Growth Opportunities in Carbon Capturing Across Industrial Applications

Growth Opportunities in Carbon Capturing Across Industrial Applications

Roadmap to Industrial Decarbonization through Carbon Capture Storage and Utilization Growth Strategies

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Research Code: PEC9-01-00-00-00
SKU: MX_2023_317
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Carbon capture utilization and storage is gaining industry traction as a highly effective decarbonizing strategy. Global efforts to combat climate change, government incentives and industrial emission regulations, eco-conscious consumers, and green technology advancements are among the factors driving the need for CCUS solutions.

CCUS implementation can only succeed when forces, including technology maturity, regulatory support, and industrial collaborations, align to create cross-sectoral benefits. This research study identifies the three pillars of CCUS: Government, Technology, and Environment. Many countries enact initiatives and allocate funding to meet net zero commitments. The report identifies notable incentives and project rollouts by leading economies. It also highlights the main technologies catering to the needs of the CCUS process and enhancing overall process efficiency. As the rising carbon footprint is among the primary drivers of CCUS deployment, industries increasingly recognize CCUS as the tool for decarbonization to achieve zero emission goals in the short term.

Despite its potential, CCUS has potential risks and challenges linked to its implementation owing to the lack of technology maturity. Implementing the CCUS value chain also requires significant investment, leading to low adoption levels among small and medium businesses. Uncertainty around CO2 storage can lead to post-closure leakage that deters potential investors and developers.

This necessitates innovative CCUS business models, industry-government collaboration, and targeted investment strategies to mitigate these issues, contributing toward developing cost-effective technologies that will scale up the trend adoption levels in the long term.

Table of Contents

Why Is It Increasingly Difficult to Grow?

The Strategic Imperative 8™

Our Mega Trend Universe: Overview

Growth Opportunities Fuel the Growth Pipeline Engine™

The Mega Trend Universe: Carbon Capturing Across Industries

Key Findings

Growth Opportunities Essential to Future Success

Trend Opportunity Overview: Carbon Capturing Across Industries

Trend Opportunity Overview: Future of CCUS

New Government Initiatives and Regulations Driving Carbon Capturing Across Industries

Adoption of Modern Technologies Enabling CCUS

Adoption of Modern Technology: Representative Case Studies

Environmental Factors Driving Carbon Capturing Across Industries

Companies in Action: LafargeHolcim, Cement Manufacturer

Trend Opportunity Levers: Drivers of Change Until 2031

Trend Attractiveness Analysis

Trend Opportunity Impact and Certainty Analysis

Trend Opportunity Impact and Certainty Analysis (continued)

Trend Opportunity Disruption Index

Trend Disruption Attractiveness Score

Trend Opportunity Growth Index

Growth Attractiveness Score

Trends BEETS Implications

Growth Opportunity 1: Carbon Credit Marketplaces

Growth Opportunity 1: Carbon Credit Marketplaces (continued)

Growth Opportunity 2: Carbon Farming

Growth Opportunity 2: Carbon Farming (continued)

Growth Opportunity 3: CCS-as-a-Service

Growth Opportunity 3: CCS-as-a-Service (continued)

Essential Success Factors for Growth


Our Mega Trend Universe

Our Mega Trend Universe (continued)

Identifying Your Company’s Growth Zone

Your Next Steps

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About The Growth Pipeline Model™

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  • Growth Opportunities
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Carbon capture utilization and storage is gaining industry traction as a highly effective decarbonizing strategy. Global efforts to combat climate change, government incentives and industrial emission regulations, eco-conscious consumers, and green technology advancements are among the factors driving the need for CCUS solutions. CCUS implementation can only succeed when forces, including technology maturity, regulatory support, and industrial collaborations, align to create cross-sectoral benefits. This research study identifies the three pillars of CCUS: Government, Technology, and Environment. Many countries enact initiatives and allocate funding to meet net zero commitments. The report identifies notable incentives and project rollouts by leading economies. It also highlights the main technologies catering to the needs of the CCUS process and enhancing overall process efficiency. As the rising carbon footprint is among the primary drivers of CCUS deployment, industries increasingly recognize CCUS as the tool for decarbonization to achieve zero emission goals in the short term. Despite its potential, CCUS has potential risks and challenges linked to its implementation owing to the lack of technology maturity. Implementing the CCUS value chain also requires significant investment, leading to low adoption levels among small and medium businesses. Uncertainty around CO2 storage can lead to post-closure leakage that deters potential investors and developers. This necessitates innovative CCUS business models, industry-government collaboration, and targeted investment strategies to mitigate these issues, contributing toward developing cost-effective technologies that will scale up the trend adoption levels in the long term.
More Information
Deliverable Type Megatrends
Author Sukriti Mahna
Industries Cross Industries
No Index No
Is Prebook No
Keyword 1 Opportunities For Carbon Capturing
Keyword 2 Carbon Capturing Insights
Keyword 3 Lobal Industrial Applications Analysis
Podcast No
WIP Number PEC9-01-00-00-00