2015 North American Category Management Report—Brake Rotors, Drums, and Calipers

2015 North American Category Management Report—Brake Rotors, Drums, and Calipers

Retailers have Gained Significant Market Share over 2 Years

North America
Deliverable Type
Market Research
Research Code: K019-01-00-00-00
SKU: AU01311-NA-MR_18661
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This category management report examines the North American brake components aftermarket for passenger cars and light trucks. It delves into aftermarket demand for brake rotors, drums, and brake calipers as vehicles in operation in the United States and Canada age and replacement parts are needed. It analyzes unit shipments and revenue forecasts, pricing trends, distribution channels, and market shares for the total aftermarket and by product segment. It also segments discount and premium rotors, as well as semi-loaded and other calipers. It concludes with predictions for the aftermarket landscape. The study period is from 2012 to 2022. The base year is 2015, and the forecast period is 2016 to 2022.


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Table of Contents

Key Findings

Market Engineering Measurements

Total Market Unit Shipment and Revenue Snapshot

Product Segmentation

Product Definitions

Market Definitions

Vehicle Segmentation

  • Brake Rotors, Brake Drums, Brake Calipers

Unit Shipment and Revenue Forecast

Unit Shipment and Revenue Forecast Discussion

Percent of Revenue by Product Type

Percent of Revenue by Product Type Discussion

Pricing Analysis

Pricing Analysis Discussion

Percent of Revenue by Distribution Channel

Percent of Revenue by Distribution Channel Discussion

Competitive Analysis

Revenue Forecast by Segment

Unit Shipment Forecast by Segment

Unit Shipment and Revenue Forecast by Segment Discussion

Pricing Trends and Forecast

Pricing Trends and Forecast Discussion

Percent of Revenue by Distribution Channel

Percent of Revenue by Distribution Channel Discussion

Competitive Analysis—Supplier Market Share

Competitive Factors and Assessment

Unit Shipment and Revenue Forecast

Unit Shipment and Revenue Forecast Discussion

Pricing Trends and Forecast

Pricing Trends and Forecast Discussion

Percent of Revenue by Distribution Channel

Percent of Revenue by Distribution Channel Discussion

Competitive Analysis—Suppliers Market Share

Competitive Factors and Assessment

Revenue Forecast by Segment

Unit Shipment Forecast by Segment

Unit Shipment and Revenue Forecast by Segment Discussion

Pricing Trends and Forecast

Pricing Trends and Forecast Discussion

Percent of Revenue by Distribution Channel

Percent of Revenue by Distribution Channel Discussion

Competitive Analysis—Suppliers Market Share

Competitive Factors and Assessment

3 Big Predictions

Legal Disclaimer

The Frost & Sullivan Story

List of Figures
  • 1. Total Brake Rotors, Drums, and Calipers Aftermarket: Market Engineering Measurements, North America, 2015
  • 2. Total Brake Rotors, Drums, and Calipers Aftermarket: Unit Shipment/Revenue Forecast, North America, 2012–2022
  • 3. Total Brake Rotors, Drums, and Calipers Aftermarket: Vehicles in Operation, North America, 2012–2022
  • 4. Total Brake Rotors, Drums, and Calipers Aftermarket: Product Segmentation, North America, 2015
  • 5. Total Brake Rotors, Drums, and Calipers Aftermarket: Vehicle Segmentation, North America, 2015
  • 6. Total Brake Rotors, Drums, and Calipers Aftermarket: Unit Shipment and Revenue Forecast, North America, 2012–2022
  • 7. Total Brake Rotors, Drums, and Calipers Aftermarket: Percent of Revenue by Product Type, North America, 2012–2022
  • 8. Total Brake Rotors, Drums, and Calipers Aftermarket: Pricing Analysis, North America, 2012–2022
  • 9. Total Brake Rotors, Drums, and Calipers Aftermarket: Percent of Revenue by Distribution Channel, North America, 2015
  • 10. Total Brake Rotors, Drums, and Calipers Aftermarket: Percent of Revenue by Supplier, North America, 2015
  • 11. Brake Rotors Aftermarket: Revenue Forecast by Segment, North America, 2012–2022
  • 12. Brake Rotors Aftermarket: Unit Shipment Forecast by Segment, North America, 2012–2022
  • 13. Brake Rotors Aftermarket: Pricing Trends and Forecast, North America, 2012–2022
  • 14. Brake Rotors Aftermarket: Percent of Revenue by Distribution Channel, North America, 2015
  • 15. Brake Rotors Aftermarket: Percent of Revenue by Supplier, North America, 2015
  • 16. Brake Drums Aftermarket: Unit Shipment and Revenue Forecast, North America, 2012–2022
  • 17. Brake Drums Aftermarket: Pricing Trends and Forecast, North America, 2012–2022
  • 18. Brake Drums Aftermarket: Percent of Revenue by Distribution Channel, North America, 2015
  • 19. Brake Drums Aftermarket: Percent of Revenue by Supplier, North America, 2015
  • 20. Brake Calipers Aftermarket: Revenue Forecast by Segment, North America, 2012–2022
  • 21. Brake Calipers Aftermarket: Unit Shipment Forecast by Segment, North America, 2012–2022
  • 22. Brake Calipers Aftermarket: Pricing Trends and Forecast, North America, 2012–2022
  • 23. Brake Calipers Aftermarket: Percent of Revenue by Distribution Channel, North America, 2015
  • 24. Brake Calipers Aftermarket: Percent of Revenue by Supplier, North America, 2015

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This category management report examines the North American brake components aftermarket for passenger cars and light trucks. It delves into aftermarket demand for brake rotors, drums, and brake calipers as vehicles in operation in the United States and Canada age and replacement parts are needed. It analyzes unit shipments and revenue forecasts, pricing trends, distribution channels, and market shares for the total aftermarket and by product segment. It also segments discount and premium rotors, as well as semi-loaded and other calipers. It concludes with predictions for the aftermarket landscape. The study period is from 2012 to 2022. The base year is 2015, and the forecast period is 2016 to 2022.
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Table of Contents | Executive Summary~ || Key Findings~ || Market Engineering Measurements~ || Total Market Unit Shipment and Revenue Snapshot~ | Research Scope, Objectives, Background, and Methodology~ || Research Scope~ | Definitions and Segmentation~ || Product Segmentation~ || Product Definitions~ ||| Brake Rotors, Brake Drums, Brake Calipers~ || Market Definitions~ || Vehicle Segmentation~ | Forecasts and Trends—Total Brake Rotors, Drums, and Calipers Aftermarket~ || Unit Shipment and Revenue Forecast~ || Unit Shipment and Revenue Forecast Discussion~ || Percent of Revenue by Product Type~ || Percent of Revenue by Product Type Discussion~ || Pricing Analysis~ || Pricing Analysis Discussion~ || Percent of Revenue by Distribution Channel~ ||| OES~ ||| Warehouse Distributors~ ||| Retail~ ||| Others~ || Percent of Revenue by Distribution Channel Discussion~ || Competitive Analysis~ ||| Supplier Market Share~ ||| Market Share Discussion~ | Brake Rotors Aftermarket~ || Revenue Forecast by Segment~ || Unit Shipment Forecast by Segment~ || Unit Shipment and Revenue Forecast by Segment Discussion~ || Pricing Trends and Forecast~ || Pricing Trends and Forecast Discussion~ || Percent of Revenue by Distribution Channel~ || Percent of Revenue by Distribution Channel Discussion~ || Competitive Analysis—Supplier Market Share~ ||| Brake Parts~ ||| Winhere Brake Parts~ ||| Dura International~ ||| Federal Mougal~ ||| Centric Parts Inc.~ ||| Others~ || Competitive Factors and Assessment~ | Brake Drums Aftermarket~ || Unit Shipment and Revenue Forecast~ || Unit Shipment and Revenue Forecast Discussion~ || Pricing Trends and Forecast~ || Pricing Trends and Forecast Discussion~ || Percent of Revenue by Distribution Channel~ || Percent of Revenue by Distribution Channel Discussion~ || Competitive Analysis—Suppliers Market Share~ || Competitive Factors and Assessment~ | Brake Calipers Aftermarket~ || Revenue Forecast by Segment~ || Unit Shipment Forecast by Segment~ || Unit Shipment and Revenue Forecast by Segment Discussion~ || Pricing Trends and Forecast~ || Pricing Trends and Forecast Discussion~ || Percent of Revenue by Distribution Channel~ || Percent of Revenue by Distribution Channel Discussion~ || Competitive Analysis—Suppliers Market Share~ || Competitive Factors and Assessment~ | The Last Word~ || 3 Big Predictions~ || Legal Disclaimer~ || The Frost & Sullivan Story~
List of Charts and Figures 1. Total Brake Rotors, Drums, and Calipers Aftermarket: Market Engineering Measurements, North America, 2015~ 2. Total Brake Rotors, Drums, and Calipers Aftermarket: Unit Shipment/Revenue Forecast, North America, 2012–2022~ 3. Total Brake Rotors, Drums, and Calipers Aftermarket: Vehicles in Operation, North America, 2012–2022~ 4. Total Brake Rotors, Drums, and Calipers Aftermarket: Product Segmentation, North America, 2015~ 5. Total Brake Rotors, Drums, and Calipers Aftermarket: Vehicle Segmentation, North America, 2015~ 6. Total Brake Rotors, Drums, and Calipers Aftermarket: Unit Shipment and Revenue Forecast, North America, 2012–2022~ 7. Total Brake Rotors, Drums, and Calipers Aftermarket: Percent of Revenue by Product Type, North America, 2012–2022~ 8. Total Brake Rotors, Drums, and Calipers Aftermarket: Pricing Analysis, North America, 2012–2022~ 9. Total Brake Rotors, Drums, and Calipers Aftermarket: Percent of Revenue by Distribution Channel, North America, 2015~ 10. Total Brake Rotors, Drums, and Calipers Aftermarket: Percent of Revenue by Supplier, North America, 2015~ 11. Brake Rotors Aftermarket: Revenue Forecast by Segment, North America, 2012–2022~ 12. Brake Rotors Aftermarket: Unit Shipment Forecast by Segment, North America, 2012–2022~ 13. Brake Rotors Aftermarket: Pricing Trends and Forecast, North America, 2012–2022~ 14. Brake Rotors Aftermarket: Percent of Revenue by Distribution Channel, North America, 2015~ 15. Brake Rotors Aftermarket: Percent of Revenue by Supplier, North America, 2015~ 16. Brake Drums Aftermarket: Unit Shipment and Revenue Forecast, North America, 2012–2022~ 17. Brake Drums Aftermarket: Pricing Trends and Forecast, North America, 2012–2022~ 18. Brake Drums Aftermarket: Percent of Revenue by Distribution Channel, North America, 2015~ 19. Brake Drums Aftermarket: Percent of Revenue by Supplier, North America, 2015~ 20. Brake Calipers Aftermarket: Revenue Forecast by Segment, North America, 2012–2022~ 21. Brake Calipers Aftermarket: Unit Shipment Forecast by Segment, North America, 2012–2022~ 22. Brake Calipers Aftermarket: Pricing Trends and Forecast, North America, 2012–2022~ 23. Brake Calipers Aftermarket: Percent of Revenue by Distribution Channel, North America, 2015~ 24. Brake Calipers Aftermarket: Percent of Revenue by Supplier, North America, 2015~
Author Stephen Spivey
Industries Automotive
WIP Number K019-01-00-00-00
Is Prebook No