, Procurement, and O&M Program Funding by Area
Defense Spending by Country—2018 and 2024 Snapshot
Market Attractiveness by Country and Technology
Competitive Structure
Defense Export Considerations
Growth Opportunities
Strategic Imperatives for Success and Growth
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Key Features
- Describe the current status and trends of the region's aircraft, ships, and combat systems segments
- Determine the market size for research and development, procurement, and operations and maintenance
- Outline the top operational priorities that determine defense technology purchases
- List the primary drivers and restraints for national defense markets
- Portray the relative market attractiveness of each country and technology for industry participants
- Illustrate potential sales and partnering opportunities for the defense industry in the region
- Suggest go-to-market strategies for current and future industry participants
Key Issues Addressed
- What is the size and growth rate of the region's defense market?
- Which companies are the market leaders and present partnering opportunities?
- What weapons platforms and combat systems have are in demand?
- Where are the dual-use civilian and military technology applications being applied?
- Why are many Asian nations improving their combat capabilities and emphasizing the export of defense equipment?
Author: Brad Curran
Deliverable Type | Market Research |
No Index | No |
Podcast | No |
Author | Brad Curran |
Industries | Aerospace, Defence and Security |
WIP Number | 9AB0-00-6A-00-00 |
Is Prebook | No |
GPS Codes | 9000-A1,9831-A1 |